layout: release-guide

Release Guide

This guide describes the process of doing an official release of Mesos.


  1. Go to Apache Jira and make sure that the CHANGELOG for the release version is up to date.

    NOTE: You should move all Unresolved tickets marked with Fix Version as the release version to the next release version.

    PROTIP: Use bulk edit option in JIRA to move the tickets and make sure to uncheck the option that emails everyone about the move.

  2. Update and commit the CHANGELOG for the release.

    NOTE: You should use JIRA to generate the CHANGELOG for you. Click on the release version in JIRA and click on the Release Notes. Make sure to configure the release notes in text format.

  3. Update and commit the docs/ with instructions about how to upgrade a live cluster from the previous release version to this release version.

  4. If this is a major release please write and commit documentation for this feature.

Tagging the release candidate

  1. Ensure that you can build and pass all the tests.

     $ make -j3 distcheck
  2. First tag the required SHA locally.

     $ git tag <X.Y.Z-rcR>

    NOTE: X.Y.Z is based on semantic versioning scheme. R is release candidate version that starts with 1.

  3. Tag the release externally and deploy the corresponding JAR to the Apache maven repository. It is recommended to use the support/ script to accomplish this.

     $ ./support/ X.Y.Z R

    NOTE: This script assumes that you have the requisite permissions to deploy the JAR. For instructions on how to set it up, please refer to src/java/MESOS-MAVEN-README.

  4. It is not uncommon to release multiple release candidates, with increasing release candidate version, if there are bugs found.

Voting the release candidate

  1. Once a release candidate is deemed worthy to be officially released you should call a vote on the (and optionally mailing list.

  2. It is recommended to use the support/ script to vote the release candidate.

     $ ./support/ X.Y.Z R
  3. The release script also spits out an email template that you could use to send the vote email.

Releasing the release candidate

  1. You should only release an official version if the vote passes with at least 3 +1 binding votes and no -1 votes. For more information, please refer to Apache release guidelines.

  2. It is recommended to use support/ script to release the candidate.

     $ ./support/ X.Y.Z R
  3. The release script also spits out an email template that you could use to notify the mailing lists about the result of the vote and the release.

    NOTE: Make sure you fill the email template with the names of binding voters.

Updating the website

  1. After a successful release please update the website pointing to the new release.

  2. It is also recommended to write a blog post announcing the feature.