
Local Storage

UI uses local storage to save all the data. A middleware needs to be designed and developed for persisting the data

Search for Alert GUIDs

Alert GUIDs must be double-quoted when being searched on to ensure correctness of results, e.g. guid:“id1”.

Search for Comments

Users cannot search for the contents of the comment's in the Alerts-UI

Meta alerts

Grouping/faceting requests and other aggregations do not return meta alerts. This is because it's not clear what the intended results should be when there are multiple matching items.

Sorting has a similar caveat, in that if we are matching on multiple alerts, there is no well defined sort.

Alerts that are contained in a a meta alert are generally excluded from search results, because a user has already grouped them in a meaningful way.


  • The Metron REST application should be up and running and Elasticsearch should have some alerts populated by Metron topologies
  • The Management UI should be installed (which includes Express)
  • The alerts can be populated using Full Dev or any other setup
  • UI is developed using angular4 and uses angular-cli
  • node.JS >= 7.8.0


From Source

  1. Package the application with Maven:

    cd metron-interface/metron-alerts
    mvn clean package
  2. Untar the archive in the $METRON_HOME directory. The directory structure will look like:

        web assets (html, css, js, ...)
  3. Copy the $METRON_HOME/bin/metron-alerts-ui script to /etc/init.d/metron-alerts-ui

  4. Express is installed at $METRON_HOME/web/expressjs/ as part of the Management UI installation process. The Management UI should be installed first on the same host as the Alerts UI.

From Package Manager

  1. Deploy the RPM at /metron/metron-deployment/packaging/docker/rpm-docker/target/RPMS/noarch/metron-alerts-$METRON_VERSION-*.noarch.rpm

  2. Install the RPM with:

    rpm -ih metron-alerts-$METRON_VERSION-*.noarch.rpm

From Ambari MPack

The Alerts UI is included in the Metron Ambari MPack. It can be accessed through the Quick Links in the Metron service.


The Alerts UI is configured in the $METRON_HOME/config/alerts_ui.yml file. Create this file and set the values to match your environment:

port: port the alerts UI will run on

  host: REST application host
  port: REST applciation port

Global Configuration Properties


The source type format used. Defaults to source:type.


After configuration is complete, the Management UI can be managed as a service:

service metron-alerts-ui start

The application will be available at http://host:4201 assuming the port is set to 4201. Logs can be found at /var/log/metron/metron-alerts-ui.log.

Development Setup

  1. Install all the dependent node_modules using the following command
    cd metron/metron-interface/metron-alerts
    npm install
  2. UI can be run by using the following command
  3. You can view the GUI @http://localhost:4201. The default credentials for login are admin/password

NOTE: In the development mode ui by default connects to REST at http://node1:8082 for fetching data. If you wish to change it you can change the REST url at metron/metron-interface/metron-alerts/proxy.conf.json

E2E Tests

An expressjs server is available for mocking the elastic search api.

  1. Run e2e webserver :

    cd metron/metron-interface/metron-alerts
    sh ./scripts/
  2. run e2e test using the following command

    cd metron/metron-interface/metron-alerts
    npm run e2e
  3. E2E tests uses data from full-dev wherever applicable. The tests assume rest-api's are available @http://node1:8082

NOTE: e2e tests covers all the general workflows and we will extend them as we need