blob: 34560503f7c0965f783ab0c6334c6a2b9a68ae33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
angular.module('mesos', ['ngRoute', '', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ui.bootstrap.dialog']).
config(['paginationConfig', '$routeProvider', function(paginationConfig, $routeProvider) {
{templateUrl: 'app/home.html', controller: 'HomeCtrl'})
{templateUrl: 'app/agents/agents.html', controller: 'AgentsCtrl'})
{templateUrl: 'app/agents/agent.html', controller: 'AgentCtrl'})
{templateUrl: 'app/agents/agent-framework.html', controller: 'AgentFrameworkCtrl'})
{templateUrl: 'app/agents/agent-executor.html', controller: 'AgentExecutorCtrl'})
{templateUrl: 'app/frameworks/frameworks.html', controller: 'FrameworksCtrl'})
{templateUrl: 'app/frameworks/framework.html', controller: 'FrameworkCtrl'})
{templateUrl: 'app/maintenance/maintenance.html', controller: 'MaintenanceCtrl'})
{templateUrl: 'app/offers/offers.html', controller: 'OffersCtrl'})
{templateUrl: 'app/roles/roles.html', controller: 'RolesCtrl'})
// TODO(tomxing): Remove the following '/slaves/*' paths once the
// slave->agent rename is complete(MESOS-3779).
.when('/slaves', {redirectTo: '/agents'})
.when('/slaves/:agent_id', {redirectTo: '/agents/:agent_id'})
{redirectTo: '/agents/:agent_id/frameworks/:framework_id'})
{redirectTo: '/agents/:agent_id/frameworks/:framework_id/executors/:executor_id'})
// Use a non-falsy template so the controller will still be executed.
// Since the controller is intended only to redirect, the blank template
// is fine.
// By design, controllers currently will not handle routes if the
// template is falsy. There is an issue open in Angular to add that
// feature:
{template: ' ', controller: 'AgentTaskAndExecutorRerouterCtrl'})
{template: ' ', controller: 'AgentTaskAndExecutorRerouterCtrl'})
{templateUrl: 'app/agents/agent-browse.html', controller: 'BrowseCtrl'})
// TODO(tomxing): Remove the following '/slaves/*' paths once the
// slave->agent rename is complete(MESOS-3779).
{redirectTo: '/agents/:agent_id/frameworks/:framework_id/executors/:executor_id/browse'})
{redirectTo: '/agents/:agent_id/browse'})
.otherwise({redirectTo: '/'});
// Configure [Angular UI Pagination][1]:
// * Show first/last buttons
// * Show 50 items per page
// * Show "..." when there are pages beyond the max shown
// [1]
paginationConfig.boundaryLinks = true;
paginationConfig.rotate = false;
.filter('truncateMesosID', function() {
// Returns a truncated ID, for example:
// Input: 9d4b2f2b-a759-4458-bebf-7d3507a6f0ca-S9
// Output: ...7d3507a6f0ca-S9
// Note that an ellipsis is used for display purposes.
return function(id) {
if (id) {
var truncatedIdParts = id.split('-');
if (truncatedIdParts.length > 4) {
return '\u2026' + truncatedIdParts.splice(4).join('-');
} else {
return id;
} else {
return '';
.filter('truncateMesosState', function() {
return function(state) {
// Remove the "TASK_" prefix.
return state.substring(5);
.filter('taskHealth', function() {
return function(healthy) {
if (healthy == null) {
return "-";
// Note that this string value is relied on to match
// against CSS classes to color the UI. Changing this
// also requires an update to the CSS.
return healthy ? "healthy" : "unhealthy";
.filter('isoDate', function($filter) {
return function(date) {
var i = parseInt(date, 10);
if (_.isNaN(i)) { return '' }
return $filter('date')(i, 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ');
.filter('relativeDate', function() {
return function(date, refDate) {
var i = parseInt(date, 10);
if (_.isNaN(i)) { return '' }
return relativeDate(i, refDate);
.filter('slice', function() {
return function(array, begin, end) {
if (_.isArray(array)) {
return array.slice(begin, end);
.filter('unixDate', function($filter) {
return function(date) {
if ((new Date(date)).getFullYear() == (new Date()).getFullYear()) {
return $filter('date')(date, 'MMM dd HH:mm');
} else {
return $filter('date')(date, 'MMM dd yyyy');
// A filter that uses to convert small float number to decimal string.
.filter('decimalFloat', function() {
return function(num) {
return num ? parseFloat(num.toFixed(4)).toString() : num;
.filter('dataSize', function() {
var BYTES_PER_KB = Math.pow(2, 10);
var BYTES_PER_MB = Math.pow(2, 20);
var BYTES_PER_GB = Math.pow(2, 30);
var BYTES_PER_TB = Math.pow(2, 40);
var BYTES_PER_PB = Math.pow(2, 50);
// NOTE: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 2^53 - 1
return function(bytes) {
if (bytes == null || isNaN(bytes)) {
return '';
} else if (bytes < BYTES_PER_KB) {
return bytes.toFixed() + ' B';
} else if (bytes < BYTES_PER_MB) {
return (bytes / BYTES_PER_KB).toFixed() + ' KB';
} else if (bytes < BYTES_PER_GB) {
return (bytes / BYTES_PER_MB).toFixed() + ' MB';
} else if (bytes < BYTES_PER_TB) {
return (bytes / BYTES_PER_GB).toFixed(1) + ' GB';
} else if (bytes < BYTES_PER_PB) {
return (bytes / BYTES_PER_TB).toFixed(1) + ' TB';
} else {
return (bytes / BYTES_PER_PB).toFixed(1) + ' PB';
.directive('clipboard', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: true,
template: '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-file"></i>',
link: function(scope, element, _attrs) {
var clip = new Clipboard(element[0]);
element.on('mouseenter', function() {
element.on('mouseleave', function() {
// Restore tooltip content to its original value if it was
// changed by this Clipboard instance.
if (scope && scope.tt_content_orig) {
scope.tt_content = scope.tt_content_orig;
delete scope.tt_content_orig;
// Success for browsers with `execCommand` support.
clip.on('success', function () {
// Store the tooltip's original content so it can
// be restored when the tooltip is hidden.
scope.tt_content_orig = scope.tt_content;
// Angular UI's Tooltip sets content on the element's scope in a
// variable named 'tt_content'. The Tooltip has no public interface,
// so set the value directly here to change the value of the tooltip
// when content is successfully copied.
scope.tt_content = 'Copied!';
// Support for all other browsers without `execCommand`
// support. Text will be selected and user will be prompted
// to copy.
clip.on('error', function() {
scope.tt_content_orig = scope.tt_content;
scope.tt_content = 'Press Ctrl/Cmd + C to copy!';
.directive('mTimestamp', [ '$rootScope', function($rootScope) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
scope: {
value: '@'
link: function($scope, _element, _attrs) {
$scope.longDate = JSON.parse(
localStorage.getItem('longDate') || false);
$scope.$on('mTimestamp.toggle', function() {
$scope.longDate = !$scope.longDate;
$scope.toggle = function() {
localStorage.setItem('longDate', !$scope.longDate);
templateUrl: 'app/shared/timestamp.html'
.directive('mFrameworkRoles', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {roles: '=', frameworkId: '='},
templateUrl: 'app/frameworks/roles.html'
.directive('mFrameworkRolesTree', function() {
// This helper builds a prefix tree from a list of roles.
// Each role from the list corresponds to a leaf node in the tree.
// The path to that leaf node equals to the role (with '/.' added if this
// path is a prefix of other roles).
// For example, given a list of roles ['a/b','a', 'e/f', 'e/g']
// the following tree will be built:
// {'a': {'.': {}, 'b' : {}}, 'e': {'f': {}, 'g': '{}'}}
// (corresponding paths are 'a/.', 'a/b', 'e/f' and 'e/g')
function buildTree(roles) {
var root = {};
for (var roleIndex = 0; roleIndex < roles.length; roleIndex += 1) {
var tokens = roles[roleIndex].split('/');
var i = 0;
var node = root;
for (i = 0; i < tokens.length && (tokens[i] in node); i += 1) {
node = node[tokens[i]];
if (i > 0 && (i == tokens.length || Object.keys(node).length == 0)) {
node['.'] = {};
for (; i < tokens.length; i += 1) {
node[tokens[i]] = {};
node = node[tokens[i]];
return root;
function prepareTree(path, name, node) {
var prefix = path ? path + '/' : '';
return {
"children": Object.keys(node).sort().map(function(k) {
return prepareTree(prefix + k, k, node[k]);
"name": name,
"path": path
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {roles: '=', frameworkId: '='},
link: function($scope, _element, _attrs) {
// TODO (asekretenko): after MESOS-9915 consider getting the roles
// hierarchy from master directly (instead of buildTree()).
$scope.node = prepareTree("", "", buildTree($scope.roles));
$scope.storagePrefix = 'framework-roles-tree.' + $scope.frameworkId;
$scope.visible = JSON.parse(
localStorage.getItem($scope.storagePrefix) || '{}');
$scope.toggle = function(path) {
if (path in $scope.visible) {
delete $scope.visible[path];
} else {
$scope.visible[path] = true;
templateUrl: 'app/frameworks/roles-tree-root.html'
.directive('mPagination', function() {
return { templateUrl: 'app/shared/pagination.html' }
.directive('mTableHeader', function() {
return { templateUrl: 'app/shared/table-header.html' }
.directive('mTable', ['$compile', '$filter', function($compile, $filter) {
/* This directive does not have a template. The DOM doesn't like
* having partially defined tables and so they don't work well with
* directives and templates. Because of this, the sub-elements that this
* includes are their own directive/templates and it adds them via. DOM
* manipulation here.
return {
scope: true,
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var defaultOrder = true;
_.extend(scope, {
originalData: [],
columnKey: '',
sortOrder: defaultOrder,
pgNum: 1,
pageLength: 50,
filterTerm: '',
headerTitle: attrs.title
// ---
// --- Allow sorting by column based on the <th> data-key attribute.
// Does not apply for group columns as their children are sortable.
var th = element.find('th').not('.group-column');
th.attr('ng-click', 'sortColumn($event)');
var setSorting = function(el) {
var key = el.attr('data-key');
// Prevent sorting when 'data-key' is undefined.
if (!key) {
if (scope.columnKey === key) {
scope.sortOrder = !scope.sortOrder;
} else if (el.hasClass('ascending')) {
// We can order the table the other way around by adding
// 'class="ascending"' to the table header.
scope.sortOrder = !defaultOrder;
} else {
scope.sortOrder = defaultOrder;
scope.columnKey = key;
th.removeClass('descending ascending');
el.addClass(scope.sortOrder ? 'descending' : 'ascending');
var defaultSortColumn = function() {
var el = element.find('[data-sort]');
if (el.length === 0) {
el = element.find('th:first');
return el;
scope.sortColumn = function(ev) {
// ---
scope.$watch(attrs.tableContent, function(data) {
if (!data) { scope.originalData = []; return }
if (angular.isObject(data)) { data = _.values(data) }
scope.originalData = data;
var setTableData = function() {
scope.filteredData = $filter('filter')(scope.originalData, scope.filterTerm)
scope.$data = $filter('orderBy')(
(scope.pgNum - 1) * scope.pageLength,
scope.pgNum * scope.pageLength);
// Reset the page number for each new filtering.
scope.$watch('filterTerm', function() { scope.pgNum = 1; });
_.each(['originalData', 'columnKey', 'sortOrder', 'pgNum', 'filterTerm'],
function(k) { scope.$watch(k, setTableData); });
// --- Pagination controls
var el = angular.element('<div m-pagination></div>');
// ---
// --- Filtering
el = angular.element('<div m-table-header></div>');
// ---