SSHD: releases 2.9.[01], issue tracking, fix dead links, etc.

Add the missing download pages for releases 2.9.0 and 2.9.1, and make
the top-level download pages reference the current release 2.9.1.

On "Issue tracking", point to the GitHub issue tracker, and mention
that issues can also be reported via e-mail.

On "Getting Involved", mention that one may also use GitHub pull
requests, and use product-neutral language to point to the issue

Slightly rewrite the intro blurb in SSHD is no longer
"based on" Apache MINA. MINA is just one of different transport
back-ends. We also provide a NIO2 AsynchronousSocketChannel
implementation, or one can use Netty.

Use HTTPS links everywhere in sshd-project.
15 files changed
tree: 9d8bd11e8fc268a54d1a11cbdd726abbfea26d17
  1. archetypes/
  2. layouts/
  3. source/
  4. static/
  5. .asf.yaml
  6. .gitignore
  7. config.toml
  8. Jenkinsfile

Apache Mina website

This is the source code for the website of Apache Mina, hosted at:

Repository structure

This repository uses 2 branches for serving the website.

  • The master branch, which contains all the sources for the website.
  • The asf-site branch, which contains the generated website being used for the actual website.

When contributing patches, apply them to the master branch. Jenkins will then regenerate the website and commit the changes to the asf-site branch.

Content Management System

The website uses Hugo as static website generator. See Hugo for more info and for details how to install Hugo.

Generate the website

To generate the static website, execute hugo to generate and serve the website on localhost:1313.

During development, it may be useful to run an incremental build. For this to work, execute hugo server -D to continuously generate and serve the website on localhost:1313.

Publish the website

Jenkins is used for generating the website and committing the generated site to the asf-site branch.