layout: gettingstarted

Getting Started

Downloading Mesos

There are different ways you can get Mesos:

  1. Download the latest stable release from Apache (Recommended)

     $ wget
     $ tar -zxf mesos-0.14.0.tar.gz
  2. Clone the Mesos git repository (Advanced Users Only)

     $ git clone

System Requirements

  • Mesos runs on Linux and Mac OSX.

  • Following are the instructions for stock Ubuntu 12.04 64 Bit. If you are using a different OS please install the packages accordingly.

     # Ensure apt-get is up to date.
     $ sudo apt-get update
     # Install build tools.
     $ sudo apt-get install build-essential
     # Install OpenJDK java.
     $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
     # Install devel python.
     $ sudo apt-get install python-dev
     # Install devel libcurl (***Optional***).
     $ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-nss-dev
     # Install devel libsasl (***Only required for Mesos 0.14.0 or newer***).
     $ sudo apt-get install libsasl2-dev

If you are building from git repository, you will need to additionally install the following packages.

    # Install autotoconf and automake.
    $ sudo apt-get install autoconf

    # Install libtool.
    $ sudo apt-get install libtool


  1. The build process attempts to guess where your Java include directory is, but if you have set the $JAVA_HOME environment variable, it will use $JAVA_HOME/include, which may not be correct (or exist) on your machine (in which case you will see an error such as: configure: error: failed to build against JDK (using libtool)). If this is the case, we suggest you unset the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
  1. Mesos is currently being developed/tested/supported on 64 Bit machines only.
  1. Currently, Mesos does not build with the Clang compiler. Up and until Mac OS X Mountain Lion, gcc and g++ were GNU GCC compiler frontends for LLVM. This changed with Mac OS X Mavericks and gcc and g++ are now Clang wrappers which compiles against a new standard C library. This unfortunately breaks our current build process, so please follow the separate instructions below to get Mesos building on Mavericks.
  1. Mesos does not build with automake 1.14. Please make sure an older automake, for example version 1.12, is installed.

Building Mesos

    # Change working directory.
    $ cd mesos

    # Bootstrap (***Skip this if you are not building from git repo***).
    $ ./bootstrap

    # Configure and build.
    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ ../configure
    $ make -j

    # Run test suite.
    $ make -j check

    # Install (***Optional***).
    $ make install

Building Mesos on Mac OS X Mavericks

    # Make sure you have the right versions of automake and GCC.
    # For example:
    $ automake --version
    automake (GNU automake) 1.12.6

    $ aclocal --version
    aclocal (GNU automake) 1.12.6

    $ gcc-4.8 --version
    gcc-4.8 (GCC) 4.8.1

    # Follow bootstrap steps above.

    # Configure and build.
    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build

    # The prepending CC and CXX will select custom compilers to build Mesos with.
    $ CC=gcc-4.8 CXX=g++-4.8 ../configure

    # Follow make steps above.


  1. Link errors might occur if clang versions of gcc and g++ were used to compile some of the object files. This happens if configure was run without CC and CXX set and make subsequently failed. Make sure the build directory is completely empty before running configure.
  2. Python framework test failure is expected on Mavericks. This is due to the system Python binary usually being compiled against the new (non-GNU) standard C library. Either use a GCC built Python and select it with PYTHON=<location> CC=gcc-4.8 CXX=g++-4.8 ../configure or disable Python support with CC=gcc-4.8 CXX=g++-4.8 ../configure --disable-python.


Mesos comes bundled with example frameworks written in C++, Java and Python.

    # Change into build directory.
    $ cd build

    # Start mesos master.
    $ ./bin/ --ip=

    # Start mesos slave.
    $ ./bin/ --master=

    # Visit the mesos web page.

    # Run C++ framework (***Exits after successfully running some tasks.***).
    $ ./src/test-framework --master=

    # Run Java framework (***Exits after successfully running some tasks.***).
    $ ./src/examples/java/test-framework

    # Run Python framework (***Exits after successfully running some tasks.***).
    $ ./src/examples/python/test-framework

NOTE: To build the example frameworks, make sure you build the test suite by doing make check.