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Elasticsearch in Metron


Elasticsearch can be used as the real-time portion of the datastore resulting from metron-indexing.



The name of the elasticsearch Cluster. See here


Specifies the nodes in the elasticsearch cluster to use for writing. The format is one of the following:

  • A hostname or IP address with a port (e.g. hostname1:1234), in which case es.port is ignored.
  • A hostname or IP address without a port (e.g. hostname1), in which case es.port is used.
  • A string containing a CSV of hostnames without ports (e.g. hostname1,hostname2,hostname3) without spaces between. es.port is assumed to be the port for each host.
  • A string containing a CSV of hostnames with ports (e.g. hostname1:1234,hostname2:1234,hostname3:1234) without spaces between. es.port is ignored.
  • A list of hostnames with ports (e.g. [ "hostname1:1234", "hostname2:1234"]). Note, es.port is NOT used in this construction.


The port for the elasticsearch hosts. This will be used in accordance with the discussion of es.ip.

The date format to use when constructing the indices. For every message, the date format will be applied to the current time and that will become the last part of the index name where the message is written to.

For instance, an of yyyy.MM.dd.HH would have the consequence that the indices would roll hourly, whereas an of yyyy.MM.dd would have the consequence that the indices would roll daily.

Using Metron with Elasticsearch 2.x

With Elasticsearch 2.x, there is a requirement that all sensors templates have a nested alert field defined. This field is a dummy field, and will be obsolete in Elasticsearch 5.x. See Ignoring Unmapped Fields for more information

Without this field, an error will be thrown during ALL searches (including from UIs, resulting in no alerts being found for any sensor). This error will be found in the REST service's logs.

Exception seen:

QueryParsingException[[nested] failed to find nested object under path [alert]];

There are two steps to resolve this issue. First is to update the Elasticsearch template for each sensor, so any new indices have the field. This requires retrieving the template, removing an extraneous JSON field so we can put it back later, and adding our new field.

Make sure to set the ELASTICSEARCH variable appropriately. $SENSOR can contain wildcards, so if rollover has occurred, it's not necessary to do each index individually. The example here appends index* to get all indexes for a the provided sensor.

export ELASTICSEARCH="node1"
export SENSOR="bro"
curl -XGET "http://${ELASTICSEARCH}:9200/_template/${SENSOR}_index*?pretty=true" -o "${SENSOR}.template"
sed -i '' '2d;$d' ./${SENSOR}.template
sed -i '' '/"properties" : {/ a\
"alert": { "type": "nested"},' ${SENSOR}.template

To manually verify this, you can optionally pretty print it again with:

python -m json.tool bro.template

We'll want to put the template back into Elasticsearch:

curl -XPUT "http://${ELASTICSEARCH}:9200/_template/${SENSOR}_index" -d @${SENSOR}.template

To update existing indexes, update Elasticsearch mappings with the new field for each sensor.

curl -XPUT "http://${ELASTICSEARCH}:9200/${SENSOR}_index*/_mapping/${SENSOR}_doc" -d '
        "properties" : {
          "alert" : {
            "type" : "nested"
rm ${SENSOR}.template

Installing Elasticsearch Templates

The stock set of Elasticsearch templates for bro, snort, yaf, error index and meta index are installed automatically during the first time install and startup of Metron Indexing service.

It is possible that Elasticsearch service is not available when the Metron Indexing Service startup, in that case the Elasticsearch template will not be installed.

For such a scenario, an Admin can have the template installed in two ways:

Method 1 - Manually from the Ambari UI by following the flow: Ambari UI -> Services -> Metron -> Service Actions -> Elasticsearch Template Install

Method 2 - Stop the Metron Indexing service, and start it again from Ambari UI. Note that the Metron Indexing service tracks if it has successfully installed the Elasticsearch templates, and will attempt to do so each time it is Started until successful.

Note: If you have made any customization to your index templates, then installing Elasticsearch templates afresh will lead to overwriting your existing changes. Please exercise caution.