blob: 836afc537d11361058b9c2c1679639913168133b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <mesos/authentication/http/combined_authenticator.hpp>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <process/id.hpp>
#include <process/loop.hpp>
#include <process/process.hpp>
#include <stout/foreach.hpp>
#include <stout/hashset.hpp>
#include <stout/strings.hpp>
namespace mesos {
namespace http {
namespace authentication {
using std::list;
using std::make_pair;
using std::pair;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using process::Break;
using process::Continue;
using process::ControlFlow;
using process::Failure;
using process::Future;
using process::Owned;
using process::Process;
using process::UPID;
using process::http::Forbidden;
using process::http::Request;
using process::http::Unauthorized;
using process::http::authentication::AuthenticationResult;
using process::http::authentication::Authenticator;
class CombinedAuthenticatorProcess
: public Process<CombinedAuthenticatorProcess>
const string& _realm,
vector<Owned<Authenticator>>&& _authenticators);
Future<AuthenticationResult> authenticate(const Request& request);
typedef pair<string, Try<AuthenticationResult>> SchemeResultPair;
static bool anyUnauthorized(
const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults);
static bool anyForbidden(const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults);
static bool anyError(const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults);
static vector<string> extractUnauthorizedHeaders(
const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults);
static vector<string> extractUnauthorizedBodies(
const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults);
static vector<string> extractForbiddenBodies(
const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults);
static vector<string> extractErrorMessages(
const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults);
static Future<ControlFlow<AuthenticationResult>> combineFailed(
const list<SchemeResultPair>& results);
const vector<Owned<Authenticator>> authenticators;
const string realm;
const string& _realm,
vector<Owned<Authenticator>>&& _authenticators)
: ProcessBase(process::ID::generate("__combined_authenticator__")),
realm(_realm) {}
bool CombinedAuthenticatorProcess::anyUnauthorized(
const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults)
foreach (const SchemeResultPair& result, authenticationResults) {
if (result.second.isSome() && result.second->unauthorized.isSome()) {
return true;
return false;
bool CombinedAuthenticatorProcess::anyForbidden(
const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults)
foreach (const SchemeResultPair& result, authenticationResults) {
if (result.second.isSome() && result.second->forbidden.isSome()) {
return true;
return false;
bool CombinedAuthenticatorProcess::anyError(
const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults)
foreach (const SchemeResultPair& result, authenticationResults) {
if (result.second.isError()) {
return true;
return false;
vector<string> CombinedAuthenticatorProcess::extractUnauthorizedHeaders(
const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults)
vector<string> headers;
foreach (const SchemeResultPair& result, authenticationResults) {
if (result.second.isSome() &&
result.second->unauthorized.isSome() &&
result.second->unauthorized->headers.contains("WWW-Authenticate")) {
return headers;
vector<string> CombinedAuthenticatorProcess::extractUnauthorizedBodies(
const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults)
vector<string> bodies;
foreachpair (
const string& scheme,
const Try<AuthenticationResult>& result,
authenticationResults) {
if (result.isSome() &&
result->unauthorized.isSome() &&
result->unauthorized->body != "") {
"\"" + scheme + "\" authenticator returned:\n" +
return bodies;
vector<string> CombinedAuthenticatorProcess::extractForbiddenBodies(
const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults)
vector<string> bodies;
foreachpair (
const string& scheme,
const Try<AuthenticationResult>& result,
authenticationResults) {
if (result.isSome() &&
result->forbidden.isSome() &&
result->forbidden->body != "") {
"\"" + scheme + "\" authenticator returned:\n" +
return bodies;
vector<string> CombinedAuthenticatorProcess::extractErrorMessages(
const list<SchemeResultPair>& authenticationResults)
vector<string> messages;
foreachpair (
const string& scheme,
const Try<AuthenticationResult>& result,
authenticationResults) {
if (result.isError()) {
"\"" + scheme + "\" authenticator returned:\n" +
return messages;
// Creates a single authentication result for the authenticator to return
// in the case that all authentication attempts have failed.
const list<SchemeResultPair>& results)
AuthenticationResult combinedResult;
if (anyUnauthorized(results)) {
combinedResult.unauthorized = Unauthorized(
{strings::join(",", extractUnauthorizedHeaders(results))},
strings::join("\n\n", extractUnauthorizedBodies(results)));
return Break(combinedResult);
if (anyForbidden(results)) {
combinedResult.forbidden =
Forbidden(strings::join("\n\n", extractForbiddenBodies(results)));
return Break(combinedResult);
// This case serves to surface errors from failed futures to libprocess.
if (anyError(results)) {
return Failure(strings::join("\n\n", extractErrorMessages(results)));
// Here, it is possible that we return a default-initialized
// `AuthenticationResult`. Libprocess considers such a result invalid and will
// fail the HTTP request in that case. We allow it here to maintain existing
// behavior, in which libprocess is responsible for enforcing this constraint.
return Break(combinedResult);
Future<AuthenticationResult> CombinedAuthenticatorProcess::authenticate(
const Request& request)
// Variables to hold the state of the authentication loop.
auto iter = authenticators.begin();
auto end = authenticators.end();
// Each pair contains a string representing the scheme of the authenticator
// and a `Try<AuthenticationResult>` which is used to capture failure messages
// in the event that an authenticator returns a failed future.
list<SchemeResultPair> results;
UPID self_ = self();
// Loop over all installed authenticators.
return loop(
[iter, end]() mutable {
return iter == end ? Option<Owned<Authenticator>>::none() : *(iter++);
[request, results, self_](
const Option<Owned<Authenticator>>& authenticator) mutable
-> Future<ControlFlow<AuthenticationResult>> {
// All authentication attempts have failed. Combine them and return.
if (authenticator.isNone()) {
return combineFailed(results);
// Instead of capturing `authenticator` we capture the scheme by copy,
// since that's all we need. This avoids an issue during teardown of the
// authenticator: if the `CombinedAuthenticator` is destroyed before the
// callback below executes, the `authenticator` reference here could be
// the last remaining reference to that authenticator. Capturing this
// reference could cause the authenticator's destructor to be called
// from within its own context when the callback completes, leading to a
// deadlock. See MESOS-7065.
const string scheme = authenticator.get()->scheme();
return authenticator.get()->authenticate(request)
[&results, scheme](const AuthenticationResult& result)
-> ControlFlow<AuthenticationResult> {
// Validate that exactly 1 member is set.
size_t count =
(result.principal.isSome() ? 1 : 0) +
(result.unauthorized.isSome() ? 1 : 0) +
(result.forbidden.isSome() ? 1 : 0);
if (count != 1) {
LOG(WARNING) << "HTTP authenticator for scheme '" << scheme
<< "' returned a result with " << count
<< " members set, which is an error";
return Continue();
if (result.principal.isSome()) {
// Authentication successful; break and return the result.
return Break(result);
// Authentication unsuccessful; append the result and continue.
results.push_back(make_pair(scheme, result));
return Continue();
.repair([&results, scheme](
const Future<ControlFlow<AuthenticationResult>>& failedResult)
-> ControlFlow<AuthenticationResult> {
results.push_back(make_pair(scheme, Error(failedResult.failure())));
return Continue();
const string& _realm,
vector<Owned<Authenticator>>&& _authenticators)
// Initialize the set of offered authentication schemes.
foreach (const Owned<Authenticator>& authenticator, _authenticators) {
process = Owned<CombinedAuthenticatorProcess>(
new CombinedAuthenticatorProcess(_realm, std::move(_authenticators)));
Future<AuthenticationResult> CombinedAuthenticator::authenticate(
const Request& request)
return dispatch(
process.get(), &CombinedAuthenticatorProcess::authenticate, request);
string CombinedAuthenticator::scheme() const
return strings::join(" ", schemes);
} // namespace authentication {
} // namespace http {
} // namespace mesos {