title: Apache Mesos - Windows layout: documentation


Mesos 1.0.0 introduced experimental support for Windows.

Building Mesos

System Requirements

  1. Install the latest Visual Studio 2017: The “Community” edition is sufficient (and free). During installation, choose the “Desktop development with C++” workload.

  2. Install CMake 3.8.0 or later. During installation, choose to “Add CMake to the system PATH for all users”.

  3. Install GNU patch for Windows.

  4. If building from source, install Git. During installation, keep the defaults to “Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt”, and “Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style line endings” (i.e. git config core.autocrlf true).

  5. Make sure there are no spaces in your build directory. For example, C:/Program Files (x86)/mesos is an invalid build directory.

  6. If developing Mesos, install Python 2 (not Python 3), in order to use our support scripts (e.g. to post and apply patches, or lint source code).

Build Instructions

Following are the instructions for Windows 10.

# Start an administrative session of PowerShell
# (required for creating symlinks when using the agent).

# Clone (or extract) Mesos.
git clone https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/mesos.git
cd mesos

# Configure using CMake for an out-of-tree build.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -T "host=x64" -DENABLE_LIBEVENT=1 -DHAS_AUTHENTICATION=0

# Build Mesos.
# To build just the Mesos agent, add `--target mesos-agent`.
cmake --build .

# The Windows agent exposes new isolators that must be used as with
# the `--isolation` flag. To get started point the agent to a working
# master, using eiher an IP address or zookeeper information.
src\mesos-agent.exe --master=<master> --work_dir=<work folder> --launcher_dir=<repository>\build\src

Known Limitations

The current implementation is known to have the following limitations:

  • Only the agent should be run on Windows. The Mesos master can be launched, but only for testing as the master does not support high-availability setups on Windows.
  • While Mesos supports NTFS long paths internally, tasks which do not support long paths must be run on agent whose --work_dir is a short path.
  • The Mesos agent must be run as Administrator, mainly due to symlinks.
  • The MesosContainerizer currently does not provide any actual resource isolation (similar to running the Mesos agent on POSIX).


For more information regarding the status of Windows support in Mesos, please refer to the JIRA epic.