title: Apache Mesos - Committers layout: documentation


An Apache Mesos committer is a contributor who has been given write access to the Apache Mesos code repository and related Apache infrastructure. In the Mesos project, each committer is also a voting member of the PMC.

Becoming a committer

Every new committer has to be proposed by a current committer and then voted in by the members of the Mesos PMC. For details about this process and for candidate requirements see the general Apache guidelines for assessing new candidates for committership. Candidates prepare for their nomination as committer by contributing to the Mesos project and its community, by acting according to the Apache Way, and by generally following the path from contributor to committer for Apache projects. Specifically for the Mesos project, you can make use of the Apache Mesos Committer Candidate Checklist for suggestions of what kind of contributions and demonstrated behaviors can be instrumental, and to keep track of your progress.

Current Committers

We'd like to thank the following committers to the Apache Mesos project who have helped get the project to where it is today. This list might be stale, the canonical list is located on Apache's website.

If you're interested in becoming a committer yourself, the best way to do so is by participating in developer discussions and contributing patches to the project.

Component Maintainers

We currently make no distinction between committers and PMC members. As such, every committer is responsible for the quality of the entire codebase. Some components are widely maintained (e.g. build and support tooling, tests, etc), whereas some components are inherently more critical / complex and have committers with increased context, interest, and long-term perspective.

We aim to have more than one maintainer for each component, in order to ensure that contributors can obtain timely feedback. To avoid information silos, we encourage committers to learn about areas of the code that they are unfamiliar with.

When sending reviews, it can be valuable to consult the component maintainers, as specified below. Component maintainers do not have any special “ownership” over the code, but merely serve as a resource for obtaining valuable feedback in a timely manner. We trust every committer to use good judgement to determine when to obtain feedback from component maintainers.


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