type: mina title: MINA Codec Repository


This page captures known MINA Codecs available. These codecs may not be part of Apache MINA project. The Codecs are for reference purpose only.

Protocol Codecs

The table below summarizes some of the known codecs

Prefixed StringApache MINAEncodes/Decodes a a String with fixed length prefix
Object SerializerApache MINASerializes and deserializes Java objects
Text LineApache MINAEncoding/Decoding between a text line data and a Java string object
FtpApache FtpServerFTP codecs
LDAPApache DirectoryLDAP protocol Codecs
DNSApache DirectoryDNS protocol Codecs
KerberosApache DirectoryKerberos protocol Codecs
NTPApache DirectoryNTP protocol Codecs
DHCPApache DirectoryDHCP protocol Codecs
MRTMPRed5Codecs for Multiplexing RTMP
RTMPRed5Codecs for RTMP
RTSPRed5Codecs for RTSP
AMQPApache QpidAMQP Codecs
XMPPJive Software OpenfireXMPP Codecs
XMPPVysperXMPP/XML Codecs. Subproject of MINA.
Google Protocol BuffersApache MINACodecs are still in sandbox