layout: post title: Register for MesosCon by 7/31 and Save $100 permalink: /blog/register-for-mesoscon-seattle-save/ published: true post_author: display_name: Steven Borrelli twitter: stevendborrelli tags: MesosCon

MesosCon is less than a month away, and the standard registration fee of $399 expires July 31, 2015. Register today. Beginning August 1, 2015 the registration fee will be $499. Students are eligible for a special registration fee of US$99 (Note that a valid student id will be required at onsite check-in).

MesosCon is an annual conference organized by the Apache Mesos community, bringing together users and developers to share and learn about the project and its growing ecosystem.

This Year's Conference

This year MesosCon will take place August 20 - 21, 2015 at Sheraton Seattle in Seattle, WA, and features four tracks of talks for developers, operations and users. MesosCon Schedule

MesosCon’s Keynote speakers feature Adrian Crockroft (Battery Ventures), Benjamin Hindman (Mesosphere), Neha Narula (MIT), and Peter Bailis (Berkeley).

The Mesos community will once again hold a day-long hackathon, this year on Wednesday, August 19th and sponsored by SignalFx.

On behalf of the #MesosCon Program Committee, we couldn’t be more excited about this year’s conference and what this means for the open source project’s community. We hope that you’ll join us!