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  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Metron PCAP Backend

The purpose of the Metron PCAP backend is to create a storm topology capable of ingesting rapidly raw packet capture data directly into HDFS from Kafka.

The Sensors Feeding Kafka

This component must be fed by fast packet capture components upstream via Kafka. The two supported components shipped with Metron are as follows:

  • The pycapa tool aimed at low-volume packet capture
  • The DPDK based tool aimed at high-volume packet capture

Both of these sensors feed kafka raw packet data directly into Kafka. The format of the record structure that this component expects is the following:

  • A key which is the byte representation of a 64-bit unsigned long representing a time-unit since the unix epoch
  • A value which is the raw packet data without header (either global pcap header or packet header)

The PCAP Topology

The structure of the topology is extremely simple. In fact, it is a spout-only topology. The Storm Kafka spout is used but extended to allow a callback to be used rather than having a separate bolt.

The following happens as part of this spout for each packet:

  • A custom Scheme is used which attaches the appropriate headers to the packet (both global and packet headers) using the timestamp in the key and the raw packet data in the value.
  • A callback is called which appends the packet data to a sequence file in HDFS.

The Files on HDFS

The sequence files on HDFS fit the following pattern: $BASE_PATH/pcap_$TOPIC_$TS_$PARTITION_$UUID


  • BASE_PATH is the base path to where pcap data is stored in HDFS
  • TOPIC is the kafka topic
  • TS is the timestamp, in nanoseconds since the unix epoch
  • PARTITION is the kafka partition
  • UUID the UUID for the storm worker

These files contain a set of packet data with headers on them in sequence files.


The configuration file for the Flux topology is located at $METRON_HOME/config/etc/env/ and the possible options are as follows:

  • spout.kafka.topic.pcap : The kafka topic to listen to
  • kafka.zk : The comma separated zookeeper quorum (i.e. host:2181,host2:2181)
  • kafka.pcap.start : One of START, END, WHERE_I_LEFT_OFF representing where to start listening on the queue.
  • kafka.pcap.numPackets : The number of packets to keep in one file.
  • kafka.pcap.maxTimeMS : The number of packets to keep in one file in terms of duration (in milliseconds). For instance, you may only want to keep an hour's worth of packets in a given file.
  • kafka.pcap.ts_scheme : One of FROM_KEY or FROM_VALUE. You really only want FROM_KEY as that fits the current tooling. FROM_VALUE assumes that fully headerized packets are coming in on the value, which is legacy.
  • kafka.pcap.out : The directory in HDFS to store the packet capture data
  • kafka.pcap.ts_granularity : The granularity of timing used in the timestamps. One of MILLISECONDS, MICROSECONDS, or NANOSECONDS representing milliseconds, microseconds or nanoseconds since the unix epoch (respectively).

Starting the Topology

To assist in starting the topology, a utility script which takes no arguments has been created to make this very simple. Simply, execute $METRON_HOME/bin/


Inspector Utility

In order to ensure that data can be read back out, a utility, $METRON_HOME/bin/ has been created to read portions of the sequence files.

usage: PcapInspector
 -h,--help               Generate Help screen
 -i,--input <SEQ_FILE>   Input sequence file on HDFS
 -n,--num_packets <N>    Number of packets to dump

Query Filter Utility

This tool exposes the two methods for filtering PCAP data via a command line tool:

  • fixed
  • query (Metron Stellar)

The tool is executed via ${metron_home}/bin/ [fixed|query]


usage: Fixed filter options
 -bop,--base_output_path <arg>   Query result output path. Default is
 -bp,--base_path <arg>           Base PCAP data path. Default is
 -da,--ip_dst_addr <arg>         Destination IP address
 -df,--date_format <arg>         Date format to use for parsing start_time
                                 and end_time. Default is to use time in
                                 millis since the epoch.
 -dp,--ip_dst_port <arg>         Destination port
 -et,--end_time <arg>            Packet end time range. Default is current
                                 system time.
 -nr,--num_reducers <arg>        The number of reducers to use.  Default
                                 is 10.
 -h,--help                       Display help
 -ir,--include_reverse           Indicates if filter should check swapped
                                 src/dest addresses and IPs
 -p,--protocol <arg>             IP Protocol
 -sa,--ip_src_addr <arg>         Source IP address
 -sp,--ip_src_port <arg>         Source port
 -st,--start_time <arg>          (required) Packet start time range.
usage: Query filter options
 -bop,--base_output_path <arg>   Query result output path. Default is
 -bp,--base_path <arg>           Base PCAP data path. Default is
 -df,--date_format <arg>         Date format to use for parsing start_time
                                 and end_time. Default is to use time in
                                 millis since the epoch.
 -et,--end_time <arg>            Packet end time range. Default is current
                                 system time.
 -nr,--num_reducers <arg>        The number of reducers to use.  Default
                                 is 10.
 -h,--help                       Display help
 -q,--query <arg>                Query string to use as a filter
 -st,--start_time <arg>          (required) Packet start time range.