layout: post title: Apache Mesos 0.21.1 Released permalink: /blog/mesos-0-21-1-released/ published: true post_author: display_name: Tim Chen twitter: tnachen tags: Release

The latest Mesos release, 0.21.1 is now available for download. This release includes bug fixes that fixes a few performance issues and isolator cleanup, and also includes a few improvements around building mesos on OSX and the docker containerizer.

  • MESOS-2047 - Isolator cleanup failures shouldn't cause TASK_LOST.
  • MESOS-2071 - Libprocess generates invalid HTTP
  • MESOS-2147 - Large number of connections slows statistics.json responses.
  • MESOS-2182 - Performance issue in libprocess SocketManager.
  • MESOS-1925 - Docker kill does not allow containers to exit gracefully
  • MESOS-2113 - Improve configure to find apr and svn libraries/headers in OSX

Full release notes are available in the release CHANGELOG.

Upgrading to 0.21.1 can be done seamlessly on a 0.21.0 cluster. If upgrading from an earlier version, please refer to the upgrades documentation.


Thanks to all the contributors for 0.21.1: Timothy Chen, Benjamin Mahler, Kapil Arya, Ryan Thomas, Jie Yu, Dario Rexin and Michael Park.