layout: gettingstarted

Getting Started

Downloading Mesos

There are different ways you can get Mesos:

  1. Download the latest stable release from Apache (Recommended)

     $ wget
     $ tar -zxf mesos-0.14.0.tar.gz
  2. Clone the Mesos git repository (Advanced Users Only)

     $ git clone

System Requirements

  • Mesos runs on Linux and Mac OSX.

  • Following are the instructions for stock Ubuntu 12.04 64 Bit. If you are using a different OS please install the packages accordingly.

     # Ensure apt-get is up to date.
     $ sudo apt-get update
     # Install build tools.
     $ sudo apt-get install build-essential
     # Install OpenJDK java.
     $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
     # Install devel python.
     $ sudo apt-get install python-dev
     # Install devel libcurl (***Optional***).
     $ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-nss-dev
     # Install devel libsasl (***Only required for Mesos 0.14.0 or newer***).
     $ sudo apt-get install libsasl2-dev

If you are building from git repository, you will need to additionally install the following packages.

    # Install autotoconf and automake.
    $ sudo apt-get install autoconf

    # Install libtool.
    $ sudo apt-get install libtool


  1. The build process attempts to guess where your Java include directory is, but if you have set the $JAVA_HOME environment variable, it will use $JAVA_HOME/include, which may not be correct (or exist) on your machine (in which case you will see an error such as: configure: error: failed to build against JDK (using libtool)). If this is the case, we suggest you unset the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
  1. Mesos is currently being developed/tested/supported on 64 Bit machines only.

Building Mesos

    # Change working directory.
    $ cd mesos

    # Bootstrap (***Skip this if you are not building from git repo***).
    $ ./bootstrap

    # Configure and build.
    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ ../configure
    $ make -j

    # Run test suite.
    $ make -j check

    # Install (***Optional***).
    $ make install


Mesos comes bundled with example frameworks written in C++, Java and Python.

    # Change into build directory.
    $ cd build

    # Start mesos master.
    $ ./bin/ --ip=

    # Start mesos slave.
    $ ./bin/ --master=

    # Visit the mesos web page.

    # Run C++ framework (***Exits after successfully running some tasks.***).
    $ ./src/test-framework --master=

    # Run Java framework (***Exits after successfully running some tasks.***).
    $ ./src/examples/java/test-framework

    # Run Python framework (***Exits after successfully running some tasks.***).
    $ ./src/examples/python/test-framework

NOTE: To build the example frameworks, make sure you build the test suite by doing make check.