Mirror of Apache MetaModel Membrane

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  1. 1f1720f METAMODEL-1212: Cosmetic fixes to CORS feature. by Kasper Sørensen · 5 years ago master
  2. 0aae74f Update WebServer.java by Nicola Vitucci · 5 years ago
  3. 02cddcb Update CorsHandlers.java by Nicola Vitucci · 5 years ago
  4. 7224097 Add files via upload by Nicola Vitucci · 5 years ago
  5. 1c61b93 Update WebServer.java by Nicola Vitucci · 5 years ago

Apache MetaModel Membrane

Data Federation as a RESTful service. A subproject of Apache MetaModel.

Building and running

Make sure you have Apache Maven, then build by invoking:

mvn clean install

After building the Java archives and executables, you can use Docker and Docker compose to run Membrane easily, like this:

docker-compose up --build

Now Membrane should be running on port 8080 of your Docker host. Typically that's either http://localhost:8080 (if you have a native Docker install) or (if you use Docker toolbox).

Mailing lists

Membrane uses the same development infrastructure as the main Apache MetaModel project:


Please see CONTRIBUTE.md from Apache MetaModel which also apply to the Membrane contribution guidelines.