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Libprocess Developer Guide

Note This Developer Guide is Work in Progress.

The library libprocess provides high level elements for an actor programming style with asynchronous message-handling and a variety of related basic system primitives. Its API and implementation are written in C++.


The design of libprocess is inspired by Erlang, a language that implements the actor model.

As the name already suggests, one of the libprocess core concepts is a Process. This is a single threaded, independent actor which communicates with other processes, locally and remotely, by sending and receiving HTTP requests and responses.

At a higher level, functional composition of processes is facilitated using futures and promises.


Table of Contents

Processes and the Asynchronous Pimpl Pattern

A process is an actor, effectively a cross between a thread and an object.

Creating/spawning a process is very cheap (no actual thread gets created, and no thread stack gets allocated).

Each process has a queue of incoming events that it processes one at a time.

Processes provide execution contexts (only one thread executing within a process at a time so no need for per process synchronization).


delay instead of dispatching for execution right away, it allows it to be scheduled after a certain time duration.


dispatch schedules a method for asynchronous execution.


Objects like Future allow attaching callbacks that get executed synchronously on certain events, such as the completion of a future (e.g., Future::then and Future::onReady) or the failure of a future (e.g., Future::onFailed). It's usually desireable, however, to execute these callbacks asynchronously, and defer provides a mechanism to do so.

defer is similar to dispatch, but rather than enqueing the execution of a method or function on the specified process immediately (i.e., synchronously), it returns a Deferred, which is a callable object that only after getting invoked will dispatch the method or function on the specified process. Said another way, using defer is a way to defer a dispatch.

As an example, consider the following function, which spawns a process and registers two callbacks on it, one using defer and another without it:

using namespace process;

void foo()
  ProcessBase process;

  Deferred<void(int)> deferred = defer(
      [](int i) {
        // Invoked _asynchronously_ using `process` as the
        // execution context.

  Promise<int> promise;


  promise.future().then([](int i) {
    // Invoked synchronously from the execution context of
    // the thread that completes the future!

  // Executes both callbacks synchronously, which _dispatches_
  // the deferred lambda to run asynchronously in the execution
  // context of `process` but invokes the other lambda immediately.


As another example, consider this excerpt from the Mesos project's src/master/master.cpp:

// Start contending to be a leading master and detecting the current leader.
// NOTE: `.onAny` passes the relevant future to its callback as a parameter, and
// `lambda::_1` facilitates this when using `defer`.
  .onAny(defer(self(), &Master::contended, lambda::_1));

Why use defer in this context rather than just executing Master::detected synchronously? To answer this, we need to remember that when the promise associated with the future returned from contender->contend() is completed that will synchronously invoke all registered callbacks (i.e., the Future::onAny one in the example above), which may be in a different process! Without using defer the process responsible for executing contender->contend() will potentially cause &Master::contended to get executed simultaneously (i.e., on a different thread) than the Master process! This creates the potential for a data race in which two threads access members of Master concurrently. Instead, using defer (with self()) will dispatch the method back to the Master process to be executed at a later point in time within the single-threaded execution context of the Master. Using defer here precisely allows us to capture these semantics.

A natural question that folks often ask is whether or not we ever don't want to use defer(self(), ...), or even just ‘defer`. In some circumstances, you actually don’t need to defer back to your own process, but you often want to defer. A good example of that is handling HTTP requests. Consider this example:

using namespace process;

using std::string;

class HttpProcess : public Process<HttpProcess>
  virtual void initialize()
    route("/route", None(), [](const http::Request& request) {
      return functionWhichReturnsAFutureOfString()
        .then(defer(self(), [](const string& s) {
          return http::OK("String returned in body: " + s);

Now, while this is totally legal and correct code, the callback executed after functionWhichReturnsAFutureOfString is completed does not need to be executed within the execution context of HttpProcess because it doesn't require any state from HttpProcess! In this case, rather than forcing the execution of the callback within the execution context of HttpProcess, which will block other callbacks that must be executed by HttpProcess, we can simply just run this lambda using an execution context that libprocess can pick for us (from a pool of threads). We do so by removing self() as the first argument to defer:

using namespace process;

using std::string;

class HttpProcess : public Process<HttpProcess>
  virtual void initialize()
    route("/route", None(), [](const http::Request& request) {
      return functionWhichReturnsAFutureOfString()
        .then(defer([](const string& s) {
          return http::OK("String returned in body: " + s);

Note that even in this example we still want to use defer! Why? Because otherwise we are blocking the execution context (i.e., process, thread, etc) that is completing the future because it is synchronously executing the callbacks! Instead, we want to let the callback get executed asynchronously by using defer.

Let‘s construct a simple example that illustrates a problem that can be introduced by omitting defer from callback registrations. We’ll define a method for our HttpProcess class which accepts an input string and returns a future via an asyncronous method called asyncStoreData:

using namespace process;

using std::string;

class HttpProcess : public Process<HttpProcess>
  // Returns the number of bytes stored.
  Future<int> inputHandler(const string input);

  // Returns the number of bytes stored.
  Future<int> asyncStoreData(const string input);

  int storedCount;

Future<int> HttpProcess::inputHandler(const string input)
  LOG(INFO) << "HttpProcess received input: " << input;

  return asyncStoreData(input)
    .then([this](int bytes) -> Future<int> {
      this->storedCount += bytes;

      LOG(INFO) << "Successfully stored input. "
                << "Total bytes stored so far: " << this->storedCount;

      return bytes;

When the callback is registered on the Future<int> returned by asyncStoreData, a lambda is passed directly to then. This means that the lambda will be executed in whatever execution context eventually fulfills the future. If the future is fulfilled in a different execution context (i.e., inside a different libprocess process), then it's possible that the instance of HttpProcess that originally invoked inputHandler will have been destroyed, making this a dangling pointer. In order to avoid this possibility, the callback should be registered as follows:

  return asyncStoreData(input)
    .then(defer(self(), [this](int bytes) -> Future<int> {

The lambda is then guaranteed to execute within the execution context of the current process, and we know that this will still be a valid pointer. We should write libprocess code that makes no assumptions about the execution context in which a given future is fulfilled. Even if we can verify that a future will be fulfilled in the current process, registering a callback without defer makes the code more fragile by allowing the possibility that another contributor will make changes without considering the impact of those changes on the registered callbacks' execution contexts. Thus, defer should always be used. We offer the following rule to determine which form of defer should be used in a given situation:

  • If the callback being registered accesses the state of a process, then it should be registered using defer(pid, callback), where pid is the PID of the process whose state is being accessed.
  • If the callback doesn't access any process state, or only makes use of process variables that are captured by value so that the context of the process is not directly accessed when the callback is executed, then it can be run in an arbitrary execution context chosen by libprocess, and it should be registered using defer(callback).


Generates a unique identifier string given a prefix. This is used to provide PID names.


A PID provides a level of indirection for naming a process without having an actual reference (pointer) to it (necessary for remote processes).

Futures and Promises

The Future and Promise primitives are used to enable programmers to write asynchronous, non-blocking, and highly concurrent software.

A Future acts as the read-side of a result which might be computed asynchronously. A Promise, on the other hand, acts as the write-side “container”. We'll use some examples to explain the concepts.

First, you can construct a Promise of a particular type by doing the following:

using namespace process;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Promise<int> promise;

  return 0;

A Promise is not copyable or assignable, in order to encourage strict ownership rules between processes (i.e., it‘s hard to reason about multiple actors concurrently trying to complete a Promise, even if it’s safe to do so concurrently).

You can get a Future from a Promise using the Promise::future() method:

using namespace process;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Promise<int> promise;

  Future<int> future = promise.future();

  return 0;

Note that the templated type of the future must be the exact same as the promise: you cannot create a covariant or contravariant future. Unlike Promise, a Future can be both copied and assigned:

using namespace process;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Promise<int> promise;

  Future<int> future = promise.future();

  // You can copy a future.
  Future<int> future2 = future;

  // You can also assign a future (NOTE: this future will never
  // complete because the Promise goes out of scope, but the
  // Future is still valid and can be used normally.)
  future = Promise<int>().future();

  return 0;

The result encapsulated in the Future/Promise can be in one of four states: PENDING, READY, FAILED, DISCARDED. When a Promise is first created the result is PENDING. When you complete a Promise using the Promise::set() method the result becomes READY:

using namespace process;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Promise<int> promise;

  Future<int> future = promise.future();



  return 0;

NOTE: CHECK is a macro from gtest which acts like an assert but prints a stack trace and does better signal management. In addition to CHECK, we‘ve also created wrapper macros CHECK_PENDING, CHECK_READY, CHECK_FAILED, CHECK_DISCARDED which enables you to more concisely do things like CHECK_READY(future) in your code. We’ll use those throughout the rest of this guide.


  • Using Future and Promise between actors, i.e., dispatch returning a Future
  • Promise::fail()
  • Promise::discard() and Future::discard()
  • Future::onReady(), Future::onFailed(), Future::onDiscarded()
  • Future::then(), Future::repair(), Future::after
  • defer
  • Future::await()


libprocess provides facilities for communicating between actors via HTTP messages. With the advent of the HTTP API, HTTP is becoming the preferred mode of communication.


route installs an HTTP endpoint onto a process. Let's define a simple process that installs an endpoint upon initialization:

using namespace process;
using namespace process::http;

class HttpProcess : public Process<HttpProcess>
  virtual void initialize()
    route("/testing", None(), [](const Request& request) {
      return testing(request.query);

class Http
  Http() : process(new HttpProcess())

  virtual ~Http()

  Owned<HttpProcess> process;

Now if our program instantiates this class, we can do something like: $ curl localhost:1234/testing?value=42

Note that the port at which this endpoint can be reached is the port libprocess has bound to, which is determined by the LIBPROCESS_PORT environment variable. In the case of the Mesos master or agent, this environment variable is set according to the --port command-line flag.


get will hit an HTTP endpoint with a GET request and return a Future containing the response. We can pass it either a libprocess UPID or a URL. Here's an example hitting the endpoint assuming we have a UPID named upid:

Future<Response> future = get(upid, "testing");

Or let‘s assume our serving process has been set up on a remote server and we want to hit its endpoint. We’ll construct a URL for the address and then call get:

URL url = URL("http", "hostname", 1234, "/testing");

Future<Response> future = get(url);

post and requestDelete

The post and requestDelete functions will similarly send POST and DELETE requests to an HTTP endpoint. Their invocation is analogous to get.


A Connection represents a connection to an HTTP server. connect can be used to connect to a server, and returns a Future containing the Connection. Let's open a connection to a server and send some requests:

Future<Connection> connect = connect(url);


Connection connection = connect.get();

Request request;
request.method = "GET";
request.url = url;
request.body = "Amazing prose goes here.";
request.keepAlive = true;

Future<Response> response = connection.send(request);

It's also worth noting that if multiple requests are sent in succession on a Connection, they will be automatically pipelined.

Clock Management and Timeouts

Asynchronous programs often use timeouts, e.g., because a process that initiates an asynchronous operation wants to take action if the operation hasn't completed within a certain time bound. To facilitate this, libprocess provides a set of abstractions that simplify writing timeout logic. Importantly, test code has the ability to manipulate the clock, in order to ensure that timeout logic is exercised (without needing to block the test program until the appropriate amount of system time has elapsed).

To invoke a function after a certain amount of time has elapsed, use delay:

using namespace process;

class DelayedProcess : public Process<DelayedProcess>
  void action(const string& name)
    LOG(INFO) << "hello, " << name;


  Promise<Nothing> promise;

int main()
  DelayedProcess process;


  LOG(INFO) << "Starting to wait";

  delay(Seconds(5), process.self(), &DelayedProcess::action, "Neil");


  LOG(INFO) << "Done waiting";


  return 0;

This invokes the action function after (at least) five seconds of time have elapsed. When writing unit tests for this code, blocking the test for five seconds is undesirable. To avoid this, we can use Clock::advance:

int main() { DelayedProcess process; spawn(process); LOG(INFO) << "Starting to wait"; Clock::pause(); delay(Seconds(5), process.self(), &DelayedProcess::action, "Neil"); Clock::advance(Seconds(5)); AWAIT_READY(process.promise.future()); LOG(INFO) << "Done waiting"; terminate(process); wait(process); Clock::resume(); return 0; }

Miscellaneous Primitives


Async defines a function template for asynchronously executing function closures. It provides their results as futures.