blob: fc500d152cf0011cbd890600287ce0148cd28edb [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef __NETWORK_HPP__
#define __NETWORK_HPP__
// TODO(benh): Eventually move and associate this code with the
// libprocess protobuf code rather than keep it here.
#include <deque>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <mesos/zookeeper/group.hpp>
#include <process/collect.hpp>
#include <process/executor.hpp>
#include <process/id.hpp>
#include <process/protobuf.hpp>
#include <stout/duration.hpp>
#include <stout/foreach.hpp>
#include <stout/lambda.hpp>
#include <stout/nothing.hpp>
#include <stout/set.hpp>
#include <stout/unreachable.hpp>
#include "logging/logging.hpp"
// Forward declaration.
class NetworkProcess;
// A "network" is a collection of protobuf processes (may be local
// and/or remote). A network abstracts away the details of maintaining
// which processes are waiting to receive messages and requests in the
// presence of failures and dynamic reconfiguration.
class Network
enum WatchMode
explicit Network(const std::set<process::UPID>& pids);
virtual ~Network();
// Adds a PID to this network.
void add(const process::UPID& pid);
// Removes a PID from this network.
void remove(const process::UPID& pid);
// Set the PIDs that are part of this network.
void set(const std::set<process::UPID>& pids);
// Returns a future which gets set when the network size satisfies
// the constraint specified by 'size' and 'mode'. For example, if
// 'size' is 2 and 'mode' is GREATER_THAN, then the returned future
// will get set when the size of the network is greater than 2.
process::Future<size_t> watch(
size_t size,
WatchMode mode = NOT_EQUAL_TO) const;
// Sends a request to each member of the network and returns a set
// of futures that represent their responses.
template <typename Req, typename Res>
process::Future<std::set<process::Future<Res>>> broadcast(
const Protocol<Req, Res>& protocol,
const Req& req,
const std::set<process::UPID>& filter = std::set<process::UPID>()) const;
// Sends a message to each member of the network. The returned
// future is set when the message is broadcasted.
template <typename M>
process::Future<Nothing> broadcast(
const M& m,
const std::set<process::UPID>& filter = std::set<process::UPID>()) const;
// Not copyable, not assignable.
Network(const Network&);
Network& operator=(const Network&);
NetworkProcess* process;
class ZooKeeperNetwork : public Network
const std::string& servers,
const Duration& timeout,
const std::string& znode,
const Option<zookeeper::Authentication>& auth,
const std::set<process::UPID>& base = std::set<process::UPID>());
typedef ZooKeeperNetwork This;
// Not copyable, not assignable.
ZooKeeperNetwork(const ZooKeeperNetwork&);
ZooKeeperNetwork& operator=(const ZooKeeperNetwork&);
// Helper that sets up a watch on the group.
void watch(const std::set<zookeeper::Group::Membership>& expected);
// Invoked when the group memberships have changed.
void watched(const process::Future<std::set<zookeeper::Group::Membership>>&);
// Invoked when group members data has been collected.
void collected(
const process::Future<std::vector<Option<std::string>>>& datas);
zookeeper::Group group;
process::Future<std::set<zookeeper::Group::Membership>> memberships;
// The set of PIDs that are always in the network.
std::set<process::UPID> base;
// NOTE: The declaration order here is important. We want to delete
// the 'executor' before we delete the 'group' so that we don't get
// spurious fatal errors when the 'group' is being deleted.
process::Executor executor;
class NetworkProcess : public ProtobufProcess<NetworkProcess>
NetworkProcess() : ProcessBase(process::ID::generate("log-network")) {}
explicit NetworkProcess(const std::set<process::UPID>& pids)
: ProcessBase(process::ID::generate("log-network"))
void add(const process::UPID& pid)
// Link in order to keep a socket open (more efficient).
// We force a reconnect to avoid sending on a "stale" socket. In
// general when linking to a remote process, the underlying TCP
// connection may become "stale". RFC 793 refers to this as a
// "half-open" connection: the RST is not sent upon the death
// of the peer and a RST will only be received once further
// data is sent on the socket.
// "Half-open" (aka "stale") connections are typically addressed
// via keep-alives (see RFC 1122 to periodically probe
// the connection. In this case, we can rely on the (re-)addition
// of the network member to create a new connection.
// See MESOS-5576 for a scenario where reconnecting helps avoid
// dropped messages.
link(pid, RemoteConnection::RECONNECT);
// Update any pending watches.
void remove(const process::UPID& pid)
// TODO(benh): unlink(pid);
// Update any pending watches.
void set(const std::set<process::UPID>& _pids)
foreach (const process::UPID& pid, _pids) {
add(pid); // Also does a link.
// Update any pending watches.
process::Future<size_t> watch(size_t size, Network::WatchMode mode)
if (satisfied(size, mode)) {
return pids.size();
Watch* watch = new Watch(size, mode);
// TODO(jieyu): Consider deleting 'watch' if the returned future
// is discarded by the user.
return watch->promise.future();
// Sends a request to each of the group members and returns a set
// of futures that represent their responses.
template <typename Req, typename Res>
std::set<process::Future<Res>> broadcast(
const Protocol<Req, Res>& protocol,
const Req& req,
const std::set<process::UPID>& filter)
std::set<process::Future<Res>> futures;
typename std::set<process::UPID>::const_iterator iterator;
for (iterator = pids.begin(); iterator != pids.end(); ++iterator) {
const process::UPID& pid = *iterator;
if (filter.count(pid) == 0) {
futures.insert(protocol(pid, req));
return futures;
// Sends a request to each of the group members without expecting responses.
template <typename M>
Nothing broadcast(
const M& m,
const std::set<process::UPID>& filter)
std::set<process::UPID>::const_iterator iterator;
for (iterator = pids.begin(); iterator != pids.end(); ++iterator) {
const process::UPID& pid = *iterator;
if (filter.count(pid) == 0) {
// NOTE: Just send this message as the network process itself
// since we don't need to deliver responses back to the caller.
// Incoming messages addressed to the network are simply dropped.
send(pid, m);
return Nothing();
void finalize() override
foreach (Watch* watch, watches) {
watch->"Network is being terminated");
delete watch;
struct Watch
Watch(size_t _size, Network::WatchMode _mode)
: size(_size), mode(_mode) {}
size_t size;
Network::WatchMode mode;
process::Promise<size_t> promise;
// Not copyable, not assignable.
NetworkProcess(const NetworkProcess&);
NetworkProcess& operator=(const NetworkProcess&);
// Notifies the change of the network.
void update()
const size_t size = watches.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Watch* watch = watches.front();
if (satisfied(watch->size, watch->mode)) {
delete watch;
} else {
// Returns true if the current size of the network satisfies the
// constraint specified by 'size' and 'mode'.
bool satisfied(size_t size, Network::WatchMode mode)
switch (mode) {
case Network::EQUAL_TO:
return pids.size() == size;
case Network::NOT_EQUAL_TO:
return pids.size() != size;
case Network::LESS_THAN:
return pids.size() < size;
case Network::LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO:
return pids.size() <= size;
case Network::GREATER_THAN:
return pids.size() > size;
return pids.size() >= size;
LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid watch mode";
std::set<process::UPID> pids;
std::deque<Watch*> watches;
inline Network::Network()
process = new NetworkProcess();
inline Network::Network(const std::set<process::UPID>& pids)
process = new NetworkProcess(pids);
inline Network::~Network()
delete process;
inline void Network::add(const process::UPID& pid)
process::dispatch(process, &NetworkProcess::add, pid);
inline void Network::remove(const process::UPID& pid)
process::dispatch(process, &NetworkProcess::remove, pid);
inline void Network::set(const std::set<process::UPID>& pids)
process::dispatch(process, &NetworkProcess::set, pids);
inline process::Future<size_t> Network::watch(
size_t size, Network::WatchMode mode) const
return process::dispatch(process, &NetworkProcess::watch, size, mode);
template <typename Req, typename Res>
process::Future<std::set<process::Future<Res>>> Network::broadcast(
const Protocol<Req, Res>& protocol,
const Req& req,
const std::set<process::UPID>& filter) const
return process::dispatch(process, &NetworkProcess::broadcast<Req, Res>,
protocol, req, filter);
template <typename M>
process::Future<Nothing> Network::broadcast(
const M& m,
const std::set<process::UPID>& filter) const
// Need to disambiguate overloaded function.
Nothing (NetworkProcess::*broadcast)(const M&, const std::set<process::UPID>&)
= &NetworkProcess::broadcast<M>;
return process::dispatch(process, broadcast, m, filter);
inline ZooKeeperNetwork::ZooKeeperNetwork(
const std::string& servers,
const Duration& timeout,
const std::string& znode,
const Option<zookeeper::Authentication>& auth,
const std::set<process::UPID>& _base)
: group(servers, timeout, znode, auth),
// PIDs from the base set are in the network from beginning.
inline void ZooKeeperNetwork::watch(
const std::set<zookeeper::Group::Membership>& expected)
memberships =;
.onAny(executor.defer(lambda::bind(&This::watched, this, lambda::_1)));
inline void ZooKeeperNetwork::watched(
const process::Future<std::set<zookeeper::Group::Membership>>&)
if (memberships.isFailed()) {
// We can't do much here, we could try creating another Group but
// that might just continue indefinitely, so we fail early
// instead. Note that Group handles all retryable/recoverable
// ZooKeeper errors internally.
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to watch ZooKeeper group: " << memberships.failure();
CHECK_READY(memberships); // Not expecting Group to discard futures.
LOG(INFO) << "ZooKeeper group memberships changed";
// Get data for each membership in order to convert them to PIDs.
std::vector<process::Future<Option<std::string>>> futures;
foreach (const zookeeper::Group::Membership& membership, memberships.get()) {
[](process::Future<std::vector<Option<std::string>>> datas) {
// Handling time outs when collecting membership
// data. For now, a timeout is treated as a failure.
return process::Failure("Timed out");
.onAny(executor.defer(lambda::bind(&This::collected, this, lambda::_1)));
inline void ZooKeeperNetwork::collected(
const process::Future<std::vector<Option<std::string>>>& datas)
if (datas.isFailed()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get data for ZooKeeper group members: "
<< datas.failure();
// Try again later assuming empty group. Note that this does not
// remove any of the current group members.
CHECK_READY(datas); // Not expecting collect to discard futures.
std::set<process::UPID> pids;
foreach (const Option<std::string>& data, datas.get()) {
// Data could be None if the membership is gone before its
// content can be read.
if (data.isSome()) {
process::UPID pid(data.get());
CHECK(pid) << "Failed to parse '" << data.get() << "'";
LOG(INFO) << "ZooKeeper group PIDs: " << stringify(pids);
// Update the network. We make sure that the PIDs from the base set
// are always in the network.
set(pids | base);
#endif // __NETWORK_HPP__