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Mesos Containerizer

The MesosContainerizer provides lightweight containerization and resource isolation of executors using Linux-specific functionality such as control cgroups and namespaces. It is composable so operators can selectively enable different isolators.

It also provides basic support for POSIX systems (e.g., OSX) but without any actual isolation, only resource usage reporting.

Shared Filesystem

The SharedFilesystem isolator can optionally be used on Linux hosts to enable modifications to each container's view of the shared filesystem.

The modifications are specified in the ContainerInfo included in the ExecutorInfo, either by a framework or by using the --default_container_info slave flag.

ContainerInfo specifies Volumes which map parts of the shared filesystem (host_path) into the container‘s view of the filesystem (container_path), as read-write or read-only. The host_path can be absolute, in which case it will make the filesystem subtree rooted at host_path also accessible under container_path for each container. If host_path is relative then it is considered as a directory relative to the executor’s work directory. The directory will be created and permissions copied from the corresponding directory (which must exist) in the shared filesystem.

The primary use-case for this isolator is to selectively make parts of the shared filesystem private to each container. For example, a private “/tmp” directory can be achieved with host_path=“tmp” and container_path=“/tmp” which will create a directory “tmp” inside the executor‘s work directory (mode 1777) and simultaneously mount it as /tmp inside the container. This is transparent to processes running inside the container. Containers will not be able to see the host’s /tmp or any other container's /tmp.

Pid Namespace

The Pid Namespace isolator can be used to isolate each container in a separate pid namespace with two main benefits:

  1. Visibility: Processes running in the container (executor and descendants) are unable to see or signal processes outside the namespace.
  2. Clean termination: Termination of the leading process in a pid namespace will result in the kernel terminating all other processes in the namespace.

The Launcher will use (2) during destruction of a container in preference to the freezer cgroup, avoiding known kernel issues related to freezing cgroups under OOM conditions.

/proc will be mounted for containers so tools such as ‘ps’ will work correctly.