title: Apache Mesos - Network Ports Isolator in Mesos Containerizer layout: documentation

Network Ports Isolator in Mesos Containerizer

When tasks run in the host network namespace, a scheduler typically assigns ports resources to them and they must only listen on the network ports they have been assigned. If a task listens on the wrong ports, the resulting failures can be hard to diagnose.

The network ports isolator enforces task port assignments by periodically scanning the set of ports every task is listening on and reconciling that information against the corresponding ports resources. If a task is found to be listening on a port that has not been allocated to it, the task will be killed and the its framework will receive a status update with the reason REASON_CONTAINER_LIMITATION. The port(s) that triggered the limitation will be reported as resources in the status update. If the task is a member of a task group, the limitation is raised against the root of the task group (i.e. the executor's container). This behavior is consistent across all the Mesos resource isolators.


The network ports isolator is not compiled into Mesos by default. To enable it in build, specify the --enable-network-ports-isolator configuration option.

libnl3 version 3.2.26 or higher is required at both build and deployment time.


To enable the network ports isolator, append network/ports to the --isolation flag when starting the agent.

The network ports isolator requires that the Mesos agent is configured to use the Linux launcher (i.e. the agent has the --launcher=linux flag), because it uses Linux cgroups to track the processes belonging to a Mesos task.

The --container_ports_watch_interval flag specifies the interval between task port reconciliations.

If the --check_agent_port_range_only flag is specified, the isolator will not kill tasks that listen on unallocated ports outside the range of port resources the agent offers to tasks. This flag is required when using the default Mesos executors or any custom executor that uses the native Mesos Java or Python bindings since the native Mesos libraries will always implicity listen on a socket. This flag should not be required for custom executors that use the HTTP executor API.

The network ports isolator ignores tasks that belong to a CNI network since these tasks do not share the host network namespace.

Security Considerations

The network ports isolator is not a secure mechanism for enforcing port assignments. Since it periodically reconciles port assignments, it is possible for a sufficiently malicious task to only listen on unassigned ports between reconciliations. The reconciliation is performed by the Mesos agent, so if the agent has been stopped, no port assignments are enforced. Depending on the configuration, the --check_agent_port_range_only flag could allow a malicious task to intercept network requests.