blob: b5d88b039d9c93eefdb324495bffd7a965f06302 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <process/future.hpp>
#include <process/http.hpp>
#include <process/process.hpp>
#include <stout/nothing.hpp>
#include <stout/option.hpp>
#include <stout/path.hpp>
#include <stout/try.hpp>
namespace process {
// This class provides support for memory profiling and introspection
// using the capabilities of the jemalloc memory allocator.
// For user-facing documentation on how to use the facilities provided
// by this class, see `docs/` in the mesos repository.
// For more details about the implementation, see the comments
// in `memory_profiler.cpp`.
class MemoryProfiler : public Process<MemoryProfiler>
MemoryProfiler(const Option<std::string>& authenticationRealm);
~MemoryProfiler() override {}
void initialize() override;
static const std::string START_HELP();
static const std::string STOP_HELP();
static const std::string DOWNLOAD_RAW_HELP();
static const std::string DOWNLOAD_TEXT_HELP();
static const std::string DOWNLOAD_GRAPH_HELP();
static const std::string STATISTICS_HELP();
static const std::string STATE_HELP();
// HTTP endpoints.
// Refer to the `HELP()` messages for detailed documentation.
// Starts memory profiling.
Future<http::Response> start(
const http::Request& request,
const Option<http::authentication::Principal>&);
// Stops memory profiling and dumps collected data.
Future<http::Response> stop(
const http::Request& request,
const Option<http::authentication::Principal>&);
// Returns a raw heap profile.
Future<http::Response> downloadRawProfile(
const http::Request& request,
const Option<http::authentication::Principal>&);
// Generates and returns a symbolized heap profile.
Future<http::Response> downloadSymbolizedProfile(
const http::Request& request,
const Option<http::authentication::Principal>&);
// Generates and returns a call graph in svg format.
Future<http::Response> downloadGraphProfile(
const http::Request& request,
const Option<http::authentication::Principal>&);
// Shows memory allocation statistics.
Future<http::Response> statistics(
const http::Request& request,
const Option<http::authentication::Principal>&);
// Shows the configuration of the memory-profiler process.
Future<http::Response> state(
const http::Request& request,
const Option<http::authentication::Principal>&);
// Internal functions, helper classes, and data members.
// Deactivates data collection and attempts to dump the raw profile to disk.
void stopAndGenerateRawProfile();
// The authentication realm that the profiler's HTTP endpoints will be
// installed into.
Option<std::string> authenticationRealm;
// Stores information about the current profiling run.
// When the timer reaches zero, a dump of the collected
// data will be attempted.
class ProfilingRun
ProfilingRun(MemoryProfiler*, time_t, const Duration&);
void extend(MemoryProfiler*, const Duration&);
time_t id;
Timer timer;
Option<ProfilingRun> currentRun;
// Represents a file on the filesystem that is generated as the result
// of running some action.
class DiskArtifact
static Try<DiskArtifact> create(
const std::string& filename,
time_t timestamp,
std::function<Try<Nothing>(const std::string& outputPath)> generator);
const time_t getId() const;
std::string getPath() const;
// Generates an error response if the file doesn't exist, or a download
// if it does.
http::Response asHttp() const;
DiskArtifact(const std::string& path, time_t id);
std::string path;
time_t id;
// This profile is obtained by telling jemalloc to dump its stats to a file.
Try<DiskArtifact> rawProfile = Error("Not yet generated");
// These profiles are obtained by running `jeprof` on the `raw` profile.
Try<DiskArtifact> symbolizedProfile = Error("Not yet generated");
Try<DiskArtifact> graphProfile = Error("Not yet generated");
} // namespace process {