title: Apache Mesos - Software Projects Built on Mesos layout: documentation

Software Projects Built on Mesos

Long Running Services

  • Aurora is a service scheduler that runs on top of Mesos, enabling you to run long-running services that take advantage of Mesos' scalability, fault-tolerance, and resource isolation.
  • Marathon is a private PaaS built on Mesos. It automatically handles hardware or software failures and ensures that an app is “always on”.
  • Singularity is a scheduler (HTTP API and web interface) for running Mesos tasks: long running processes, one-off tasks, and scheduled jobs.
  • SSSP is a simple web application that provides a white-label “Megaupload” for storing and sharing files in S3.

Big Data Processing

  • Cray Chapel is a productive parallel programming language. The Chapel Mesos scheduler lets you run Chapel programs on Mesos.
  • Dpark is a Python clone of Spark, a MapReduce-like framework written in Python, running on Mesos.
  • Exelixi is a distributed framework for running genetic algorithms at scale.
  • Hadoop Running Hadoop on Mesos distributes MapReduce jobs efficiently across an entire cluster.
  • Hama is a distributed computing framework based on Bulk Synchronous Parallel computing techniques for massive scientific computations e.g., matrix, graph and network algorithms.
  • MPI is a message-passing system designed to function on a wide variety of parallel computers.
  • Spark is a fast and general-purpose cluster computing system which makes parallel jobs easy to write.
  • Storm is a distributed realtime computation system. Storm makes it easy to reliably process unbounded streams of data, doing for realtime processing what Hadoop did for batch processing.

Batch Scheduling

  • Chronos is a distributed job scheduler that supports complex job topologies. It can be used as a more fault-tolerant replacement for Cron.
  • Jenkins is a continuous integration server. The mesos-jenkins plugin allows it to dynamically launch workers on a Mesos cluster depending on the workload.
  • JobServer is a distributed job scheduler and processor which allows developers to build custom batch processing Tasklets using point and click web UI.
  • GoDocker is a batch computing job scheduler like SGE, Torque, etc. It schedules batch computing tasks via webui, API or CLI for system or LDAP users, mounting their home directory or other shared resources in a Docker container. It targets scientists, not developers, and provides plugin mechanisms to extend or modify the default behavior.

Data Storage

  • Alluxio is a memory-centric distributed storage system enabling reliable data sharing at memory-speed across cluster frameworks.
  • Cassandra is a performant and highly available distributed database. Linear scalability and proven fault-tolerance on commodity hardware or cloud infrastructure make it the perfect platform for mission-critical data.
  • ElasticSearch is a distributed search engine. Mesos makes it easy to run and scale.
  • Hypertable is a high performance, scalable, distributed storage and processing system for structured and unstructured data.