layout: post title: Apache Mesos 0.27.1 Released permalink: /blog/mesos-0-27-1-released/ published: true post_author: display_name: Michael Park gravatar: 2ab9cab3a7cf782261c583c1f48a81b0 twitter: mcypark tags: Release

The latest Mesos release, 0.27.1, is now available for download. This release includes fixes and improvements for: reconnection logic for Zookeeper client, /state endpoint and systemd integration.

  • MESOS-4546 - Mesos Agents needs to re-resolve hosts in zk string on leader change / failure to connect.
  • MESOS-4582 - state.json serving duplicate “active” fields.
  • MESOS-3007 - Support systemd with Mesos.

Full release notes are available in the release CHANGELOG.


Rolling upgrades from a Mesos 0.27.0 cluster to Mesos 0.27.1 are straightforward. Please refer to the upgrade guide for detailed information on upgrading to Mesos 0.27.1.

Try it out

We encourage you to try out this release and let us know what you think. If you run into any issues, please let us know on the user mailing list and IRC.


Thanks to the 8 contributors who made 0.27.1 possible:

Jie Yu, Joerg Shad, Joris Van Remoortere, Joseph Wu, Kapil Arya, Michael Park, Neil Conway, Shuai Lin