blob: 221122d35afa144cb72c9881ac37cdff64b5fdc2 [file] [log] [blame]
package Apache::src;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use File::Path ();
use IO::File ();
use Cwd ();
use Config;
#this is stuff ripped out of mod_perl's Makefile.PL
#there's still commented out crap
#there's still stuff to be added
#once it is sane, we'll use these methods in Makefile.PL
$VERSION = '0.01';
sub IS_MOD_PERL_BUILD () {grep { -e "$_/lib/" } qw(. ..)}
my $Is_Win32 = ($^O eq "MSWin32");
$Apache::src::APXS ||= "";
sub apxs {
my $self = shift;
eval { require Apache::MyConfig };
my $apxs;
my @trys = ($Apache::src::APXS,
unless (IS_MOD_PERL_BUILD) {
#if we are building mod_perl via apxs, apxs should already be known
#these extra tries are for things built outside of mod_perl
#e.g. libapreq
push @trys,
for (@trys) {
next unless ($apxs = $_);
chomp $apxs;
last if -x $apxs;
return "" unless $apxs and -x $apxs;
`$apxs @_ 2>/dev/null`;
sub apxs_cflags {
my $cflags = __PACKAGE__->apxs("-q" => 'CFLAGS');
#$cflags =~ s/-D\w+=\".*\"//g; #get rid of -Ds with quotes
$cflags =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
sub which {
my $name = shift;
for (split ':', $ENV{PATH}) {
my $app = "$_/$name";
return $app if -x $app;
return "";
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $dir;
eval {
require "../lib/Apache/";
unless ($@) {
$dir = $Apache::MyConfig::Setup{Apache_Src};
for ($dir, "../$dir", "../../$dir") {
last if -d ($dir = $_);
unless ($dir) {
for (@INC) {
last if -d ($dir = "$_/auto/Apache/include");
bless {
dir => $dir,
}, $class;
sub mmn_eq {
my($class, $dir) = @_;
# return 1 if $Is_Win32; #just assume, till Apache::src works under win32
my $instsrc;
local @INC = grep { !/blib/ } @INC;
my $instdir;
for (@INC) {
last if -d ($instdir = "$_/auto/Apache/include");
$instsrc = $class->new(dir => $instdir);
my $targsrc = $class->new($dir ? (dir => $dir) : ());
my $inst_mmn = $instsrc->module_magic_number;
my $targ_mmn = $targsrc->module_magic_number;
unless ($inst_mmn && $targ_mmn) {
return 0;
if ($inst_mmn == $targ_mmn) {
return 1;
print "Installed MMN $inst_mmn does not match target $targ_mmn\n";
return 0;
sub default_dir {
eval { require Apache::MyConfig };
return $@ ?
'../apache_x.x/src' :
sub find {
my $self = shift;
my %seen = ();
my @dirs = ();
for my $src_dir ($self->dir,
"../src", "./src")
next unless (-d $src_dir || -l $src_dir);
next if $seen{$src_dir}++;
next unless $vers = httpd_version($src_dir);
unless(exists $vers_map{$vers}) {
print STDERR "Apache version '$vers' unsupported\n";
$mft_map{$src_dir} = $vers_map{$vers};
#print STDERR "$src_dir -> $vers_map{$vers}\n";
push @dirs, $src_dir;
#$modified{$src_dir} = (stat($src_dir))[9];
return @dirs;
sub dir {
my($self, $dir) = @_;
$self->{dir} = $dir if $dir;
return $self->{dir};
sub main {
my $self = shift;
asrc(shift || $self->dir);
sub asrc {
my $d = shift;
return $d if -e "$d/httpd.h";
return "$d/include" if -e "$d/include/httpd.h";
return "$d/main" if -e "$d/main/httpd.h";
return Apache::src->apxs("-q" => 'INCLUDEDIR');
sub module_magic_number {
my $self = shift;
my $d = asrc(shift || $self->dir);
return 0 unless $d;
#return $mcache{$d} if $mcache{$d};
my $fh;
for (qw(ap_mmn.h http_config.h)) {
last if $fh = IO::File->new("$d/$_");
return 0 unless $fh;
my $n;
while(<$fh>) {
if(s/^#define\s+($mmn_pat)\s+(\d+).*/$2/) {
chomp($n = $_);
#return($mcache{$d} = $n);
return $n;
sub httpd_version {
my($self, $dir, $vnumber) = @_;
$dir = asrc($dir || $self->dir);
if($vnumber) {
#return $vcache{$dir} if $vcache{$dir};
my $fh = IO::File->new("$dir/httpd.h") or return undef;
my($server, $version, $rest);
my($fserver, $fversion, $frest);
my($string, $extra, @vers);
while(<$fh>) {
next unless /^#define/;
s/SERVER_PRODUCT \"/\"Apache/; #1.3.13
next unless s/^#define\s+SERVER_(BASE|)(VERSION|REVISION)\s+"(.*)\s*".*/$3/;
unless (m:/:) {
$_ = "Apache/$_"; #1.3.14, argh
chomp($string = $_);
#print STDERR "Examining SERVER_VERSION '$string'...";
#could be something like:
#Stronghold-1.4b1-dev Ben-SSL/1.3 Apache/1.1.1
@vers = split /\s+/, $string;
foreach (@vers) {
next unless ($fserver,$fversion,$frest) =
m,^([^/]+)/(\d\.\d+\.?\d*)([^ ]*),i;
if($fserver eq "Apache") {
($server, $version) = ($fserver, $fversion);
#$frest =~ s/^(a|b)(\d+).*/'_' . (length($2) > 1 ? $2 : "0$2")/e;
$version .= $frest if $frest;
return $version;
sub find_in_inc {
my $name = shift;
for (@INC) {
my $file;
if (-e ($file = "$_/auto/Apache/$name")) {
return $file;
sub otherldflags {
my $self = shift;
my @ldflags = ();
if ($^O eq "aix") {
if (my $file = find_in_inc("mod_perl.exp")) {
push @ldflags, "-bI:" . $file;
my $httpdexp = $self->apxs("-q" => 'LIBEXECDIR') . "/httpd.exp";
if (-e $httpdexp) {
push @ldflags, "-bI:$httpdexp";
} else {
$httpdexp = $self->dir . "/support/httpd.exp";
push @ldflags, "-bI:$httpdexp" if -e $httpdexp;
return join(' ', @ldflags);
sub typemaps {
my $typemaps = [];
if (my $file = find_in_inc("typemap")) {
push @$typemaps, $file;
push @$typemaps, "../Apache/typemap";
return $typemaps;
sub inc {
my $self = shift;
my $src = $self->dir;
my $main = $self->main;
my $os = $Is_Win32 ? "win32" : "unix";
my @inc = ();
for ($src, "$src/modules/perl", $main, "$src/regex", "$src/os/$os") {
push @inc, "-I$_" if -d $_;
my $ssl_dir = "$src/../ssl/include";
unless (-d $ssl_dir) {
eval { require Apache::MyConfig };
$ssl_dir = "$Apache::MyConfig::Setup{SSL_BASE}/include";
push @inc, "-I$ssl_dir" if -d $ssl_dir;
my $ainc = $self->apxs("-q" => 'INCLUDEDIR');
push @inc, "-I$ainc" if -d $ainc;
return "@inc";
sub ccflags {
my $self = shift;
my $cflags = $Config{'ccflags'};
join " ", $cflags, $self->apxs("-q" => 'CFLAGS');
sub define {
my $self = shift;
if($Config{usethreads}) {
return "-DPERL_THREADS";
return "";
my $src = Apache::src->new;
for my $path ($src->find) {
my $mmn = $src->module_magic_number($path);
my $v = $src->httpd_version($path);
next unless $v;
print "path = $path ($mmn,$v)\n";
my $dir = $src->prompt("Configure with $path?");
=head1 NAME
Apache::src - Methods for locating and parsing bits of Apache source code
use Apache::src ();
my $src = Apache::src->new;
This module provides methods for locating and parsing bits of Apache
source code.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item new
Create an object blessed into the B<Apache::src> class.
my $src = Apache::src->new;
=item dir
Top level directory where source files are located.
my $dir = $src->dir;
-d $dir or die "can't stat $dir $!\n";
=item main
Apache's source tree was reorganized during development of version 1.3.
So, common header files such as C<httpd.h> are in different directories
between versions less than 1.3 and those equal to or greater. This
method will return the right directory.
-e join "/", $src->main, "httpd.h" or die "can't stat httpd.h\n";
=item find
Searches for apache source directories, return a list of those found.
for my $dir ($src->find) {
my $yn = prompt "Configure with $dir ?", "y";
=item inc
Print include paths for MakeMaker's B<INC> argument to
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use Apache::src ();
'NAME' => 'Apache::Module',
'VERSION' => '0.01',
'INC' => Apache::src->new->inc,
=item module_magic_number
Return the B<MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER> defined in the apache source.
my $mmn = $src->module_magic_number;
=item httpd_version
Return the server version.
my $v = $src->httpd_version;
=item otherldflags
Return other ld flags for MakeMaker's B<dynamic_lib> argument to
C<WriteMakefile>. This might be needed on systems like AIX that need
special flags to the linker to be able to reference mod_perl or httpd
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use Apache::src ();
'NAME' => 'Apache::Module',
'VERSION' => '0.01',
'INC' => Apache::src->new->inc,
'dynamic_lib' => {
'OTHERLDFLAGS' => Apache::src->new->otherldflags,
=head1 AUTHOR
Doug MacEachern