blob: dd4d111c4ae579420060e547d1111d12f8f0711c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <process/address.hpp>
#include <process/future.hpp>
#include <process/message.hpp>
#include <process/process.hpp>
#include <process/socket.hpp>
#include <stout/hashmap.hpp>
#include <stout/hashset.hpp>
#include "encoder.hpp"
namespace process {
// Forward declaration.
class HttpProxy;
class SocketManager
// Closes all managed sockets and clears any associated metadata.
// The `__s__` server socket must be closed and `ProcessManager`
// must be finalized before calling this.
void finalize();
void accepted(const network::inet::Socket& socket);
void link(
ProcessBase* process,
const UPID& to,
const ProcessBase::RemoteConnection remote,
const network::internal::SocketImpl::Kind& kind =
// Test-only method to fetch the file descriptor behind a
// persistent socket.
Option<int_fd> get_persistent_socket(const UPID& to);
PID<HttpProxy> proxy(const network::inet::Socket& socket);
// Used to clean up the pointer to an `HttpProxy` in case the
// `HttpProxy` is killed outside the control of the `SocketManager`.
// This generally happens when `process::finalize` is called.
void unproxy(const network::inet::Socket& socket);
void send(
Encoder* encoder,
bool persist,
const network::inet::Socket& socket);
void send(
const http::Response& response,
const http::Request& request,
const network::inet::Socket& socket);
void send(
Message&& message,
const network::internal::SocketImpl::Kind& kind =
Encoder* next(int_fd s);
void close(int_fd s);
void exited(const network::inet::Address& address);
void exited(ProcessBase* process);
// TODO(bmahler): Leverage a bidirectional multimap instead, or
// hide the complexity of manipulating 'links' through methods.
// For links, we maintain a bidirectional mapping between the
// "linkers" (Processes) and the "linkees" (remote / local UPIDs).
// For remote socket addresses, we also need a mapping to the
// linkees for that socket address, because socket closure only
// notifies at the address level.
hashmap<UPID, hashset<ProcessBase*>> linkers;
hashmap<ProcessBase*, hashset<UPID>> linkees;
hashmap<network::inet::Address, hashset<UPID>> remotes;
} links;
// Switch the underlying socket that a remote end is talking to.
// This manipulates the data structures below by swapping all data
// mapped to 'from' to being mapped to 'to'. This is useful for
// downgrading a socket from SSL to POLL based.
void swap_implementing_socket(
const network::inet::Socket& from,
const network::inet::Socket& to);
// Helper function for link().
void link_connect(
const Future<Nothing>& future,
network::inet::Socket socket,
const UPID& to);
// Helper function for send().
void send_connect(
const Future<Nothing>& future,
network::inet::Socket socket,
Message&& message);
// Collection of all active sockets (both inbound and outbound).
hashmap<int_fd, network::inet::Socket> sockets;
// Collection of sockets that should be disposed when they are
// finished being used (e.g., when there is no more data to send on
// them). Can contain both inbound and outbound sockets.
hashset<int_fd> dispose;
// Map from socket to socket address for outbound sockets.
hashmap<int_fd, network::inet::Address> addresses;
// Map from socket address to temporary sockets (outbound sockets
// that will be closed once there is no more data to send on them).
hashmap<network::inet::Address, int_fd> temps;
// Map from socket address (ip, port) to persistent sockets
// (outbound sockets that will remain open even if there is no more
// data to send on them). We distinguish these from the 'temps'
// collection so we can tell when a persistent socket has been lost
// (and thus generate ExitedEvents).
hashmap<network::inet::Address, int_fd> persists;
// Map from outbound socket to outgoing queue.
hashmap<int_fd, std::queue<Encoder*>> outgoing;
// HTTP proxies.
hashmap<int_fd, HttpProxy*> proxies;
// Protects instance variables.
std::recursive_mutex mutex;
// Global instance of the socket manager.
extern SocketManager* socket_manager;
} // namespace process {