Build Utilities

The aim of the build utilities project is to provide some scripting around the care and maintenance of the building infrastructure. At the moment the primary mission is around utilities that assist us manage the licenses of our dependencies and generate the appropriate notices or licenses. These utilities assume you have already built the repo via mvn clean install -DskipTests.


This file is the reference file for all of our dependencies. If you add a dependency, you must add a line to the dependencies_with_url.csv file.

List all of the transitive dependencies for the project rooted at cwd.

This script, as run by our travis build infrastructure, will look at the dependencies and verify that we know about them. Travis will use this script which takes the transitive dependency list and check against the dependencies_with_url.csv file to ensure that it's listed. This will make sure we track dependencies and do not have any unacceptable dependencies.

If you want to dump all of the dependencies that it doesn't know about, from the top level directory:

dev-utilities/build-utils/ | python dev-utilities/build-utils/ ./dependencies_with_url.csv dump

This script is intended to regenerate the licenses for each project that bundles its dependencies. Because we bundle our dependencies in a shaded jar, we must specify a LICENSE file with the permissively licensed dependencies notated as per here

Example command to regenerate licenses (run from top level directory):

for i in $(find . -name LICENSE | grep src | grep META-INF | awk -Fsrc '{print $1}');do dev-utilities/build-utils/ $i;done