tree: 4b20e2f28d60a7a21a1bfe2219d2784d538b2eba [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

#Stellar REPL Management Utilities

In order to augment the functionality of the Stellar REPL, a few management functions surrounding the management of the configurations and the management of Stellar transformations in the following areas have been added:

  • Stellar field transformations in the Parsers
  • Stellar enrichments in the Enrichment topology
  • Stellar threat triage rules

Additionally, some shell functions have been added to

  • provide the ability to refer to the Stellar expression used to create a variable
  • print structured data in a way that is easier to view (i.e. tabular)

This functionality is exposed as a pack of Stellar functions in this project.

Function Details

The functions are split roughly into a few sections:

  • Shell functions - Functions surrounding interacting with the shell in either a nicer way or a more functional way.
  • Grok Functions - Functions that allow you to evaluate grok expressions.
  • File functions - Functions around interacting with local or HDFS files
  • Configuration functions - Functions surrounding pulling and pushing configs from zookeeper
  • Parser functions - Functions surrounding adding, viewing, and removing Parser functions.
  • Enrichment functions - Functions surrounding adding, viewing and removing Stellar enrichments as well as managing batch size and index names for the enrichment topology configuration
  • Threat Triage functions - Functions surrounding adding, viewing and removing threat triage functions.

Grok Functions

    • Description: Evaluate a grok expression for a statement.
    • Input:
      • grokExpression - The grok expression to evaluate
      • data - Either a data message or a list of data messages to evaluate using the grokExpression
    • Returns: The Map associated with the grok expression being evaluated on the list of messages.
    • Description: Discover a grok statement for an input doc
    • Input:
      • data - The data to discover a grok expression from
    • Returns: A grok expression that should match the data.

File Functions

  • Local Files
    • LOCAL_LS
      • Description: Lists the contents of a directory.
      • Input:
        • path - The path of the file
      • Returns: The contents of the directory in tabular form sorted by last modification date.
    • LOCAL_RM
      • Description: Removes the path
      • Input:
        • path - The path of the file or directory.
        • recursive - Recursively remove or not (optional and defaulted to false)
      • Returns: boolean - true if successful, false otherwise
      • Description: Retrieves the contents as a string of a file.
      • Input:
        • path - The path of the file
      • Returns: The contents of the file and null otherwise.
      • Description: Retrieves the contents of a file as a list of strings.
      • Input:
        • path - The path of the file
      • Returns: A list of lines
      • Description: Writes the contents of a string to a local file
      • Input:
        • content - The content to write out
        • path - The path of the file
      • Returns: true if the file was written and false otherwise.
  • HDFS Files
    • HDFS_LS
      • Description: Lists the contents of a directory in HDFS.
      • Input:
        • path - The path of the file
      • Returns: The contents of the directory in tabular form sorted by last modification date.
    • HDFS_RM
      • Description: Removes the path in HDFS.
      • Input:
        • path - The path of the file or directory.
        • recursive - Recursively remove or not (optional and defaulted to false)
      • Returns: boolean - true if successful, false otherwise
      • Description: Retrieves the contents as a string of a file in HDFS.
      • Input:
        • path - The path of the file
      • Returns: The contents of the file and null otherwise.
      • Description: Retrieves the contents of a HDFS file as a list of strings.
      • Input:
        • path - The path of the file
      • Returns: A list of lines
      • Description: Writes the contents of a string to a HDFS file
      • Input:
        • content - The content to write out
        • path - The path of the file
      • Returns: true if the file was written and false otherwise.

Shell Functions

    • Description: Open an editor (optionally initialized with text) and return whatever is saved from the editor. The editor to use is pulled from EDITOR or VISUAL environment variable.
    • Input:
      • string - (Optional) A string whose content is used to initialize the editor.
    • Returns: The content that the editor saved after editor exit.
    • Description: Get a stellar expression from a variable
    • Input:
      • variable - variable name
    • Returns: The stellar expression associated with the variable.
    • Description: Return the variables in a tabular form
    • Input:
      • wrap : Length of string to wrap the columns
    • Returns: A tabular representation of the variables.
    • Description: Take a map and return a table
    • Input:
      • map - Map
    • Returns: The map in table form
    • Description: Take a set of variables and return a map
    • Input:
      • variables* - variable names to use to create map
    • Returns: A map associating the variable name with the stellar expression.

Configuration Functions

    • Description: Retrieve a Metron configuration from zookeeper.
    • Input:
      • sensor - Sensor to retrieve (required for enrichment and parser, not used for profiler and global)
      • emptyIfNotPresent - If true, then return an empty, minimally viable config
    • Returns: The String representation of the config in zookeeper
    • Description: Updates a Metron config to Zookeeper.
    • Input:
      • config - The config (a string in JSON form) to update
      • sensor - Sensor to retrieve (required for enrichment and parser, not used for profiler and global)
    • Returns: The String representation of the config in zookeeper

Parser Functions

    • Description: Add stellar field transformation.
    • Input:
      • sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.
      • stellarTransforms - A Map associating fields to stellar expressions
    • Returns: The String representation of the config in zookeeper
    • Description: Retrieve stellar field transformations.
    • Input:
      • sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.
    • Returns: The String representation of the transformations
    • Description: Remove stellar field transformation.
    • Input:
      • sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.
      • stellarTransforms - A list of stellar transforms to remove
    • Returns: The String representation of the config in zookeeper

Enrichment Functions

    • Description: Set batch size
    • Input:
      • sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.
      • size - batch size (integer)
    • Returns: The String representation of the config in zookeeper
    • Description: Set the index for the enrichment
    • Input:
      • sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.
      • sensor - sensor name
    • Returns: The String representation of the config in zookeeper
    • Description: Add stellar field transformation.
    • Input:
      • sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.
      • stellarTransforms - A Map associating fields to stellar expressions
      • group - Group to add to (optional)
    • Returns: The String representation of the config in zookeeper
    • Description: Retrieve stellar enrichment transformations.
    • Input:
      • sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.
    • Returns: The String representation of the transformations
    • Description: Remove one or more stellar field transformations.
    • Input:
      • sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.
      • stellarTransforms - A list of removals
      • group - Group to remove from (optional)
    • Returns: The String representation of the config in zookeeper

Threat Triage Functions

    • Description: Add a threat triage rule.
    • Input:
      • sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.
      • stellarTransforms - A Map associating stellar rules to scores
    • Returns: The String representation of the threat triage rules
    • Description: Retrieve stellar enrichment transformations.
    • Input:
      • sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.
    • Returns: The String representation of the threat triage rules
    • Description: Remove stellar threat triage rule(s).
    • Input:
      • sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.
      • stellarTransforms - A list of stellar rules to remove
    • Returns: The String representation of the enrichment config
    • Description: Set the threat triage aggregator.
    • Input:
      • sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.
      • aggregator - Aggregator to use. One of MIN, MAX, MEAN, SUM, POSITIVE_MEAN
      • aggregatorConfig - Optional config for aggregator
    • Returns: The String representation of the enrichment config

Deployment Instructions

Deployment is as simple as dropping the jar created by this project into $METRON_HOME/lib and starting the Stellar shell via $METRON_HOME/bin/stellar


Included for description and education purposes are a couple example Stellar REPL transcripts with helpful comments to illustrate some common operations.

Iterate in finding a valid Grok pattern

Stellar, Go!
Please note that functions are loading lazily in the background and will be unavailable until loaded fully.
[Stellar]>>> # We are going to debug a squid grok statement with a bug in it
[Stellar]>>> squid_grok_orig := '%{NUMBER:timestamp} %{SPACE:UNWANTED}  %{INT:elapsed} %{IP:ip_src_addr} %{WORD:action}/%{NUMBER:code} %{NUMBER:bytes} %{WORD:method} %{NOTSPACE:url} 
[Stellar]>>> # We have gone ot a couple of domains in squid:
[Stellar]>>> #   1475022887.362    256 TCP_MISS/301 803 GET - DIRECT/ text/html
[Stellar]>>> #   1475022915.731      1 NONE/400 3520 GET - NONE/- text/html
[Stellar]>>> #   1475022938.661      0 NONE/400 3500 GET - NONE/- text/html
[Stellar]>>> # Note that and did not resolve to IPs
[Stellar]>>> # We can load up these messages from disk into a list of messages
[Stellar]>>> messages := LOCAL_READ_LINES( '/var/log/squid/access.log')
27687 [Thread-1] INFO  o.r.Reflections - Reflections took 26542 ms to scan 22 urls, producing 17906 keys and 121560 values 
27837 [Thread-1] INFO  o.a.m.c.d.FunctionResolverSingleton - Found 97 Stellar Functions...
Functions loaded, you may refer to functions now...
[Stellar]>>> # and evaluate the messages against our grok statement
[Stellar]>>> GROK_EVAL(squid_grok_orig, messages)
║ action   │ bytes   │ code    │ elapsed │ ip_dst_addr    │ ip_src_addr │ method  │ timestamp      │ url                     ║
║ TCP_MISS │ 803     │ 301     │ 256     │ │   │ GET     │ 1475022887.362 │ ║
║ MISSING  │ MISSING │ MISSING │ MISSING │ MISSING        │ MISSING     │ MISSING │ MISSING        │ MISSING                 ║
║ MISSING  │ MISSING │ MISSING │ MISSING │ MISSING        │ MISSING     │ MISSING │ MISSING        │ MISSING                 ║

[Stellar]>>> # Uh oh, looks like the messages without destination IPs do not parse
[Stellar]>>> # We can start peeling off groups from the end of the message until things parse
[Stellar]>>> squid_grok := '%{NUMBER:timestamp} %{SPACE:UNWANTED}  %{INT:elapsed} %{IP:ip_src_addr} %{WORD:action}/%{NUMBER:code} %{NUMBER:bytes} %{WORD:method} %{NOTSPACE:url} - %{ 
[Stellar]>>> GROK_EVAL(squid_grok, messages)
║ action   │ bytes   │ code    │ elapsed │ ip_dst_addr    │ ip_src_addr │ method  │ timestamp      │ url                     ║
║ TCP_MISS │ 803     │ 301     │ 256     │ │   │ GET     │ 1475022887.362 │ ║
║ MISSING  │ MISSING │ MISSING │ MISSING │ MISSING        │ MISSING     │ MISSING │ MISSING        │ MISSING                 ║
║ MISSING  │ MISSING │ MISSING │ MISSING │ MISSING        │ MISSING     │ MISSING │ MISSING        │ MISSING                 ║

[Stellar]>>> # Still looks like it is having issues...
[Stellar]>>> squid_grok := '%{NUMBER:timestamp} %{SPACE:UNWANTED}  %{INT:elapsed} %{IP:ip_src_addr} %{WORD:action}/%{NUMBER:code} %{NUMBER:bytes} %{WORD:method} %{NOTSPACE:url} - %{ 
[Stellar]>>> GROK_EVAL(squid_grok, messages)
║ action   │ bytes   │ code    │ elapsed │ ip_dst_addr    │ ip_src_addr │ method  │ timestamp      │ url                     ║
║ TCP_MISS │ 803     │ 301     │ 256     │ │   │ GET     │ 1475022887.362 │ ║
║ MISSING  │ MISSING │ MISSING │ MISSING │ MISSING        │ MISSING     │ MISSING │ MISSING        │ MISSING                 ║
║ MISSING  │ MISSING │ MISSING │ MISSING │ MISSING        │ MISSING     │ MISSING │ MISSING        │ MISSING                 ║

[Stellar]>>> # Still looks wrong.  Hmm, I bet it is due to that dst_addr not being there; we can make it optional
[Stellar]>>> squid_grok := '%{NUMBER:timestamp} %{SPACE:UNWANTED}  %{INT:elapsed} %{IP:ip_src_addr} %{WORD:action}/%{NUMBER:code} %{NUMBER:bytes} %{WORD:method} %{NOTSPACE:url} - %{ 
[Stellar]>>> GROK_EVAL(squid_grok, messages)
║ action   │ bytes │ code │ elapsed │ ip_dst_addr    │ ip_src_addr │ method │ timestamp      │ url                      ║
║ TCP_MISS │ 803   │ 301  │ 256     │ │   │ GET    │ 1475022887.362 │  ║
║ NONE     │ 3520  │ 400  │ 1       │ null           │   │ GET    │ 1475022915.731 │ ║
║ NONE     │ 3500  │ 400  │ 0       │ null           │   │ GET    │ 1475022938.661 │           ║

[Stellar]>>> # Ahh, that is much better.

Manage Stellar Field Transformations

964  [main] INFO  o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
1025 [main-EventThread] INFO  o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
Stellar, Go!
Please note that functions are loading lazily in the background and will be unavailable until loaded fully.
{es.clustername=metron, es.ip=node1, es.port=9300,}
[Stellar]>>> # First we get the squid parser config from zookeeper
[Stellar]>>> squid_parser_config := CONFIG_GET('PARSER', 'squid')
29089 [Thread-1] INFO  o.r.Reflections - Reflections took 26765 ms to scan 22 urls, producing 17898 keys and 121518 values 
29177 [Thread-1] INFO  o.a.m.c.d.FunctionResolverSingleton - Found 83 Stellar Functions...
Functions loaded, you may refer to functions now...
[Stellar]>>> # See what kind of transformations it already has
[Stellar]>>> PARSER_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_PRINT(squid_parser_config)
║ Field                     │ Transformation                          ║
║ full_hostname             │ URL_TO_HOST(url)                        ║
║ domain_without_subdomains │ DOMAIN_REMOVE_SUBDOMAINS(full_hostname) ║

[Stellar]>>> #Just to make sure it looks right, we can view the JSON
[Stellar]>>> squid_parser_config
  "parserClassName": "org.apache.metron.parsers.GrokParser",
  "sensorTopic": "squid",
  "parserConfig": {
    "grokPath": "/patterns/squid",
    "patternLabel": "SQUID_DELIMITED",
    "timestampField": "timestamp"
  "fieldTransformations" : [
      "transformation" : "STELLAR"
    ,"output" : [ "full_hostname", "domain_without_subdomains" ]
    ,"config" : {
      "full_hostname" : "URL_TO_HOST(url)"
      ,"domain_without_subdomains" : "DOMAIN_REMOVE_SUBDOMAINS(full_hostname)"

[Stellar]>>> # Add another transformation in there
[Stellar]>>> domain_without_subdomains := ''
[Stellar]>>> upper_domain := TO_UPPER(domain_without_subdomains)
[Stellar]>>> # Now we can look at our variables and see what expressions created them 
[Stellar]>>> # NOTE: the 40 is the max char for a word
[Stellar]>>> SHELL_LIST_VARS( 40 )
║ VARIABLE                  │ VALUE                                     │ EXPRESSION                          ║
║ squid_parser_config       │ {                                         │ CONFIG_GET('PARSER', 'squid')       ║
║                           │   "parserClassName":                      │                                     ║
║                           │ "org.apache.metron.parsers.GrokParser",   │                                     ║
║                           │                                           │                                     ║
║                           │ "sensorTopic": "squid",                   │                                     ║
║                           │                                           │                                     ║
║                           │ "parserConfig": {                         │                                     ║
║                           │     "grokPath":                           │                                     ║
║                           │ "/patterns/squid",                        │                                     ║
║                           │     "patternLabel":                       │                                     ║
║                           │ "SQUID_DELIMITED",                        │                                     ║
║                           │     "timestampField":                     │                                     ║
║                           │ "timestamp"                               │                                     ║
║                           │   },                                      │                                     ║
║                           │                                           │                                     ║
║                           │ "fieldTransformations" : [                │                                     ║
║                           │     {                                     │                                     ║
║                           │                                           │                                     ║
║                           │ "transformation" : "STELLAR"              │                                     ║
║                           │                                           │                                     ║
║                           │ ,"output" : [ "full_hostname",            │                                     ║
║                           │ "domain_without_subdomains" ]             │                                     ║
║                           │                                           │                                     ║
║                           │ ,"config" : {                             │                                     ║
║                           │       "full_hostname" :                   │                                     ║
║                           │ "URL_TO_HOST(url)"                        │                                     ║
║                           │                                           │                                     ║
║                           │ ,"domain_without_subdomains" :            │                                     ║
║                           │ "DOMAIN_REMOVE_SUBDOMAINS(full_hostname)" │                                     ║
║                           │                                           │                                     ║
║                           │  }                                        │                                     ║
║                           │     }                                     │                                     ║
║                           │                            ]              │                                     ║
║                           │ }                                         │                                     ║
║ domain_without_subdomains │                                   │ ''                           ║
║ upper_domain              │ CNN.COM                                   │ TO_UPPER(domain_without_subdomains) ║

[Stellar]>>> # We can add upper_domain as a transformation to the parser now by
Description: Add stellar field transformation.                           

    sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.      
    stellarTransforms - A Map associating fields to stellar expressions

Returns: The String representation of the config in zookeeper        
[Stellar]>>> # We will use the SHELL_VARS2MAP to construct our map associating the field name with the expression
[Stellar]>>> ?SHELL_VARS2MAP
Description: Take a set of variables and return a map                    

    variables* - variable names to use to create map            

Returns: A map associating the variable name with the stellar expression.
[Stellar]>>> squid_parser_config_new := PARSER_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_ADD( squid_parser_config, SHELL_VARS2MAP('upper_domain') )
[Stellar]>>> #Now we can make sure that we have the transformation added
[Stellar]>>> PARSER_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_PRINT(squid_parser_config_new)
║ Field                     │ Transformation                          ║
║ full_hostname             │ URL_TO_HOST(url)                        ║
║ domain_without_subdomains │ DOMAIN_REMOVE_SUBDOMAINS(full_hostname) ║
║ upper_domain              │ TO_UPPER(domain_without_subdomains)     ║

[Stellar]>>> #And finally, we push the configs back to zookeeper
[Stellar]>>> CONFIG_PUT('PARSER', squid_parser_config_new, 'squid')
[Stellar]>>> #Now we can make sure that we have the transformation added into zookeeper
║ Field                     │ Transformation                          ║
║ full_hostname             │ URL_TO_HOST(url)                        ║
║ domain_without_subdomains │ DOMAIN_REMOVE_SUBDOMAINS(full_hostname) ║
║ upper_domain              │ TO_UPPER(domain_without_subdomains)     ║

[Stellar]>>> #Now that we have added it, we can change our mind and remove it
Description: Remove stellar field transformation.                        

    sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.      
    stellarTransforms - A list of stellar transforms to remove  

Returns: The String representation of the config in zookeeper        
[Stellar]>>> squid_parser_config_new := PARSER_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_REMOVE( CONFIG_GET('PARSER', 'squid'), [ 'upper_domain' ] )
[Stellar]>>> PARSER_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_PRINT(squid_parser_config_new)
║ Field                     │ Transformation                          ║
║ full_hostname             │ URL_TO_HOST(url)                        ║
║ domain_without_subdomains │ DOMAIN_REMOVE_SUBDOMAINS(full_hostname) ║

[Stellar]>>> #We can now push up the config to zookeeper
[Stellar]>>> CONFIG_PUT('PARSER', squid_parser_config_new, 'squid')
[Stellar]>>> #It should be just as we started the exercise
[Stellar]>>> CONFIG_GET('PARSER', 'squid')
  "parserClassName" : "org.apache.metron.parsers.GrokParser",
  "sensorTopic" : "squid",
  "parserConfig" : {
    "grokPath" : "/patterns/squid",
    "patternLabel" : "SQUID_DELIMITED",
    "timestampField" : "timestamp"
  "fieldTransformations" : [ {
    "input" : [ ],
    "output" : [ "full_hostname", "domain_without_subdomains" ],
    "transformation" : "STELLAR",
    "config" : {
      "full_hostname" : "URL_TO_HOST(url)",
      "domain_without_subdomains" : "DOMAIN_REMOVE_SUBDOMAINS(full_hostname)"
  } ]
[Stellar]>>> #And quit the REPL
[Stellar]>>> quit

Manage Stellar Enrichments

1010 [main] INFO  o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
1077 [main-EventThread] INFO  o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
Stellar, Go!
Please note that functions are loading lazily in the background and will be unavailable until loaded fully.
{es.clustername=metron, es.ip=node1, es.port=9300,}
[Stellar]>>> # First we get the squid enrichment config from zookeeper.
[Stellar]>>> # If it is not there, which it is not by default, a suitable default
[Stellar]>>> # config will be specified.
[Stellar]>>> squid_enrichment_config := CONFIG_GET('ENRICHMENT', 'squid')
26307 [Thread-1] INFO  o.r.Reflections - Reflections took 24845 ms to scan 22 urls, producing 17898 keys and 121520 values 
26389 [Thread-1] INFO  o.a.m.c.d.FunctionResolverSingleton - Found 84 Stellar Functions...
Functions loaded, you may refer to functions now...
[Stellar]>>> # Just to make sure it looks right, we can view the JSON
[Stellar]>>> squid_enrichment_config
  "index" : "squid",
  "batchSize" : 0,
  "enrichment" : {
    "fieldMap" : { },
    "fieldToTypeMap" : { },
    "config" : { }
  "threatIntel" : {
    "fieldMap" : { },
    "fieldToTypeMap" : { },
    "config" : { },
    "triageConfig" : {
      "riskLevelRules" : { },
      "aggregator" : "MAX",
      "aggregationConfig" : { }
  "configuration" : { }
[Stellar]>>> # Wait, that batch size looks terrible.  That is because it did not exist in zookeeper, so it is the default.
[Stellar]>>> # We can correct it, thankfully. 
[Stellar]>>> squid_enrichment_config := ENRICHMENT_SET_BATCH( squid_enrichment_config, 100)
[Stellar]>>> # Now that we have a config, we can add an enrichment to the Stellar adapter
[Stellar]>>> # We should make sure that the current enrichment does not have any already
Description: Retrieve stellar enrichment transformations.                

    sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.      
    type - ENRICHMENT or THREAT_INTEL                           

Returns: The String representation of the transformations            
[Stellar]>>> # Since there are two places we can add enrichments, we should check both
[Stellar]>>> ENRICHMENT_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_PRINT(squid_enrichment_config, 'ENRICHMENT')
║ Group │ Field │ Transformation ║
║ (empty)                        ║

[Stellar]>>> ENRICHMENT_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_PRINT(squid_enrichment_config, 'THREAT_INTEL')
║ Group │ Field │ Transformation ║
║ (empty)                        ║

[Stellar]>>> # For my enrichment, I want to add a field indicating that the src address is local or not
[Stellar]>>> # I will define local as part of ''
[Stellar]>>> # We must be careful about the ip_src_addr, what if it is malformed?
[Stellar]>>> ip_src_addr := ''
[Stellar]>>> IN_SUBNET( ip_src_addr, '')
[Stellar]>>> # Just as we expected.  Now we can try a local address
[Stellar]>>> ip_src_addr := ''
[Stellar]>>> IN_SUBNET( ip_src_addr, '')
[Stellar]>>> # Just as we expected.  Now we can try some malformed ones
[Stellar]>>> ip_src_addr := NULL
[Stellar]>>> IN_SUBNET( ip_src_addr, '')
[Stellar]>>> # So far, so good
[Stellar]>>> ip_src_addr := 'foo bar'
[Stellar]>>> IN_SUBNET( ip_src_addr, '')
[!] Unable to execute: Could not parse [foo bar]
[Stellar]>>> # uh oh, that was terrible, we will have to adjust and be a bit more defensive
[Stellar]>>> IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '')
[Stellar]>>> ip_src_addr := NULL
[Stellar]>>> IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '')
[Stellar]>>> ip_src_addr := ''
[Stellar]>>> IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '')
[Stellar]>>> ip_src_addr := ''
[Stellar]>>> IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '')
[Stellar]>>> # I think we are ready, we will call it is_local
[Stellar]>>> is_local := IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '')
[Stellar]>>> # Now we can add the function to the ENRICHMENT phase of the enrichment topology
Description: Add stellar field transformation.                           

    sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.      
    type - ENRICHMENT or THREAT_INTEL                           
    stellarTransforms - A Map associating fields to stellar expressions
    group - Group to add to (optional)                          

Returns: The String representation of the config in zookeeper        
[Stellar]>>> squid_enrichment_config_new := ENRICHMENT_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_ADD( squid_enrichment_config, 'ENRICHMENT', SHELL_VARS2MAP( 'is_local' ) )
[Stellar]>>> # Make sure that it is really there
[Stellar]>>> ENRICHMENT_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_PRINT(squid_enrichment_config_new, 'ENRICHMENT')
║ Group     │ Field    │ Transformation                                                                 ║
║ (default) │ is_local │ IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '') ║

[Stellar]>>> # and not in threat intel
[Stellar]>>> ENRICHMENT_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_PRINT(squid_enrichment_config_new, 'THREAT_INTEL')
║ Group │ Field │ Transformation ║
║ (empty)                        ║

[Stellar]>>> # And see it in the JSON
[Stellar]>>> squid_enrichment_config_new
  "index" : "squid",
  "batchSize" : 100,
  "enrichment" : {
    "fieldMap" : {
      "stellar" : {
        "config" : {
          "is_local" : "IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '')"
    "fieldToTypeMap" : { },
    "config" : { }
  "threatIntel" : {
    "fieldMap" : { },
    "fieldToTypeMap" : { },
    "config" : { },
    "triageConfig" : {
      "riskLevelRules" : { },
      "aggregator" : "MAX",
      "aggregationConfig" : { }
  "configuration" : { }
[Stellar]>>> # Now we can push the configs to zookeeper
[Stellar]>>> CONFIG_PUT( 'ENRICHMENT', squid_enrichment_config_new, 'squid')
[Stellar]>>> # And validate that our JSON looks a lot better
[Stellar]>>> CONFIG_GET( 'ENRICHMENT', 'squid')
  "index" : "squid",
  "batchSize" : 100,
  "enrichment" : {
    "fieldMap" : {
      "stellar" : {
        "config" : {
          "is_local" : "IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '')"
    "fieldToTypeMap" : { },
    "config" : { }
  "threatIntel" : {
    "fieldMap" : { },
    "fieldToTypeMap" : { },
    "config" : { },
    "triageConfig" : {
      "riskLevelRules" : { },
      "aggregator" : "MAX",
      "aggregationConfig" : { }
  "configuration" : { }
[Stellar]>>> # You know what?  I changed my mind, I do not want that enrichment, so we can remove it pretty easily.
Description: Remove one or more stellar field transformations.           

    sensorConfig - Sensor config to add transformation to.      
    type - ENRICHMENT or THREAT_INTEL                           
    stellarTransforms - A list of removals                      
    group - Group to remove from (optional)                     

Returns: The String representation of the config in zookeeper        
[Stellar]>>> squid_enrichment_config_new := ENRICHMENT_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_REMOVE( squid_enrichment_config_new, 'ENRICHMENT', [ 'is_local' ] )
[Stellar]>>> # Make sure that it is really gone 
[Stellar]>>> ENRICHMENT_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_PRINT(squid_enrichment_config_new, 'ENRICHMENT')
║ Group │ Field │ Transformation ║
║ (empty)                        ║

[Stellar]>>> # and not in threat intel
[Stellar]>>> ENRICHMENT_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_PRINT(squid_enrichment_config_new, 'THREAT_INTEL')
║ Group │ Field │ Transformation ║
║ (empty)                        ║

[Stellar]>>> # Ok, I feel comfortable updating now
[Stellar]>>> CONFIG_PUT( 'ENRICHMENT', squid_enrichment_config_new, 'squid')
[Stellar]>>> CONFIG_GET( 'ENRICHMENT', 'squid')
  "index" : "squid",
  "batchSize" : 100,
  "enrichment" : {
    "fieldMap" : { },
    "fieldToTypeMap" : { },
    "config" : { }
  "threatIntel" : {
    "fieldMap" : { },
    "fieldToTypeMap" : { },
    "config" : { },
    "triageConfig" : {
      "riskLevelRules" : { },
      "aggregator" : "MAX",
      "aggregationConfig" : { }
  "configuration" : { }

Manage Threat Triage Rules

987  [main] INFO  o.a.c.f.i.CuratorFrameworkImpl - Starting
1047 [main-EventThread] INFO  o.a.c.f.s.ConnectionStateManager - State change: CONNECTED
Stellar, Go!
Please note that functions are loading lazily in the background and will be unavailable until loaded fully.
{es.clustername=metron, es.ip=node1, es.port=9300,}
[Stellar]>>> # First we get the squid enrichment config from zookeeper.
[Stellar]>>> # If it is not there, which it is not by default, a suitable default
[Stellar]>>> # config will be specified.
[Stellar]>>> squid_enrichment_config := CONFIG_GET('ENRICHMENT', 'squid')
26751 [Thread-1] INFO  o.r.Reflections - Reflections took 24407 ms to scan 22 urls, producing 17898 keys and 121520 values 
26828 [Thread-1] INFO  o.a.m.c.d.FunctionResolverSingleton - Found 84 Stellar Functions...
Functions loaded, you may refer to functions now...
[Stellar]>>> # Just as in the previous example, we should adjust the batch size
[Stellar]>>> squid_enrichment_config := ENRICHMENT_SET_BATCH( squid_enrichment_config, 100)
[Stellar]>>> # We should not have any threat triage rules
[Stellar]>>> THREAT_TRIAGE_PRINT(squid_enrichment_config)
║ Triage Rule │ Score ║
║ (empty)             ║

[Stellar]>>> # I have followed the blog post at
[Stellar]>>> # and have some enrichment reference data loaded into hbase, 
[Stellar]>>> # so we should be able to retrieve that as an enrichment using the ENRICHMENT_GET
[Stellar]>>> # function to call out to hbase from stellar
[Stellar]>>> ?ENRICHMENT_GET
Description: Interrogates the HBase table holding the simple hbase enrichment data and retrieves the tabular value associated with the enrichment type and indicator.

    enrichment_type - The enrichment type                       
    indicator - The string indicator to look up                 
    nosql_table - The NoSQL Table to use                        
    column_family - The Column Family to use                    

Returns: A Map associated with the indicator and enrichment type.  Empty otherwise.
[Stellar]>>> domain_without_subdomains := ''
[Stellar]>>> whois_info := ENRICHMENT_GET('whois', domain_without_subdomains, 'enrichment', 't')
[Stellar]>>> # Now I know that the whois_info is actually a map of values, so we can use the SHELL_MAP2TABLE function
[Stellar]>>> # to get a nicer view on this data
[Stellar]>>> SHELL_MAP2TABLE(whois_info)
║ KEY                      │ VALUE                            ║
║ owner                    │ Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. ║
║ registrar                │ Domain Name Manager              ║
║ domain_created_timestamp │ 748695600000                     ║
║ home_country             │ US                               ║
║ domain                   │                          ║

[Stellar]>>> #Looks good
[Stellar]>>> squid_enrichment_config_new := ENRICHMENT_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_ADD( squid_enrichment_config, 'ENRICHMENT', SHELL_VARS2MAP( 'whois_info' ) )
[Stellar]>>> # Just for illustration, we can create a threat alert if the country of the domain registered
[Stellar]>>> # is non-US, then we can make an alert.  To do that, we need to create an is_alert field on the message.
[Stellar]>>> #
[Stellar]>>> # I know that maps get folded into the message, so that whois_info enrichment is going to create a few fields:
[Stellar]>>> #  * domain mapped to whois_info.domain
[Stellar]>>> #  * registrar mapped to whois_info.registrar
[Stellar]>>> #  * home_country mapped to whois_info.home_country
[Stellar]>>> #  * owner mapped to whois_info.owner
[Stellar]>>> whois_info.home_country := 'US'
[Stellar]>>> is_alert := whois_info.home_country != 'US'
[Stellar]>>> # Now we can add this Stellar enrichment to the THREAT_INTEL portion of the enrichment topology
[Stellar]>>> squid_enrichment_config_new := ENRICHMENT_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_ADD( squid_enrichment_config_new, 'THREAT_INTEL', SHELL_VARS2MAP( 'is_alert' ) )
[Stellar]>>> # We should recap to make sure we know what enrichments we have
[Stellar]>>> ENRICHMENT_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_PRINT(squid_enrichment_config_new, 'ENRICHMENT')
║ Group     │ Field      │ Transformation                                                        ║
║ (default) │ whois_info │ ENRICHMENT_GET('whois', domain_without_subdomains, 'enrichment', 't') ║

[Stellar]>>> ENRICHMENT_STELLAR_TRANSFORM_PRINT(squid_enrichment_config_new, 'THREAT_INTEL')
║ Group     │ Field    │ Transformation                  ║
║ (default) │ is_alert │ whois_info.home_country != 'US' ║

[Stellar]>>> # Now with this, we can create a rule or two to triage these alerts.
[Stellar]>>> # This means associating a rule as described by a stellar expression that returns true or false with a score
[Stellar]>>> # Also associated with this ruleset is an aggregation function, the default of which is MAX.
[Stellar]>>> # Now we can make a couple rules:
[Stellar]>>> #  * If the message is an alert and from a non-us whois source, we can set the level to 10
[Stellar]>>> #  * If the message is an alert and non-local, we can set the level to 20
[Stellar]>>> #  * If the message is an alert and both non-local and non-us, then we can set the level to 50
[Stellar]>>> # If multiple rules hit, then we should take the max (default behavior)
[Stellar]>>> non_us := whois_info.home_country != 'US'
[Stellar]>>> is_local := IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '')
[Stellar]>>> is_both := whois_info.home_country != 'US' && IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '')
[Stellar]>>> rules := { SHELL_GET_EXPRESSION('non_us') : 10, SHELL_GET_EXPRESSION('is_local') : 20, SHELL_GET_EXPRESSION('is_both') : 50 }
[Stellar]>>> # Now that we have our rules staged, we can add them to our config.
[Stellar]>>> squid_enrichment_config_new := THREAT_TRIAGE_ADD( squid_enrichment_config_new, rules )
[Stellar]>>> THREAT_TRIAGE_PRINT(squid_enrichment_config_new)
║ Triage Rule                                                                                                       │ Score ║
║ whois_info.home_country != 'US' && IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '') │ 50    ║
║ IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '')                                    │ 20    ║
║ whois_info.home_country != 'US'                                                                                   │ 10    ║

Aggregation: MAX
[Stellar]>>> # Looks good, we can push the configs up
[Stellar]>>> CONFIG_PUT('ENRICHMENT', squid_enrichment_config_new, 'squid')
[Stellar]>>> # And admire the resulting JSON that you did not have to edit directly.
[Stellar]>>> CONFIG_GET('ENRICHMENT', 'squid')
  "index" : "squid",
  "batchSize" : 100,
  "enrichment" : {
    "fieldMap" : {
      "stellar" : {
        "config" : {
          "whois_info" : "ENRICHMENT_GET('whois', domain_without_subdomains, 'enrichment', 't')"
    "fieldToTypeMap" : { },
    "config" : { }
  "threatIntel" : {
    "fieldMap" : {
      "stellar" : {
        "config" : {
          "is_alert" : "whois_info.home_country != 'US'"
    "fieldToTypeMap" : { },
    "config" : { },
    "triageConfig" : {
      "riskLevelRules" : {
        "whois_info.home_country != 'US' && IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '')" : 50.0,
        "IN_SUBNET( if IS_IP(ip_src_addr) then ip_src_addr else NULL, '')" : 20.0,
        "whois_info.home_country != 'US'" : 10.0
      "aggregator" : "MAX",
      "aggregationConfig" : { }
  "configuration" : { }
[Stellar]>>> # Now that we have admired it, we can remove the rules
[Stellar]>>> squid_enrichment_config_new := THREAT_TRIAGE_REMOVE( squid_enrichment_config_new, [ SHELL_GET_EXPRESSION('non_us') , SHELL_GET_EXPRESSION('is_local') , SHELL_GET_EXPRES 
SION('is_both') ] )
[Stellar]>>> THREAT_TRIAGE_PRINT(squid_enrichment_config_new)
║ Triage Rule │ Score ║
║ (empty)             ║

[Stellar]>>> # and push configs
[Stellar]>>> CONFIG_PUT('ENRICHMENT', squid_enrichment_config_new, 'squid')
[Stellar]>>> # And admire the resulting JSON that is devoid of threat triage rules.
[Stellar]>>> CONFIG_GET('ENRICHMENT', 'squid')
  "index" : "squid",
  "batchSize" : 100,
  "enrichment" : {
    "fieldMap" : {
      "stellar" : {
        "config" : {
          "whois_info" : "ENRICHMENT_GET('whois', domain_without_subdomains, 'enrichment', 't')"
    "fieldToTypeMap" : { },
    "config" : { }
  "threatIntel" : {
    "fieldMap" : {
      "stellar" : {
        "config" : {
          "is_alert" : "whois_info.home_country != 'US'"
    "fieldToTypeMap" : { },
    "config" : { },
    "triageConfig" : {
      "riskLevelRules" : { },
      "aggregator" : "MAX",
      "aggregationConfig" : { }
  "configuration" : { }