blob: e444e470eb085cea167f84f8540d1769d662c222 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <mesos/mesos.hpp>
#include <process/future.hpp>
#include <process/id.hpp>
#include <process/owned.hpp>
#include <stout/boundedhashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/duration.hpp>
#include <stout/hashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/hashset.hpp>
#include <stout/lambda.hpp>
#include <stout/option.hpp>
#include "common/protobuf_utils.hpp"
#include "master/allocator/mesos/allocator.hpp"
#include "master/allocator/mesos/metrics.hpp"
#include "master/allocator/mesos/sorter/drf/sorter.hpp"
#include "master/allocator/mesos/sorter/random/sorter.hpp"
#include "master/constants.hpp"
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
namespace master {
namespace allocator {
// We forward declare the hierarchical allocator process so that we
// can typedef an instantiation of it with DRF sorters.
template <
typename RoleSorter,
typename FrameworkSorter>
class HierarchicalAllocatorProcess;
typedef HierarchicalAllocatorProcess<DRFSorter, DRFSorter>
typedef MesosAllocator<HierarchicalDRFAllocatorProcess>
typedef HierarchicalAllocatorProcess<RandomSorter, RandomSorter>
typedef MesosAllocator<HierarchicalRandomAllocatorProcess>
namespace internal {
// Forward declarations.
class OfferFilter;
class InverseOfferFilter;
class RoleTree;
struct Framework
const FrameworkInfo& frameworkInfo,
const std::set<std::string>& suppressedRoles,
bool active,
bool publishPerFrameworkMetrics);
const FrameworkID frameworkId;
std::set<std::string> roles;
std::set<std::string> suppressedRoles;
protobuf::framework::Capabilities capabilities;
// Offer filters are tied to the role the filtered
// resources were offered to.
hashmap<std::string, hashmap<SlaveID, hashset<std::shared_ptr<OfferFilter>>>>
hashmap<SlaveID, hashset<std::shared_ptr<InverseOfferFilter>>>
bool active;
bool publishPerFrameworkMetrics;
process::Owned<FrameworkMetrics> metrics;
// TODO(bbannier): Consider documenting examples on how to use this setting.
hashmap<std::string, std::vector<ResourceQuantities>> minAllocatableResources;
// Helper for tracking cross-agent scalar resource totals.
// Needed because directly summing Resources across agents has
// prohibitively expensive time complexity: O(N^2) vs the number of agents,
// and also violates the convention that Resources belonging to different agents
// should not be added.
class ScalarResourceTotals
// These methods implicitly filter out non-scalars from the inputs, thus
// the caller is not obliged to ensure that `resources` contains only scalars.
void add(const SlaveID& slaveID, const Resources& resources);
void subtract(const SlaveID& slaveID, const Resources& resources);
bool empty() const { return scalars.empty(); }
ResourceQuantities quantities() const { return scalarsTotal; }
hashmap<SlaveID, Resources> scalars;
ResourceQuantities scalarsTotal;
class Role
Role(const std::string& name, Role* parent);
const ResourceQuantities& reservationScalarQuantities() const
return reservationScalarQuantities_;
ResourceQuantities offeredOrAllocatedReservedScalarQuantities() const
return offeredOrAllocatedReserved.quantities();
const hashset<FrameworkID>& frameworks() const { return frameworks_; }
const Quota& quota() const { return quota_; }
ResourceQuantities quotaOfferedOrConsumed() const
return offeredOrAllocatedUnreservedNonRevocable.quantities() +
ResourceQuantities quotaConsumed() const
return allocatedUnreservedNonRevocable.quantities() +
double weight() const { return weight_; }
bool isEmpty() const
return children_.empty() &&
frameworks_.empty() &&
reservationScalarQuantities_.empty() &&
quota_ == DEFAULT_QUOTA &&
weight_ == DEFAULT_WEIGHT;
std::vector<Role*> children() const { return children_.values(); }
const std::string role; // E.g. "a/b/c"
const std::string basename; // E.g. "c"
// We keep fields that are related to the tree structure as private
// and only allow mutations through the RoleTree structure.
friend class RoleTree;
// Add a child to the role, the child must not already exist.
void addChild(Role* child);
// Remove a child from the role, the child must be present.
void removeChild(Role* child);
Role* parent;
// Configured guaranteed resource quantities and resource limits for
// this role. By default, a role has no guarantee and no limit.
Quota quota_;
// Configured weight for the role. This affects sorting precedence.
// By default, weights == DEFAULT_WEIGHT == 1.0.
double weight_;
// IDs of the frameworks tracked under the role, if any.
// A framework is tracked under the role if the framework:
// (1) is subscribed to the role;
// *OR*
// (2) has resources allocated under the role.
// NOTE: (2) could be true without (1). This is because the allocator
// interface allows for a framework role to be removed without recovering
// resources offered or allocated to this role.
hashset<FrameworkID> frameworks_;
// Totals tracker for unreserved non-revocable offered/allocated resources.
// Note that since any offered or allocated resources should be tied to
// a framework, an empty role (that has no registered framework) must have
// this total empty.
ScalarResourceTotals offeredOrAllocatedUnreservedNonRevocable;
ScalarResourceTotals offeredOrAllocatedReserved;
// Aggregated reserved scalar resource quantities on all agents tied to this
// role, if any. This includes both its own reservations as well as
// reservations of any of its subroles (i.e. it is hierarchical aware).
// Note that non-scalar resources, such as ports, are excluded.
ResourceQuantities reservationScalarQuantities_;
// Totals tracker for unreserved non-revocable resources actually allocated
// (i.e. used for launching tasks) to this role and any of its subroles.
ScalarResourceTotals allocatedUnreservedNonRevocable;
hashmap<std::string, Role*> children_;
// A tree abstraction for organizing `class Role` hierarchically.
// We track a role when it has:
// * a non-default weight, or
// * a non-default quota, or
// * frameworks subscribed to it, or
// * reservations, or
// * descendent roles meeting any of the above conditions.
// Any roles that do not meet these conditions are not tracked in the role tree.
class RoleTree
RoleTree(); // Only used in tests.
RoleTree(Metrics* metrics);
Option<const Role*> get(const std::string& role) const;
// Return a hashmap of all known roles. Root is not included.
const hashmap<std::string, Role>& roles() const { return roles_; }
const Role* root() const { return root_; }
// We keep track of reservations to enforce role quota limit
// in the presence of unallocated reservations. See MESOS-4527.
void trackReservations(const Resources& resources);
void untrackReservations(const Resources& resources);
// We keep track of allocated resources which are actually used by frameworks.
void trackAllocated(const SlaveID& slaveId, const Resources& resources);
void untrackAllocated(const SlaveID& slaveId, const Resources& resources);
void trackFramework(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId, const std::string& role);
void untrackFramework(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId, const std::string& role);
void updateQuota(const std::string& role, const Quota& quota);
void updateWeight(const std::string& role, double weight);
void trackOfferedOrAllocated(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const Resources& resources);
void untrackOfferedOrAllocated(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const Resources& resources);
// Dump the role tree state in JSON format for debugging.
std::string toJSON() const;
// Private helper to get non-const pointers.
Option<Role*> get_(const std::string& role);
// Lookup or add the role struct associated with the role. Ancestor roles
// along the tree path will be created if necessary.
Role& operator[](const std::string& role);
// Helper for modifying a role and all its ancestors.
template<class UnaryFunction>
static void applyToRoleAndAncestors(Role* role, UnaryFunction f) {
for (; role != nullptr; role = role->parent) {
// Try to remove the role associated with the given role.
// The role must exist. The role and its ancestors will be removed
// if they become "empty". See "Role:isEmpty()".
// Return true if the role instance associated with the role is removed.
// This should be called whenever a role's state (that defines its emptiness)
// gets updated, such as quota, weight, reservation and tracked frameworks.
// Otherwise the "tracking only non-empty" tree invariant may break.
bool tryRemove(const std::string& role);
void updateQuotaConsumedMetric(const Role* role);
// Root node of the tree, its `basename` == `role` == "".
Role* root_;
// Allocator's metrics handle for publishing role related metrics.
Option<Metrics*> metrics;
// A map of role and `Role` pairs for quick lookup.
hashmap<std::string, Role> roles_;
class Slave
const SlaveInfo& _info,
const protobuf::slave::Capabilities& _capabilities,
bool _activated,
const Resources& _total,
const hashmap<FrameworkID, Resources>& _allocated)
: id(,
hasGpu_(_total.gpus().getOrElse(0) > 0)
const Resources& getTotal() const { return total; }
const hashmap<FrameworkID, Resources>& getOfferedOrAllocated() const
return offeredOrAllocated;
const Resources& getTotalOfferedOrAllocated() const
return totalOfferedOrAllocated;
const Resources& getAvailable() const { return available; }
bool hasGpu() const { return hasGpu_; }
void updateTotal(const Resources& newTotal) {
total = newTotal;
shared = total.shared();
hasGpu_ = total.gpus().getOrElse(0) > 0;
void increaseAvailable(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId, const Resources& offeredOrAllocated_)
// Increasing available is to subtract offered or allocated.
if (offeredOrAllocated_.empty()) {
// It is possible that the reference of `offeredOrAllocated_`
// points to the same object as `resources` below. We must
// do subtraction here before any mutation on the object.
totalOfferedOrAllocated -= offeredOrAllocated_;
Resources& resources =;
CHECK_CONTAINS(resources, offeredOrAllocated_);
resources -= offeredOrAllocated_;
if (resources.empty()) {
void decreaseAvailable(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId, const Resources& offeredOrAllocated_)
if (offeredOrAllocated_.empty()) {
// Decreasing available is to add offered or allocated.
offeredOrAllocated[frameworkId] += offeredOrAllocated_;
totalOfferedOrAllocated += offeredOrAllocated_;
const SlaveID id;
// The `SlaveInfo` that was passed to the allocator when the slave was added
// or updated. Currently only two fields are used: `hostname` for host
// whitelisting and in log messages, and `domain` for region-aware
// scheduling.
SlaveInfo info;
protobuf::slave::Capabilities capabilities;
bool activated; // Whether to offer resources.
// Represents a scheduled unavailability due to maintenance for a specific
// slave, and the responses from frameworks as to whether they will be able
// to gracefully handle this unavailability.
// NOTE: We currently implement maintenance in the allocator to be able to
// leverage state and features such as the FrameworkSorter and OfferFilter.
struct Maintenance
Maintenance(const Unavailability& _unavailability)
: unavailability(_unavailability) {}
// The start time and optional duration of the event.
Unavailability unavailability;
// A mapping of frameworks to the inverse offer status associated with
// this unavailability.
// NOTE: We currently lose this information during a master fail over
// since it is not persisted or replicated. This is ok as the new master's
// allocator will send out new inverse offers and re-collect the
// information. This is similar to all the outstanding offers from an old
// master being invalidated, and new offers being sent out.
hashmap<FrameworkID, mesos::allocator::InverseOfferStatus> statuses;
// Represents the "unit of accounting" for maintenance. When a
// `FrameworkID` is present in the hashset it means an inverse offer has
// been sent out. When it is not present it means no offer is currently
// outstanding.
hashset<FrameworkID> offersOutstanding;
// When the `maintenance` is set the slave is scheduled to be unavailable at
// a given point in time, for an optional duration. This information is used
// to send out `InverseOffers`.
Option<Maintenance> maintenance;
// Sum of all allocated (i.e. occupied by running tasks) resources on the
// agent. This information is needed to untrack allocated resources when the
// agent is removed, because the master is not obligated to separately inform
// allocator that resources of the removed agent are not offered/allocated
// anymore.
Resources totalAllocated;
void updateAvailable()
// In order to subtract from the total,
// we strip the allocation information.
Resources totalOfferedOrAllocated_ = totalOfferedOrAllocated;
// This is hot path. We avoid the unnecessary resource traversals
// in the common case where there are no shared resources.
if (shared.empty()) {
available = total - totalOfferedOrAllocated_;
} else {
// Since shared resources are offerable even when they are in use, we
// always include them as part of available resources.
available =
(total.nonShared() - totalOfferedOrAllocated_.nonShared()) + shared;
// Total amount of regular *and* oversubscribed resources.
Resources total;
// NOTE: We keep track of the slave's allocated resources despite
// having that information in sorters. This is because the
// information in sorters is not accurate if some framework
// hasn't reregistered. See MESOS-2919 for details.
// This includes both regular *and* oversubscribed resources.
// An entry is erased if a framework no longer has any
// offered or allocated on the agent.
hashmap<FrameworkID, Resources> offeredOrAllocated;
// Sum of all offered or allocated resources on the agent. This should equal
// to sum of `offeredOrAllocated` (including all the meta-data).
Resources totalOfferedOrAllocated;
// We track the total and allocated resources on the slave to
// avoid calculating it in place every time.
// Note that `available` always contains all the shared resources on the
// agent regardless whether they have ever been allocated or not.
// NOTE, however, we currently only offer a shared resource only if it has
// not been offered in an allocation cycle to a framework. We do this mainly
// to preserve the normal offer behavior. This may change in the future
// depending on use cases.
// Note that it's possible for the slave to be over-allocated!
// In this case, allocated > total.
Resources available;
// We keep a copy of the shared resources to avoid unnecessary copying.
Resources shared;
// We cache whether the agent has gpus as an optimization.
bool hasGpu_;
// Implements the basic allocator algorithm - first pick a role by
// some criteria, then pick one of their frameworks to allocate to.
class HierarchicalAllocatorProcess : public MesosAllocatorProcess
const std::function<Sorter*()>& roleSorterFactory,
const std::function<Sorter*()>& _frameworkSorterFactory)
: initialized(false),
frameworkSorterFactory(_frameworkSorterFactory) {}
~HierarchicalAllocatorProcess() override {}
process::PID<HierarchicalAllocatorProcess> self() const
return process::PID<Self>(this);
void initialize(
const mesos::allocator::Options& options,
const lambda::function<
void(const FrameworkID&,
const hashmap<std::string, hashmap<SlaveID, Resources>>&)>&
const lambda::function<
void(const FrameworkID&,
const hashmap<SlaveID, UnavailableResources>&)>&
inverseOfferCallback) override;
void recover(
const int _expectedAgentCount,
const hashmap<std::string, Quota>& quotas) override;
void addFramework(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const FrameworkInfo& frameworkInfo,
const hashmap<SlaveID, Resources>& used,
bool active,
const std::set<std::string>& suppressedRoles) override;
void removeFramework(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId) override;
void activateFramework(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId) override;
void deactivateFramework(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId) override;
void updateFramework(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const FrameworkInfo& frameworkInfo,
const std::set<std::string>& suppressedRoles) override;
void addSlave(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const SlaveInfo& slaveInfo,
const std::vector<SlaveInfo::Capability>& capabilities,
const Option<Unavailability>& unavailability,
const Resources& total,
const hashmap<FrameworkID, Resources>& used) override;
void removeSlave(
const SlaveID& slaveId) override;
void updateSlave(
const SlaveID& slave,
const SlaveInfo& slaveInfo,
const Option<Resources>& total = None(),
const Option<std::vector<SlaveInfo::Capability>>& capabilities = None())
void addResourceProvider(
const SlaveID& slave,
const Resources& total,
const hashmap<FrameworkID, Resources>& used) override;
void deactivateSlave(
const SlaveID& slaveId) override;
void activateSlave(
const SlaveID& slaveId) override;
void updateWhitelist(
const Option<hashset<std::string>>& whitelist) override;
void requestResources(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const std::vector<Request>& requests) override;
void updateAllocation(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const Resources& offeredResources,
const std::vector<ResourceConversion>& conversions) override;
process::Future<Nothing> updateAvailable(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const std::vector<Offer::Operation>& operations) override;
void updateUnavailability(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const Option<Unavailability>& unavailability) override;
void updateInverseOffer(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const Option<UnavailableResources>& unavailableResources,
const Option<mesos::allocator::InverseOfferStatus>& status,
const Option<Filters>& filters) override;
hashmap<FrameworkID, mesos::allocator::InverseOfferStatus>>>
getInverseOfferStatuses() override;
void transitionOfferedToAllocated(
const SlaveID& slaveId, const Resources& resources) override;
void recoverResources(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const Resources& resources,
const Option<Filters>& filters,
bool isAllocated) override;
void suppressOffers(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const std::set<std::string>& roles) override;
void reviveOffers(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const std::set<std::string>& roles) override;
void updateQuota(
const std::string& role,
const Quota& quota) override;
void updateWeights(
const std::vector<WeightInfo>& weightInfos) override;
void pause() override;
void resume() override;
// Useful typedefs for dispatch/delay/defer to self()/this.
typedef HierarchicalAllocatorProcess Self;
typedef HierarchicalAllocatorProcess This;
// Generate offers from all known agents.
process::Future<Nothing> generateOffers();
// Generate offers from the specified agent.
process::Future<Nothing> generateOffers(const SlaveID& slaveId);
// Generate offers from the specified agents. The offer generation is
// deferred and batched with other offer generation requests.
process::Future<Nothing> generateOffers(const hashset<SlaveID>& slaveIds);
Nothing _generateOffers();
void __generateOffers();
void generateInverseOffers();
// Remove an offer filter for the specified role of the framework.
void expire(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const std::string& role,
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const std::weak_ptr<OfferFilter>& offerFilter);
void _expire(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const std::string& role,
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const std::weak_ptr<OfferFilter>& offerFilter);
// Remove an inverse offer filter for the specified framework.
void expire(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const std::weak_ptr<InverseOfferFilter>& inverseOfferFilter);
// Checks whether the slave is whitelisted.
bool isWhitelisted(const SlaveID& slaveId) const;
// Returns true if there is a resource offer filter for the
// specified role of this framework on this slave.
bool isFiltered(
const Framework& framework,
const std::string& role,
const Slave& slave,
const Resources& resources) const;
// Returns true if there is an inverse offer filter for this framework
// on this slave.
bool isFiltered(
const Framework& framework,
const Slave& slave) const;
bool allocatable(
const Resources& resources,
const std::string& role,
const Framework& framework) const;
bool initialized;
bool paused;
mesos::allocator::Options options;
// Recovery data.
Option<int> expectedAgentCount;
void(const FrameworkID&,
const hashmap<std::string, hashmap<SlaveID, Resources>>&)>
void(const FrameworkID&,
const hashmap<SlaveID, UnavailableResources>&)>
friend Metrics;
Metrics metrics;
double _event_queue_dispatches()
return static_cast<double>(eventCount<process::DispatchEvent>());
double _resources_total(
const std::string& resource);
double _resources_offered_or_allocated(
const std::string& resource);
double _quota_offered_or_allocated(
const std::string& role,
const std::string& resource);
double _offer_filters_active(
const std::string& role);
hashmap<FrameworkID, Framework> frameworks;
BoundedHashMap<FrameworkID, process::Owned<FrameworkMetrics>>
hashmap<SlaveID, Slave> slaves;
// Total scalar resource quantities on all agents.
ResourceQuantities totalScalarQuantities;
RoleTree roleTree;
// A set of agents that are kept as allocation candidates. Events
// may add or remove candidates to the set. When an offer generation is
// processed, the set of candidates is cleared.
hashset<SlaveID> allocationCandidates;
// Future for the dispatched offer generation that becomes
// ready after the offer generation run is complete.
Option<process::Future<Nothing>> offerGeneration;
// Slaves to send offers for.
Option<hashset<std::string>> whitelist;
// There are two stages of offer generation:
// Stage 1: Generate offers to satisfy quota guarantees.
// Stage 2: Generate offers above quota guarantees up to quota limits.
// Note that we need to hold back enough "headroom"
// to ensure that any unsatisfied quota can be
// satisfied later.
// Each stage comprises two levels of sorting, hence "hierarchical".
// Level 1 sorts across roles:
// Currently, only the offered or allocated portion of the reserved
// resources are accounted for fairness calculation.
// TODO(mpark): Reserved resources should be accounted for fairness
// calculation whether they are offered/allocated or not, since they model
// a long or forever running task. That is, the effect of reserving resources
// is equivalent to launching a task in that the resources that make up the
// reservation are not available to other roles as non-revocable.
// Level 2 sorts across frameworks within a particular role:
// Reserved resources at this level are, and should be accounted for
// fairness calculation only if they are allocated. This is because
// reserved resources are fairly shared across the frameworks in the role.
// The allocator relies on `Sorter`s to employ a particular sorting
// algorithm. Each level has its own sorter and hence may have different
// fairness calculations.
// NOTE: The hierarchical allocator considers revocable resources as
// regular resources when doing fairness calculations.
// TODO(vinod): Consider using a different fairness algorithm for
// revocable resources.
// A sorter for active roles. This sorter determines the order in which
// roles are offered resources during Level 1 of the second stage.
// The total cluster resources are used as the resource pool.
process::Owned<Sorter> roleSorter;
// A collection of sorters, one per active role. Each sorter determines
// the order in which frameworks that belong to the same role are offered
// resources inside the role's share. These sorters are used during Level 2
// for both the first and the second stages. Since frameworks are sharing
// resources of a role, resources offered or allocated to the role are used as
// the resource pool for each role specific framework sorter.
hashmap<std::string, process::Owned<Sorter>> frameworkSorters;
// Factory function for framework sorters.
const std::function<Sorter*()> frameworkSorterFactory;
bool isFrameworkTrackedUnderRole(
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const std::string& role) const;
Option<Slave*> getSlave(const SlaveID& slaveId) const;
Option<Framework*> getFramework(const FrameworkID& frameworkId) const;
Option<Sorter*> getFrameworkSorter(const std::string& role) const;
const Quota& getQuota(const std::string& role) const;
// Helpers to track and untrack a framework under a role.
// Frameworks should be tracked under a role either if it subscribes to the
// role *OR* it has resources allocated/offered to that role. when neither
// conditions are met, it should be untracked.
// `tryUntrackFrameworkUnderRole` returns true if the framework is untracked
// under the role.
void trackFrameworkUnderRole(
const Framework& framework, const std::string& role);
bool tryUntrackFrameworkUnderRole(
const Framework& framework, const std::string& role);
void suppressRoles(Framework& framework, const std::set<std::string>& roles);
void reviveRoles(Framework& framework, const std::set<std::string>& roles);
// Helper to update the agent's total resources maintained in the allocator
// and the role and quota sorters (whose total resources match the agent's
// total resources). Returns true iff the stored agent total was changed.
bool updateSlaveTotal(const SlaveID& slaveId, const Resources& total);
// Helper that returns true if the given agent is located in a
// different region than the master. This can only be the case if
// the agent and the master are both configured with a fault domain.
bool isRemoteSlave(const Slave& slave) const;
// Helper function that checks if a framework is capable of
// receiving resources on the agent based on the framework capability.
// TODO(mzhu): Make this a `Framework` member function once we pull
// `struct Framework` out from being nested.
bool isCapableOfReceivingAgent(
const protobuf::framework::Capabilities& frameworkCapabilities,
const Slave& slave) const;
// Helper function that removes any resources that the framework is not
// capable of receiving based on the given framework capability.
// TODO(mzhu): Make this a `Framework` member function once we pull
// `struct Framework` out from being nested.
Resources stripIncapableResources(
const Resources& resources,
const protobuf::framework::Capabilities& frameworkCapabilities) const;
// Helper to track offered or allocated resources on an agent.
// TODO(asekretenko): rename `(un)trackAllocatedResources()` to reflect the
// fact that these methods do not distinguish between offered and allocated.
// TODO(mzhu): replace this with `RoleTree::trackOfferedOrAllocated`.
void trackAllocatedResources(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const Resources& offeredOrAllocated);
// Helper to untrack resources that are no longer offered or allocated
// on an agent.
// TODO(mzhu): replace this with `RoleTree::untrackOfferedOrAllocated`.
void untrackAllocatedResources(
const SlaveID& slaveId,
const FrameworkID& frameworkId,
const Resources& offeredOrallocated);
// Helper that removes all existing offer filters for the given slave
// id.
void removeFilters(const SlaveID& slaveId);
} // namespace internal {
// We map the templatized version of the `HierarchicalAllocatorProcess` to one
// that relies on sorter factories in the internal namespace. This allows us
// to keep the implementation of the allocator in the implementation file.
template <
typename RoleSorter,
typename FrameworkSorter>
class HierarchicalAllocatorProcess
: public internal::HierarchicalAllocatorProcess
: ProcessBase(process::ID::generate("hierarchical-allocator")),
[this]() -> Sorter* {
return new RoleSorter(this->self(), "allocator/mesos/roles/");
[]() -> Sorter* { return new FrameworkSorter(); }) {}
} // namespace allocator {
} // namespace master {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {