
This set of playbooks can be used to deploy an Ambari-managed Hadoop cluster, Metron services, or both using ansible playbooks. These playbooks currently only target RHEL/CentOS 6.x operating systems.


The following tools are required to run these scripts:

Currently Metron must be built from source. Before running these scripts perform the following steps:

  1. Clone the Metron git repository with git clone git@github.com:apache/incubator-metron.git
  2. Navigate to incubator-metron/metron-streaming and run mvn clean package

These scripts depend on two files for configuration:

  • hosts - declares which Ansible roles will be run on which hosts
  • group_vars/all - various configuration settings needed to install Metron

Examples can be found in the incubator-metron/deployment/inventory/metron_example directory and are a good starting point. Copy this directory into incubator-metron/deployment/inventory/ and rename it to your project_name. More information about Ansible files and directory structure can be found at http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_best_practices.html.


The Ambari playbook will install a Hadoop cluster with all the services and configuration required by Metron. This section can be skipped if installing Metron on a pre-existing cluster.

Currently, this playbook supports building a local development cluster running on one node but options for other types of clusters will be added in the future.

Setting up your inventory

Make sure to update the hosts file in incubator-metron/deployment/inventory/project_name/hosts or provide an alternate inventory file when you launch the playbooks, including the ssh user(s) and ssh keyfile location(s). These playbooks expect two host groups:

  • ambari_master
  • ambari_slaves

Running the playbook

This playbook will install the Ambari server on the ambari_master, install the ambari agents on the ambari_slaves, and create a cluster in Ambari with a blueprint for the required Metron components.

Navigate to incubator-metron/deployment/playbooks and run: ansible-playbook -i ../inventory/project_name ambari_install.yml


The Metron playbook will gather the necessary cluster settings from Ambari and install the Metron services.

Setting up your inventory

Edit the hosts file at incubator-metron/deployment/inventory/project_name/hosts. Declare where which hosts the Metron services will be installed on by updating these groups:

  • enrichment - submits the topology code to Storm and requires a storm client
  • search - host where Elasticsearch will be run
  • web - host where the Metron UI and underlying services will run
  • sensors - host where network data will be collected and published to Kafka

The Metron topologies depend on Kafka topics and HBase tables being created beforehand. Declare a host that has Kafka and HBase clients installed by updating this group:

  • hadoop_client

If only installing Metron, these groups can be ignored:

  • ambari_master
  • ambari_slaves

Configuring group variables

The Metron Ansible scripts depend on a set of variables. These variables can be found in the file at incubator-metron/deployment/inventory/project_name/group_vars/all. Edit the ambari* variables to match your Ambari instance and update the java_home variable to match the java path on your hosts.

Running the playbook

Navigate to incubator-metron/deployment/playbooks and run: ansible-playbook -i ../inventory/project_name metron_install.yml


A VagrantFile is included and will install a working version of the entire Metron stack. The following is required to run this:

  • Vagrant - https://www.vagrantup.com/
  • Hostmanager plugin for vagrant - Run vagrant install plugin vagrant-hostmanager on the machine where Vagrant is installed

Navigate to incubator-metron/deployment/vagrant/singlenode-vagrant and run vagrant up. This also provides a good example of how to run a full end-to-end Metron install.


  • migrate existing MySQL/GeoLite playbook
  • Support Ubuntu deployments