Parser Chaining

Aggregating many different types sensors into a single data source (e.g. syslog) and ingesting that aggregate sensor into Metron is a common pattern. It is not obvious precisely how to manage these types of aggregate sensors as they require two-pass parsing. This document will walk through an example of supporting this kind of multi-pass ingest.

Multi-pass parser involves the following requirements:

  • The enveloping parser (e.g. the aggregation format such as syslog or plain CSV) may contain metadata which should be ingested along with the data.
  • The enveloping sensor contains many different sensor types

High Level Solution

High Level Approach

At a high level, we continue to maintain the architectural invariant of a 1-1 relationship between logical sensors and storm topologies. Eventually this relationship may become more complex, but at the moment the approach is to construct a routing parser which will have two responsibilities:

  • Parse the envelope (e.g. syslog data) and extract any metadata fields from the envelope to pass along
  • Route the unfolded data to the appropriate kafka topic associated with the enveloped sensor data

Because the data emitted from the routing parser is just like any data emitted from any other parser, in that it is a JSON blob like any data emitted from any parser, we will need to adjust the downstream parsers to extract the enveloped data from the JSON blob and treat it as the data to parse.

Architecting a Parser Chaining Solution in Metron

Currently the approach to fulfill this requirement involves a couple knobs in the Parser infrastructure for Metron.

Consider the case, for instance, where we have many different TYPES of messages wrapped inside of syslog. As an architectural abstraction, we would want to have the following properties:

  • separate the concerns of parsing the individual types of messages from each other
  • separate the concerns of parsing the individual types of messages from parsing the envelope

Data Dependent Parser Writing

Parsers allow users to configure the topic which the kafka producer uses in a couple of ways (from the parser config in an individual parser):

  • kafka.topic - Specify the topic in the config. This can be updated by updating the config, but it is data independent (e.g. not dependent on the data in a message).
  • kafka.topicField - Specify the topic as the value of a particular field. If unpopulated, then the message is dropped. This is inherrently data dependent.

The kafka.topicField parameter allows for data dependent topic selection and this inherrently enables the routing capabilities necessary for handling enveloped data.

Flexibly Interpreting Data

Aside: The Role of Metadata in Metron

Before we continue, let's briefly talk about metadata. We have exposed the ability to pass along metadata and interact with metadata in a decoupled way from the actual parser logic (i.e. the GrokParser should not have to consider how to interpret metadata).

There are three choices about manipulating metadata in Metron:

  • Should you merge metadata into the downstream message?
  • If you do, should you use a key prefix to set it off from the message by default?

This enables users to specify metadata independent of the data that is persisted downstream and can inform the operations of enrichment and the profiler.


Now that we have an approach which enables the routing of the data, the remaining question is how to decouple parsing data from interpreting data and metadata. By default, Metron operates like so:

  • The kafka record key (as a JSON Map) is considered metadata
  • The kafka record value is considered data

Beyond that, we presume defaults for this default strategy around handling metadata. In particular, by default we do not merge metadata and use a metron.metadata prefix for all metadata.

In order to enable chained parser WITH metadata, we allow the following to be specified via strategy in the parser config:

  • How to extract the data from the kafka record
  • How to extract the metadata from the kafka record
  • The default operations for merging
  • The prefix for the metadata key

The available strategies, specified by the rawMessageStrategy configuration is eitherENVELOPE or DEFAULT.

Specifically, to enable parsing enveloped data (i.e. data in a field of a JSON blob with the other fields being metadata), one can specify the strategy and configuration of that strategy in the parser config. One must specify the rawMessageStrategy as ENVELOPE in the parser and the rawMessageStrategyConfig to indicate the field which contains the data.

Together with routing, we have the complete solution to chain parsers which can:

  • parse the envelope
  • route the parsed data to specific parsers
  • have the specific parsers interpret the data via the rawMessageStrategy whereby they pull the data out from JSON Map that they receive

Together this enables a directed acyclic graph of parsers to handle single or multi-layer parsing.


For a complete example, look at the parser chaining use-case, however for a simple example the following should suffice.

If I want to configure a CSV parser to parse data which has 3 columns f1, f2 and f3 and is held in a field called payload inside of a JSON Map, I can do so like this:

  "parserClassName" : "org.apache.metron.parsers.csv.CSVParser"
  ,"sensorTopic" : "my_topic"
  ,"rawMessageStrategy" : "ENVELOPE"
  ,"rawMessageStrategyConfig" : {
      "messageField" : "payload",
      "metadataPrefix" : ""
  , "parserConfig": {
     "columns" : { "f1": 0,
                 , "f2": 1,
                 , "f3": 2

This would parse the following message:

  "meta_f1" : "val1",
  "payload" : "foo,bar,grok",
  "original_string" : "2019 Jul, 01: val1 foo,bar,grok",
  "timestamp" : 10000


  "meta_f1" : "val1",
  "f1" : "foo",
  "f2" : "bar",
  "f3" : "grok",
  "original_string" : "2019 Jul, 01: val1 foo,bar,grok",
  "timestamp" : 10002

Note a couple of things here:

  • The metadata field meta_f1 is not prefixed here because we configured the strategy with metadataPrefix as empty string.
  • The timestamp is not inherited from the metadata
  • The original_string is inherited from the metadata