layout: documentation

Slave Recovery

Slave recovery is a feature of Mesos that allows:

  1. Executors/tasks to keep running when the slave process is down and
  2. Allows a restarted slave process to reconnect with running executors/tasks on the slave.

Mesos slave could be restarted for an upgrade or due to a crash. This feature is introduced in 0.14.0 release.

How does it work?

Slave recovery works by having the slave checkpoint enough information (e.g., Task Info, Executor Info, Status Updates) about the running tasks and executors to local disk. Once the slave and the framework(s) enable checkpointing, any subsequent slave restarts would recover the checkpointed information and reconnect with the executors. Note that if the host running the slave process is rebooted all the executors/tasks are killed.

NOTE: To enable recovery the framework should explicitly request checkpointing. Alternatively, a framework that doesn't want the disk i/o overhead of checkpointing can opt out of checkpointing.

Enabling slave checkpointing

NOTE: From Mesos 0.22.0 slave checkpointing will be automatically enabled for all slaves.

As part of this feature, 4 new flags were added to the slave.

  • checkpoint : Whether to checkpoint slave and frameworks information to disk [Default: true].

    • This enables a restarted slave to recover status updates and reconnect with (--recover=reconnect) or kill (--recover=cleanup) old executors.

    NOTE: From Mesos 0.22.0 this flag will be removed as it will be enabled for all slaves.

  • strict : Whether to do recovery in strict mode [Default: true].

    • If strict=true, any and all recovery errors are considered fatal.
    • If strict=false, any errors (e.g., corruption in checkpointed data) during recovery are ignored and as much state as possible is recovered.
  • recover : Whether to recover status updates and reconnect with old executors [Default: reconnect].

    • If recover=reconnect, Reconnect with any old live executors.
    • If recover=cleanup, Kill any old live executors and exit. Use this option when doing an incompatible slave or executor upgrade!).

    NOTE: If no checkpointing information exists, no recovery is performed and the slave registers with the master as a new slave.

  • recovery_timeout : Amount of time allotted for the slave to recover [Default: 15 mins].

    • If the slave takes longer than recovery_timeout to recover, any executors that are waiting to reconnect to the slave will self-terminate.

    NOTE: This flag is only applicable when --checkpoint is enabled.

NOTE: If none of the frameworks have enabled checkpointing, executors/tasks of frameworks die when the slave dies and are not recovered.

A restarted slave should re-register with master within a timeout (currently, 75s). If the slave takes longer than this timeout to re-register, the master shuts down the slave, which in turn shuts down any live executors/tasks. Therefore, it is highly recommended to automate the process of restarting a slave (e.g, using monit).

For the complete list of slave options: ./ --help

Enabling framework checkpointing

As part of this feature, FrameworkInfo has been updated to include an optional checkpoint field. A framework that would like to opt in to checkpointing should set FrameworkInfo.checkpoint=True before registering with the master.

NOTE: Frameworks that have enabled checkpointing will only get offers from checkpointing slaves. So, before setting checkpoint=True on FrameworkInfo, ensure that there are slaves in your cluster that have enabled checkpointing. Because, if there are no checkpointing slaves, the framework would not get any offers and hence cannot launch any tasks/executors!

Known issues with systemd and POSIX isolation

There is a known issue when using systemd to launch the mesos-slave while also using only posix isolation mechanisms that prevents tasks from recovering. The problem is that the default KillMode for systemd processes is cgroup and hence all child processes are killed when the slave stops. Explicitly setting KillMode to process allows the executors to survive and reconnect.

The following excerpt of a systemd unit configuration file shows how to set the flag:


NOTE: There are also known issues with using systemd and raw cgroups based isolation, for now the suggested non-Posix isolation mechanism is to use Docker containerization.

Upgrading to 0.14.0

If you want to upgrade a running Mesos cluster to 0.14.0 to take advantage of slave recovery please follow the upgrade instructions.