layout: page title: Developing

Information about the Metron project that is most important for developers working on the project. The project has created bylaws for itself.

Project Members

NameApache IdRole
Owen O'MalleyomalleyPMC
Jim BakerjimbakerPMC
Mark BittmannmbittmannPMC
Sheetal Dolassheetal_dolasPMC
P. Taylor GoetzptgoetzPMC
Brad KolarovbilliePMC
Dave HirkodbhirkoPMC
Larry McCaylmccayPMC
Charles PortercporterPMC
James SirotajsirotaPMC
Casey StellacestellaPMC
Vinod Kumar VavilapallivinodkvPMC
George VetticadengvetticadenPMC

Mailing Lists

There are several development mailing lists for Metron

You can subscribe to the lists by sending email to and unsubscribe by sending email to

Source code

Metron uses git for version control. Get the source code:

% git clone

The important branches are:

Please check our coding guidelines.


All code must be +1'ed by a committer other than the author prior to its commit.