title: Apache Mesos - Working Groups layout: documentation

Working Groups

A working group is a group of people who are interested in actively participating in specific area of the project. Below are some of the expectations from a working group:

  • Should have at least one lead who is responsible for organizing and driving the work group meetings.
  • Should have regular (online) meetings that are open to public, recorded and archived.
  • Should maintain meeting notes that are shared with the dev@mesos.apache.org list regularly.
  • Should have a corresponding slack channel (also publicly archived) where synchronous discussions take place.

YouTube Channel

Past meetings should be posted to the YouTube Channel.

Mailing List

Please use the dev@mesos.apache.org list for discussions. We don't use separate mailing lists for each working group. In order to distinguish emails for a specific working group, please tag the email subject with the working group name like the following:


Active Working Groups

NameLeadsSlack ChannelMeetings
ContainerizationJie Yu#containerizerEvery other Thursday at 9:00 AM PST
PerformanceBenjamin Mahler#performanceMonthly at 10:00 AM PST on Wednesday
CommunityVinod Kone#communityEvery other Monday at 10:30 AM PST