blob: 9d5b8ed8b7ebc48751f1c68d75faa3b4ac0ef7d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef __COMMON_HTTP_HPP__
#define __COMMON_HTTP_HPP__
#include <vector>
#include <mesos/http.hpp>
#include <mesos/mesos.hpp>
#include <mesos/authorizer/authorizer.hpp>
#include <mesos/quota/quota.hpp>
#include <process/authenticator.hpp>
#include <process/future.hpp>
#include <process/http.hpp>
#include <process/owned.hpp>
#include <stout/hashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/hashset.hpp>
#include <stout/json.hpp>
#include <stout/jsonify.hpp>
#include <stout/protobuf.hpp>
#include <stout/recordio.hpp>
#include <stout/unreachable.hpp>
#include <stout/uuid.hpp>
#include "internal/evolve.hpp"
// TODO(benh): Remove this once we get C++14 as an enum should have a
// default hash.
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<mesos::authorization::Action>
typedef size_t result_type;
typedef mesos::authorization::Action argument_type;
result_type operator()(const argument_type& action) const
size_t seed = 0;
seed, static_cast<std::underlying_type<argument_type>::type>(action));
return seed;
} // namespace std {
namespace mesos {
class Attributes;
class Resources;
class Task;
namespace internal {
// Name of the default, basic authenticator.
constexpr char DEFAULT_BASIC_HTTP_AUTHENTICATOR[] = "basic";
// Name of the default, basic authenticatee.
constexpr char DEFAULT_BASIC_HTTP_AUTHENTICATEE[] = "basic";
// Name of the default, JWT authenticator.
constexpr char DEFAULT_JWT_HTTP_AUTHENTICATOR[] = "jwt";
// Contains the media types corresponding to some of the "Content-*",
// "Accept-*" and "Message-*" prefixed request headers in our internal
// representation.
struct RequestMediaTypes
ContentType content; // 'Content-Type' header.
ContentType accept; // 'Accept' header.
Option<ContentType> messageContent; // 'Message-Content-Type' header.
Option<ContentType> messageAccept; // 'Message-Accept' header.
// Serializes a protobuf message for transmission
// based on the HTTP content type.
// NOTE: For streaming `contentType`, `message` would not
// be serialized in "Record-IO" format.
std::string serialize(
ContentType contentType,
const google::protobuf::Message& message);
// Deserializes a string message into a protobuf message based on the
// HTTP content type.
template <typename Message>
Try<Message> deserialize(
ContentType contentType,
const std::string& body)
switch (contentType) {
case ContentType::PROTOBUF: {
Message message;
if (!message.ParseFromString(body)) {
return Error("Failed to parse body into a protobuf object");
return message;
case ContentType::JSON: {
Try<JSON::Value> value = JSON::parse(body);
if (value.isError()) {
return Error("Failed to parse body into JSON: " + value.error());
return ::protobuf::parse<Message>(value.get());
case ContentType::RECORDIO: {
return Error("Deserializing a RecordIO stream is not supported");
// Returns true if the media type can be used for
// streaming requests/responses.
bool streamingMediaType(ContentType contentType);
// Represents the streaming HTTP connection to a client, such as a framework,
// executor, or operator subscribed to the '/api/vX' endpoint.
// The `Event` template is the evolved message being sent to the client,
// e.g. `v1::scheduler::Event`, `v1::master::Event`, or `v1::executor::Event`.
template <typename Event>
struct StreamingHttpConnection
const process::http::Pipe::Writer& _writer,
ContentType _contentType,
id::UUID _streamId = id::UUID::random())
: writer(_writer),
streamId(_streamId) {}
template <typename Message>
bool send(const Message& message)
// TODO(bmahler): Remove this evolve(). Could we still
// somehow assert that evolve(message) produces a result
// of type Event without calling evolve()?
Event e = evolve(message);
std::string record = serialize(contentType, e);
return writer.write(::recordio::encode(record));
// Like the above send, but for already serialized data.
bool send(const std::string& event)
return writer.write(::recordio::encode(event));
bool close()
return writer.close();
process::Future<Nothing> closed() const
return writer.readerClosed();
process::http::Pipe::Writer writer;
ContentType contentType;
id::UUID streamId;
// The representation of generic v0 protobuf => v1 protobuf as JSON,
// e.g., `jsonify(asV1Protobuf(message))`.
// Specifically, this acts the same as JSON::Protobuf, except that
// it remaps "slave" to "agent" in field names and enum values.
struct asV1Protobuf : Representation<google::protobuf::Message>
using Representation<google::protobuf::Message>::Representation;
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const asV1Protobuf& protobuf);
JSON::Object model(const Resources& resources);
JSON::Object model(const hashmap<std::string, Resources>& roleResources);
JSON::Object model(const Attributes& attributes);
JSON::Object model(const CommandInfo& command);
JSON::Object model(const ExecutorInfo& executorInfo);
JSON::Array model(const Labels& labels);
JSON::Object model(const Task& task);
JSON::Object model(const FileInfo& fileInfo);
JSON::Object model(const google::protobuf::Map<std::string, Value_Scalar>& map);
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const Task& task);
// NOTE: The `metrics` object provided as an argument must outlive
// the returned function, since the function captures `metrics`
// by reference to avoid a really expensive map copy. This is a
// rather unsafe approach, but in typical jsonify usage this is
// not an issue.
// TODO(bmahler): Use std::enable_if with std::is_same to check
// that T is either the master or agent GetMetrics.
template <typename T>
std::function<void(JSON::ObjectWriter*)> jsonifyGetMetrics(
const std::map<std::string, double>& metrics)
// Serialize the following message:
// mesos::master::Response::GetMetrics getMetrics;
// // or: mesos::agent::Response::GetMetrics getMetrics;
// foreachpair (const string& key, double value, metrics) {
// Metric* metric = getMetrics->add_metrics();
// metric->set_name(key);
// metric->set_value(value);
// }
return [&](JSON::ObjectWriter* writer) {
const google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor = T::descriptor();
int field = T::kMetricsFieldNumber;
[&](JSON::ArrayWriter* writer) {
foreachpair (const std::string& key, double value, metrics) {
writer->element([&](JSON::ObjectWriter* writer) {
const google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor =
int field;
field = v1::Metric::kNameFieldNumber;
descriptor->FindFieldByNumber(field)->name(), key);
field = v1::Metric::kValueFieldNumber;
descriptor->FindFieldByNumber(field)->name(), value);
// TODO(bmahler): Use std::enable_if with std::is_same to check
// that T is either the master or agent GetMetrics.
template <typename T>
std::string serializeGetMetrics(
const std::map<std::string, double>& metrics)
// Serialize the following message:
// v1::master::Response::GetMetrics getMetrics;
// // or: v1::agent::Response::GetMetrics getMetrics;
// foreachpair (const string& key, double value, metrics) {
// Metric* metric = getMetrics->add_metrics();
// metric->set_name(key);
// metric->set_value(value);
// }
auto serializeMetric = [](const std::string& key, double value) {
std::string output;
google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream stream(&output);
google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream writer(&stream);
v1::Metric::kNameFieldNumber, key, &writer);
v1::Metric::kValueFieldNumber, value, &writer);
// While an explicit Trim() isn't necessary (since the coded
// output stream is destructed before the string is returned),
// it's a quite tricky bug to diagnose if Trim() is missed, so
// we always do it explicitly to signal the reader about this
// subtlety.
return output;
std::string output;
google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream stream(&output);
google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream writer(&stream);
foreachpair (const std::string& key, double value, metrics) {
serializeMetric(key, value),
// While an explicit Trim() isn't necessary (since the coded
// output stream is destructed before the string is returned),
// it's a quite tricky bug to diagnose if Trim() is missed, so
// we always do it explicitly to signal the reader about this
// subtlety.
return output;
} // namespace internal {
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const Attributes& attributes);
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const CommandInfo& command);
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const DomainInfo& domainInfo);
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const ExecutorInfo& executorInfo);
void json(
JSON::StringWriter* writer, const FrameworkInfo::Capability& capability);
void json(JSON::ArrayWriter* writer, const Labels& labels);
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const MasterInfo& info);
void json(
JSON::StringWriter* writer, const MasterInfo::Capability& capability);
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const Offer& offer);
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const Resources& resources);
void json(
JSON::ObjectWriter* writer,
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<Resource>& resources);
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const ResourceQuantities& quantities);
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const ResourceLimits& limits);
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const SlaveInfo& slaveInfo);
void json(
JSON::StringWriter* writer, const SlaveInfo::Capability& capability);
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const Task& task);
void json(JSON::ObjectWriter* writer, const TaskStatus& status);
// Implementation of the `ObjectApprover` interface authorizing all objects.
class AcceptingObjectApprover : public ObjectApprover
Try<bool> approved(
const Option<ObjectApprover::Object>& object) const noexcept override
return true;
class ObjectApprovers
static process::Future<process::Owned<ObjectApprovers>> create(
const Option<Authorizer*>& authorizer,
const Option<process::http::authentication::Principal>& principal,
std::initializer_list<authorization::Action> actions);
Try<bool> approved(
authorization::Action action,
const ObjectApprover::Object& object) const
if (!approvers.contains(action)) {
<< "Attempted to authorize principal "
<< " '" << (principal.isSome() ? stringify(*principal) : "") << "'"
<< " for unexpected action " << authorization::Action_Name(action);
return false;
// Constructs one (or more) authorization objects, depending on the
// action, and returns true if all action-object pairs are authorized.
// NOTE: This template has specializations that actually check
// more than one action-object pair.
template <authorization::Action action, typename... Args>
bool approved(const Args&... args) const
const Try<bool> approval =
approved(action, ObjectApprover::Object(args...));
if (approval.isError()) {
// NOTE: Silently dropping errors here creates a potential for
// _transient_ authorization errors to make API events subscriber's view
// inconsistent (see MESOS-10085). Also, this creates potential for an
// object to silently disappear from Operator API endpoint response in
// case of an authorization error (see MESOS-10099).
// TODO(joerg84): Expose these errors back to the caller.
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to authorize principal "
<< " '" << (principal.isSome() ? stringify(*principal) : "")
<< "' for action " << authorization::Action_Name(action)
<< ": " << approval.error();
return false;
return approval.get();
const Option<process::http::authentication::Principal> principal;
std::shared_ptr<const ObjectApprover>>&& _approvers,
const Option<process::http::authentication::Principal>& _principal)
: principal(_principal),
approvers(std::move(_approvers)) {}
hashmap<authorization::Action, std::shared_ptr<const ObjectApprover>>
template <>
inline bool ObjectApprovers::approved<authorization::VIEW_ROLE>(
const Resource& resource) const
// Necessary because recovered agents are presented in old format.
if (resource.has_role() && resource.role() != "*" &&
!approved<authorization::VIEW_ROLE>(resource.role())) {
return false;
// Reservations follow a path model where each entry is a child of the
// previous one. Therefore, to accept the resource the acceptor has to
// accept all entries.
foreach (Resource::ReservationInfo reservation, resource.reservations()) {
if (!approved<authorization::VIEW_ROLE>(reservation.role())) {
return false;
if (resource.has_allocation_info() &&
resource.allocation_info().role())) {
return false;
return true;
* Used to filter results for API handlers. Provides the 'accept()' method to
* test whether the supplied ID is equal to a stored target ID. If no target
* ID is provided when the acceptor is constructed, it will accept all inputs.
template <typename T>
class IDAcceptor
IDAcceptor(const Option<std::string>& id = None())
if (id.isSome()) {
T targetId_;
targetId = targetId_;
bool accept(const T& candidateId) const
if (targetId.isNone()) {
return true;
return candidateId.value() == targetId->value();
Option<T> targetId;
// Authorizes access to an HTTP endpoint. The `method` parameter
// determines which ACL action will be used in the authorization.
// It is expected that the caller has validated that `method` is
// supported by this function. Currently "GET" is supported.
// TODO(nfnt): Prefer types instead of strings
// for `endpoint` and `method`, see MESOS-5300.
process::Future<bool> authorizeEndpoint(
const std::string& endpoint,
const std::string& method,
const Option<Authorizer*>& authorizer,
const Option<process::http::authentication::Principal>& principal);
* Helper function to create HTTP authenticators
* for a given realm and register in libprocess.
* @param realm name of the realm.
* @param authenticatorNames a vector of authenticator names.
* @param credentials optional credentials for BasicAuthenticator only.
* @param jwtSecretKey optional secret key for the JWTAuthenticator only.
* @return nothing if authenticators are initialized and registered to
* libprocess successfully, or error if authenticators cannot
* be initialized.
Try<Nothing> initializeHttpAuthenticators(
const std::string& realm,
const std::vector<std::string>& httpAuthenticatorNames,
const Option<Credentials>& credentials = None(),
const Option<std::string>& jwtSecretKey = None());
// Logs the request. Route handlers can compose this with the
// desired request handler to get consistent request logging.
void logRequest(const process::http::Request& request);
// Log the response for the corresponding request together with the request
// processing time. Route handlers can compose this with the desired request
// handler to get consistent request/response logging.
// TODO(alexr): Consider taking `response` as a future to allow logging for
// cases when response has not been generated.
void logResponse(
const process::http::Request& request,
const process::http::Response& response);
} // namespace mesos {
#endif // __COMMON_HTTP_HPP__