NOTE: The documentation below is only for convenience of reference. As with any documentation, the following may become stale. If you discover it is wrong, please: (1) run the command ./configure --help and treat the printed output as the true source of the configure flag options, and (2) either edit this wiki page or send mail to to point out the error.

The configure script itself accepts the following arguments to enable various options:

  • --with-python-headers=DIR: Find Python header files in DIR (to turn on Python support). Recommended.
  • --with-webui: Enable the Mesos web UI (which requires Python 2.6). Recommended.
  • --with-java-home=DIR: Enable Java application/framework support with a given installation of Java. Required for Hadoop and Spark.
  • --with-java-headers=DIR: Find Java header files (necessary for newer versions of OS X Snow Leopard).
  • --with-included-zookeeper or --with-zookeeper=DIR: Enable master fault-tolerance using an existing ZooKeeper installation or the version of ZooKeeper bundled with Mesos. For details, see using ZooKeeper.