blob: 5f8f2889f79f9486f8bb731b39f706908dcd84ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "common/validation.hpp"
#include <limits.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <mesos/executor/executor.hpp>
#include <mesos/resources.hpp>
#include <stout/foreach.hpp>
#include <stout/stringify.hpp>
#include <stout/unreachable.hpp>
#include <stout/os/constants.hpp>
using std::string;
using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
namespace mesos {
namespace internal {
namespace common {
namespace validation {
Option<Error> validateID(const string& id)
if (id.empty()) {
return Error("ID must not be empty");
if (id.length() > NAME_MAX) {
return Error(
"ID must not be greater than " +
stringify(NAME_MAX) + " characters");
// The ID cannot be exactly these special path components.
if (id == "." || id == "..") {
return Error("'" + id + "' is disallowed");
// Rules on invalid characters in the ID:
// - Control characters are obviously not allowed.
// - Slashes are disallowed as IDs are likely mapped to directories in Mesos.
auto invalidCharacter = [](char c) {
return iscntrl(c) ||
if (std::any_of(id.begin(), id.end(), invalidCharacter)) {
return Error("'" + id + "' contains invalid characters");
return None();
// These IDs are valid as long as they meet the common ID requirements
// enforced by `validateID()` but we define each of them separately to
// be clear which IDs are subject to which rules.
Option<Error> validateTaskID(const TaskID& taskId)
return validateID(taskId.value());
Option<Error> validateExecutorID(const ExecutorID& executorId)
return validateID(executorId.value());
Option<Error> validateSlaveID(const SlaveID& slaveId)
return validateID(slaveId.value());
Option<Error> validateFrameworkID(const FrameworkID& frameworkId)
return validateID(frameworkId.value());
Option<Error> validateSecret(const Secret& secret)
switch (secret.type()) {
case Secret::REFERENCE:
if (!secret.has_reference()) {
return Error(
"Secret of type REFERENCE must have the 'reference' field set");
if (secret.has_value()) {
return Error(
"Secret '" + secret.reference().name() + "' of type REFERENCE "
"must not have the 'value' field set");
case Secret::VALUE:
if (!secret.has_value()) {
return Error("Secret of type VALUE must have the 'value' field set");
if (secret.has_reference()) {
return Error(
"Secret of type VALUE must not have the 'reference' field set");
case Secret::UNKNOWN:
return None();
Option<Error> validateEnvironment(const Environment& environment)
foreach (const Environment::Variable& variable, environment.variables()) {
switch (variable.type()) {
case Environment::Variable::SECRET: {
if (!variable.has_secret()) {
return Error(
"Environment variable '" + +
"' of type 'SECRET' must have a secret set");
if (variable.has_value()) {
return Error(
"Environment variable '" + +
"' of type 'SECRET' must not have a value set");
Option<Error> error = validateSecret(variable.secret());
if (error.isSome()) {
return Error(
"Environment variable '" + + "' specifies an "
"invalid secret: " + error->message);
if (variable.secret().value().data().find('\0') != string::npos) {
return Error(
"Environment variable '" + + "' specifies a "
"secret containing null bytes, which is not allowed in the "
// NOTE: If new variable types are added in the future and an upgraded
// client/master sends a new type to an older master/agent, the older
// master/agent will see VALUE instead of the new type, since VALUE is set
// as the default type in the protobuf definition.
case Environment::Variable::VALUE:
if (!variable.has_value()) {
return Error(
"Environment variable '" + +
"' of type 'VALUE' must have a value set");
if (variable.has_secret()) {
return Error(
"Environment variable '" + +
"' of type 'VALUE' must not have a secret set");
case Environment::Variable::UNKNOWN:
return Error("Environment variable of type 'UNKNOWN' is not allowed");
return None();
// TODO(greggomann): Do more than just validate the `Environment`.
Option<Error> validateCommandInfo(const CommandInfo& command)
return validateEnvironment(command.environment());
Option<Error> validateVolume(const Volume& volume)
// TODO(jieyu): Add a validation for path.
// Only one of the following fields can be set:
// 1. host_path
// 2. image
// 3. source
int count = 0;
if (volume.has_host_path()) { count++; }
if (volume.has_image()) { count++; }
if (volume.has_source()) { count++; }
if (count != 1) {
return Error(
"Only one of them should be set: "
"'host_path', 'image' and 'source'");
if (volume.has_source()) {
switch (volume.source().type()) {
case Volume::Source::DOCKER_VOLUME:
if (!volume.source().has_docker_volume()) {
return Error(
"'source.docker_volume' is not set for DOCKER_VOLUME volume");
case Volume::Source::HOST_PATH:
if (!volume.source().has_host_path()) {
return Error(
"'source.host_path' is not set for HOST_PATH volume");
case Volume::Source::SANDBOX_PATH:
if (!volume.source().has_sandbox_path()) {
return Error(
"'source.sandbox_path' is not set for SANDBOX_PATH volume");
case Volume::Source::SECRET:
if (!volume.source().has_secret()) {
return Error(
"'source.secret' is not set for SECRET volume");
return Error("'source.type' is unknown");
return None();
Option<Error> validateContainerInfo(const ContainerInfo& containerInfo)
foreach (const Volume& volume, containerInfo.volumes()) {
Option<Error> error = validateVolume(volume);
if (error.isSome()) {
return Error("Invalid volume: " + error->message);
if (containerInfo.type() == ContainerInfo::DOCKER) {
if (!containerInfo.has_docker()) {
return Error(
"DockerInfo 'docker' is not set for DOCKER typed ContainerInfo");
// We do not support setting `name` parameter in Docker info because
// Docker containerizer has its own way to name the Docker container,
// otherwise Docker containerizer will not be able to recognize the
// created container, see MESOS-8497 for details.
foreach (const Parameter& parameter,
containerInfo.docker().parameters()) {
if (parameter.key() == "name") {
return Error("Parameter in DockerInfo must not be 'name'");
return None();
// Validates that the `gpus` resource is not fractional.
// We rely on scalar resources only having 3 digits of precision.
Option<Error> validateGpus(const RepeatedPtrField<Resource>& resources)
double gpus = Resources(resources).gpus().getOrElse(0.0);
if (static_cast<long long>(gpus * 1000.0) % 1000 != 0) {
return Error("The 'gpus' resource must be an unsigned integer");
return None();
Option<Error> validateHealthCheck(const HealthCheck& healthCheck)
if (!healthCheck.has_type()) {
return Error("HealthCheck must specify 'type'");
switch (healthCheck.type()) {
case HealthCheck::COMMAND: {
if (!healthCheck.has_command()) {
return Error("Expecting 'command' to be set for COMMAND health check");
const CommandInfo& command = healthCheck.command();
if (!command.has_value()) {
string commandType =
( ? "'shell command'" : "'executable path'");
return Error("Command health check must contain " + commandType);
Option<Error> error =
if (error.isSome()) {
return Error(
"Health check's `CommandInfo` is invalid: " + error->message);
// TODO(alexr): Make sure irrelevant fields, e.g., `uris` are not set.
case HealthCheck::HTTP: {
if (!healthCheck.has_http()) {
return Error("Expecting 'http' to be set for HTTP health check");
const HealthCheck::HTTPCheckInfo& http = healthCheck.http();
if (http.has_scheme() &&
http.scheme() != "http" &&
http.scheme() != "https") {
return Error(
"Unsupported HTTP health check scheme: '" + http.scheme() + "'");
if (http.has_path() && !strings::startsWith(http.path(), '/')) {
return Error(
"The path '" + http.path() +
"' of HTTP health check must start with '/'");
case HealthCheck::TCP: {
if (!healthCheck.has_tcp()) {
return Error("Expecting 'tcp' to be set for TCP health check");
case HealthCheck::UNKNOWN: {
return Error(
"'" + HealthCheck::Type_Name(healthCheck.type()) + "'"
" is not a valid health check type");
if (healthCheck.has_delay_seconds() && healthCheck.delay_seconds() < 0.0) {
return Error("Expecting 'delay_seconds' to be non-negative");
if (healthCheck.has_grace_period_seconds() &&
healthCheck.grace_period_seconds() < 0.0) {
return Error("Expecting 'grace_period_seconds' to be non-negative");
if (healthCheck.has_interval_seconds() &&
healthCheck.interval_seconds() < 0.0) {
return Error("Expecting 'interval_seconds' to be non-negative");
if (healthCheck.has_timeout_seconds() &&
healthCheck.timeout_seconds() < 0.0) {
return Error("Expecting 'timeout_seconds' to be non-negative");
return None();
Option<Error> validateCheckInfo(const CheckInfo& checkInfo)
if (!checkInfo.has_type()) {
return Error("CheckInfo must specify 'type'");
switch (checkInfo.type()) {
case CheckInfo::COMMAND: {
if (!checkInfo.has_command()) {
return Error("Expecting 'command' to be set for COMMAND check");
const CommandInfo& command = checkInfo.command().command();
if (!command.has_value()) {
string commandType =
( ? "'shell command'" : "'executable path'");
return Error("Command check must contain " + commandType);
Option<Error> error =
if (error.isSome()) {
return Error(
"Check's `CommandInfo` is invalid: " + error->message);
// TODO(alexr): Make sure irrelevant fields, e.g., `uris` are not set.
case CheckInfo::HTTP: {
if (!checkInfo.has_http()) {
return Error("Expecting 'http' to be set for HTTP check");
const CheckInfo::Http& http = checkInfo.http();
if (http.has_path() && !strings::startsWith(http.path(), '/')) {
return Error(
"The path '" + http.path() + "' of HTTP check must start with '/'");
case CheckInfo::TCP: {
if (!checkInfo.has_tcp()) {
return Error("Expecting 'tcp' to be set for TCP check");
case CheckInfo::UNKNOWN: {
return Error(
"'" + CheckInfo::Type_Name(checkInfo.type()) + "'"
" is not a valid check type");
if (checkInfo.has_delay_seconds() && checkInfo.delay_seconds() < 0.0) {
return Error("Expecting 'delay_seconds' to be non-negative");
if (checkInfo.has_interval_seconds() && checkInfo.interval_seconds() < 0.0) {
return Error("Expecting 'interval_seconds' to be non-negative");
if (checkInfo.has_timeout_seconds() && checkInfo.timeout_seconds() < 0.0) {
return Error("Expecting 'timeout_seconds' to be non-negative");
return None();
Option<Error> validateCheckStatusInfo(const CheckStatusInfo& checkStatusInfo)
if (!checkStatusInfo.has_type()) {
return Error("CheckStatusInfo must specify 'type'");
switch (checkStatusInfo.type()) {
case CheckInfo::COMMAND: {
if (!checkStatusInfo.has_command()) {
return Error(
"Expecting 'command' to be set for COMMAND check's status");
case CheckInfo::HTTP: {
if (!checkStatusInfo.has_http()) {
return Error("Expecting 'http' to be set for HTTP check's status");
case CheckInfo::TCP: {
if (!checkStatusInfo.has_tcp()) {
return Error("Expecting 'tcp' to be set for TCP check's status");
case CheckInfo::UNKNOWN: {
return Error(
"'" + CheckInfo::Type_Name(checkStatusInfo.type()) + "'"
" is not a valid check's status type");
return None();
Option<Error> validateExecutorCall(const mesos::executor::Call& call)
if (!call.IsInitialized()) {
return Error("Not initialized: " + call.InitializationErrorString());
if (!call.has_type()) {
return Error("Expecting 'type' to be present");
// All calls should have executor id set.
if (!call.has_executor_id()) {
return Error("Expecting 'executor_id' to be present");
// All calls should have framework id set.
if (!call.has_framework_id()) {
return Error("Expecting 'framework_id' to be present");
switch (call.type()) {
case mesos::executor::Call::SUBSCRIBE: {
if (!call.has_subscribe()) {
return Error("Expecting 'subscribe' to be present");
return None();
case mesos::executor::Call::UPDATE: {
if (!call.has_update()) {
return Error("Expecting 'update' to be present");
const TaskStatus& status = call.update().status();
if (!status.has_uuid()) {
return Error("Expecting 'uuid' to be present");
Try<id::UUID> uuid = id::UUID::fromBytes(status.uuid());
if (uuid.isError()) {
return uuid.error();
if (status.has_executor_id() &&
!= call.executor_id().value()) {
return Error("ExecutorID in Call: " +
call.executor_id().value() +
" does not match ExecutorID in TaskStatus: " +
if (status.source() != TaskStatus::SOURCE_EXECUTOR) {
return Error("Received Call from executor " +
call.executor_id().value() +
" of framework " +
call.framework_id().value() +
" with invalid source, expecting 'SOURCE_EXECUTOR'"
if (status.state() == TASK_STAGING) {
return Error("Received TASK_STAGING from executor " +
call.executor_id().value() +
" of framework " +
call.framework_id().value() +
" which is not allowed"
// TODO(alexr): Validate `check_status` is present if
// the corresponding `TaskInfo.check` has been defined.
if (status.has_check_status()) {
Option<Error> validate =
if (validate.isSome()) {
return validate.get();
return None();
case mesos::executor::Call::MESSAGE: {
if (!call.has_message()) {
return Error("Expecting 'message' to be present");
return None();
case mesos::executor::Call::UNKNOWN: {
return None();
} // namespace validation {
} // namespace common {
} // namespace internal {
} // namespace mesos {