type: mina title: Documentation


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Presentation Materials

These presentation materials will help you understand the overall architecture and core constructs of MINA

Versions & References

There are currently three branches in MINA:

JavaDocSource CodeDescription
2.0main, testThe officially recommended production-ready branch
2.1main, testThe new recommended production-ready branch
3.0trunkThe version we are currently working on

You might also want to read the [frequently asked questions](faq.html] and learn how to contact us before getting started.


For Developers


You can browse all examples here.

NameFeature it demonstratesSide
ReverserText protocol based on a protocol codecServer
SumUp serverComplex binary protocol based on a protocol codecBoth
Echo serverLow-level I/O and SSLServer
NetCatClient programmingClient
HTTP serverStream-based synchronous I/OServer
TennisIn-VM pipe communicationBoth
Chat serverSpring integrationBoth
ProxyResending received bytes on another session.Both

Older Presentation Materials