blob: 8403aad9b2586ac3c1bea3f75ca38f6f907087a2 [file] [log] [blame]
(function() {
'use strict';
var mesosServices = angular.module('', []);
mesosServices.service('$alert', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {
// Types taken from Bootstraps v3's "Alerts"[1] so the type can be used
// as the class name.
// [1]
var TYPE_DANGER = 'danger';
var TYPE_INFO = 'info';
var TYPE_SUCCESS = 'success';
var TYPE_WARNING = 'warning';
var nextId = 1;
var nextAlerts = [];
var currentAlerts = $rootScope.currentAlerts = [];
// Creates an alert to be rendered on the next page view.
// messageOrOptions - Either a String or an Object that will be used to
// render an alert on the next view. If a String, it will be the
// message in the alert. If an Object, "title" will be bolded, "message"
// will be normal font weight, and "bullets" will be rendered as a list.
function alert(type, messageOrOptions) {
var alertObject;
if (angular.isObject(messageOrOptions)) {
alertObject = angular.copy(messageOrOptions);
alertObject.type = type;
} else {
alertObject = {
message: messageOrOptions,
type: type
} = nextId;
nextId += 1;
return nextAlerts.push(alertObject);
this.danger = function(messageOrOptions) {
return alert(TYPE_DANGER, messageOrOptions);
}; = function(messageOrOptions) {
return alert(TYPE_INFO, messageOrOptions);
this.success = function(messageOrOptions) {
return alert(TYPE_SUCCESS, messageOrOptions);
this.warning = function(messageOrOptions) {
return alert(TYPE_WARNING, messageOrOptions);
// Rotate alerts each time the user navigates.
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function() {
if (nextAlerts.length > 0) {
// If there are alerts to be shown next, they become the current alerts.
currentAlerts = $rootScope.currentAlerts = nextAlerts;
nextAlerts = [];
} else if (currentAlerts.length > 0) {
// If there are no next alerts, the current alerts still need to expire
// if there are any so they won't display again.
currentAlerts = $rootScope.currentAlerts = [];
var uiModalDialog = angular.module('ui.bootstrap.dialog', ['ui.bootstrap']);
.factory('$dialog', ['$rootScope', '$modal', function ($rootScope, $modal) {
var prompt = function(title, message, buttons) {
if (typeof buttons === 'undefined') {
buttons = [
{result:'cancel', label: 'Cancel'},
{result:'yes', label: 'Yes', cssClass: 'btn-primary'}
var ModalCtrl = function($scope, $modalInstance) {
$scope.title = title;
$scope.message = message;
$scope.buttons = buttons;
return ${
templateUrl: 'template/dialog/message.html',
controller: ModalCtrl
return {
prompt: prompt,
messageBox: function(title, message, buttons) {
return {
open: function() {
return prompt(title, message, buttons);
function Statistics() {
this.cpus_user_time_secs = 0.0;
this.cpus_user_usage = 0.0;
this.cpus_system_time_secs = 0.0;
this.cpus_system_usage = 0.0;
this.cpus_limit = 0.0;
this.cpus_total_usage = 0.0;
this.mem_rss_bytes = 0.0;
this.mem_limit_bytes = 0.0;
Statistics.prototype.add = function(statistics) {
this.cpus_user_time_secs += statistics.cpus_user_time_secs;
this.cpus_system_time_secs += statistics.cpus_system_time_secs;
this.cpus_total_usage += statistics.cpus_total_usage;
this.cpus_limit += statistics.cpus_limit;
this.mem_rss_bytes += statistics.mem_rss_bytes;
this.mem_limit_bytes += statistics.mem_limit_bytes;
// Set instead of add the timestamp since this is an instantaneous view of
// CPU usage since the last poll.
this.timestamp = statistics.timestamp;
Statistics.prototype.diffUsage = function(statistics) {
this.cpus_user_usage =
(this.cpus_user_time_secs - statistics.cpus_user_time_secs) /
(this.timestamp - statistics.timestamp);
this.cpus_system_usage =
(this.cpus_system_time_secs - statistics.cpus_system_time_secs) /
(this.timestamp - statistics.timestamp);
this.cpus_total_usage = this.cpus_user_usage + this.cpus_system_usage;
Statistics.parseJSON = function(json) {
var statistics = new Statistics();
return statistics;
// Top is an abstraction for polling a slave's monitoring endpoint to
// periodically update the monitoring data. It also computes CPU usage.
// This places the following data in scope.monitor:
// $scope.monitor = {
// "statistics": <stats>,
// "frameworks": {
// <framework_id>: {
// "statistics": <stats>,
// "executors": {
// <executor_id>: {
// "executor_id": <executor_id>,
// "framework_id": <framework_id>,
// "executor_name: <executor_name>,
// "source": <source>,
// "statistics": <stats>,
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// To obtain slave statistics:
// $scope.monitor.statistics
// To obtain a framework's statistics:
// $scope.monitor.frameworks[<framework_id>].statistics
// To obtain an executor's statistics:
// $scope.monitor.frameworks[<framework_id>].executors[<executor_id>].statistics
// In the above, <stats> is the following object:
// {
// cpus_user_time_secs: value,
// cpus_user_usage: value, // Once computed.
// cpus_system_time_secs: value,
// cpus_system_usage: value, // Once computed.
// mem_limit_bytes: value,
// mem_rss_bytes: value,
// }
// TODO(bmahler): The complexity of the monitor object is mostly in place
// until we have path-params on the monitoring endpoint to request
// statistics for the slave, or for a specific framework / executor.
// Arguments:
// http: $http service from Angular.
// timeout: $timeout service from Angular.
function Top($http, $timeout) {
this.http = $http;
this.timeout = $timeout;
Top.prototype.poll = function() {
// Success! Parse the response.
.success(angular.bind(this, this.parseResponse))
// Do not continue polling on error.
Top.prototype.parseResponse = function(response) {
var that = this;
var monitor = {
frameworks: {},
statistics: new Statistics()
response.forEach(function(executor) {
var executor_id = executor.executor_id;
var framework_id = executor.framework_id;
var current = executor.statistics =
current.cpus_user_usage = 0.0;
current.cpus_system_usage = 0.0;
// Compute CPU usage if possible.
if (that.scope.monitor &&
that.scope.monitor.frameworks[framework_id] &&
that.scope.monitor.frameworks[framework_id].executors[executor_id]) {
var previous = that.scope.monitor.frameworks[framework_id].executors[executor_id].statistics;
// Index the data.
if (!monitor.frameworks[executor.framework_id]) {
monitor.frameworks[executor.framework_id] = {
executors: {},
statistics: new Statistics()
// Aggregate these statistics into the slave and framework statistics.
monitor.frameworks[executor.framework_id].executors[executor.executor_id] = {
statistics: current
if (this.scope.monitor) {
// Continue polling.
this.polling = this.timeout(angular.bind(this, this.poll), 3000);
} else {
// Try to compute initial CPU usage more quickly than 3 seconds.
this.polling = this.timeout(angular.bind(this, this.poll), 500);
// Update the monitoring data.
this.scope.monitor = monitor;
// Arguments:
// host: host of slave.
// scope: $scope service from Angular.
Top.prototype.start = function(host, scope) {
if (this.started()) {
// TODO(bmahler): Consider logging a warning here.
this.endpoint = 'http://' + host + '/monitor/statistics.json?jsonp=JSON_CALLBACK';
this.scope = scope;
// Initial poll is immediate.
this.polling = this.timeout(angular.bind(this, this.poll), 0);
// Stop when we leave the page.
scope.$on('$routeChangeStart', angular.bind(this, this.stop));
Top.prototype.started = function() {
return this.polling != null;
Top.prototype.stop = function() {
this.polling = null;
mesosServices.service('top', ['$http', '$timeout', Top]);