blob: deb07d21de7c8f45c27ee7d98941028102fbe5b5 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.shared.utils.xml;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.maven.shared.utils.Os;
* XMLWriter with nice indentation
* @author kama
public class PrettyPrintXMLWriter
implements XMLWriter
private static final char[] CLOSE_1 = "/>".toCharArray();
private static final char[] CLOSE_2 = "</".toCharArray();
private static final char[] DEFAULT_LINE_INDENT = new char[]{ ' ', ' ' };
private PrintWriter writer;
private ArrayList<String> elementStack = new ArrayList<String>();
private boolean processingElement = false;
private boolean documentStarted = false;
private boolean endOnSameLine = false;
private int depth = 0;
private char[] lineIndent;
private char[] lineSeparator;
private String encoding;
private String docType;
* @param writer not null
* @param lineIndent could be null, but the normal way is some spaces.
public PrettyPrintXMLWriter( PrintWriter writer, String lineIndent )
this( writer, lineIndent, null, null );
* @param writer not null
* @param lineIndent could be null, but the normal way is some spaces.
public PrettyPrintXMLWriter( Writer writer, String lineIndent )
this( new PrintWriter( writer ), lineIndent );
* @param writer not null
public PrettyPrintXMLWriter( PrintWriter writer )
this( writer, null, null );
* @param writer not null
public PrettyPrintXMLWriter( Writer writer )
this( new PrintWriter( writer ) );
* @param writer not null
* @param lineIndent could be null, but the normal way is some spaces.
* @param encoding could be null or invalid.
* @param doctype could be null.
public PrettyPrintXMLWriter( PrintWriter writer, String lineIndent, String encoding, String doctype )
this( writer, lineIndent.toCharArray(), Os.LINE_SEP.toCharArray(), encoding, doctype );
* @param writer not null
* @param lineIndent could be null, but the normal way is some spaces.
* @param encoding could be null or invalid.
* @param doctype could be null.
public PrettyPrintXMLWriter( Writer writer, String lineIndent, String encoding, String doctype )
this( new PrintWriter( writer ), lineIndent, encoding, doctype );
* @param writer not null
* @param encoding could be null or invalid.
* @param doctype could be null.
public PrettyPrintXMLWriter( PrintWriter writer, String encoding, String doctype )
this( writer, DEFAULT_LINE_INDENT, Os.LINE_SEP.toCharArray(), encoding, doctype );
* @param writer not null
* @param encoding could be null or invalid.
* @param doctype could be null.
public PrettyPrintXMLWriter( Writer writer, String encoding, String doctype )
this( new PrintWriter( writer ), encoding, doctype );
* @param writer not null
* @param lineIndent could be null, but the normal way is some spaces.
* @param lineSeparator could be null, but the normal way is valid line separator
* @param encoding could be null or the encoding to use.
* @param doctype could be null.
public PrettyPrintXMLWriter( PrintWriter writer, String lineIndent, String lineSeparator, String encoding,
String doctype )
this( writer, lineIndent.toCharArray(), lineSeparator.toCharArray(), encoding, doctype );
* @param writer not null
* @param lineIndent could be null, but the normal way is some spaces.
* @param lineSeparator could be null, but the normal way is valid line separator
* @param encoding could be null or the encoding to use.
* @param doctype could be null.
private PrettyPrintXMLWriter( PrintWriter writer, char[] lineIndent, char[] lineSeparator, String encoding,
String doctype )
this.writer = writer;
this.lineIndent = lineIndent;
this.lineSeparator = lineSeparator;
this.encoding = encoding;
this.docType = doctype;
depth = 0;
// Fail early with assertions enabled. Issue is in the calling code not having checked for any errors.
assert !writer.checkError() : "Unexpected error state PrintWriter passed to PrettyPrintXMLWriter.";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void addAttribute( String key, String value ) throws IOException
if ( !processingElement )
throw new IllegalStateException( "currently processing no element" );
writer.write( ' ' );
writer.write( key );
writer.write( '=' );
XMLEncode.xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA( value, true, '"', writer );
if ( writer.checkError() )
throw new IOException( "Failure adding attribute '" + key + "' with value '" + value + "'" );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void setEncoding( String encoding )
if ( documentStarted )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Document headers already written!" );
this.encoding = encoding;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void setDocType( String docType )
if ( documentStarted )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Document headers already written!" );
this.docType = docType;
* @param lineSeparator The line separator to be used.
public void setLineSeparator( String lineSeparator )
if ( documentStarted )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Document headers already written!" );
this.lineSeparator = lineSeparator.toCharArray();
* @param lineIndentParameter The line indent parameter.
public void setLineIndenter( String lineIndentParameter )
if ( documentStarted )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Document headers already written!" );
this.lineIndent = lineIndentParameter.toCharArray();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void startElement( String elementName ) throws IOException
boolean firstLine = ensureDocumentStarted();
if ( !firstLine )
writer.write( '<' );
writer.write( elementName );
if ( writer.checkError() )
throw new IOException( "Failure starting element '" + elementName + "'." );
processingElement = true;
elementStack.add( depth++, elementName );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void writeText( String text ) throws IOException
XMLEncode.xmlEncodeText( text, writer );
endOnSameLine = true;
if ( writer.checkError() )
throw new IOException( "Failure writing text." );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void writeMarkup( String markup ) throws IOException
writer.write( markup );
if ( writer.checkError() )
throw new IOException( "Failure writing markup." );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void endElement() throws IOException
String chars = elementStack.get( --depth );
if ( processingElement )
// this means we don't have any content yet so we just add a />
writer.write( CLOSE_1 );
processingElement = false;
if ( !endOnSameLine )
// otherwise we need a full closing tag for that element
writer.write( CLOSE_2 );
writer.write( chars );
writer.write( '>' );
endOnSameLine = false;
if ( writer.checkError() )
throw new IOException( "Failure ending element." );
* Write the documents if not already done.
* @return <code>true</code> if the document headers have freshly been written.
private boolean ensureDocumentStarted()
if ( !documentStarted )
if ( docType != null || encoding != null )
documentStarted = true;
return true;
return false;
private void writeDocumentHeader()
writer.write( "<?xml version=\"1.0\"" );
if ( encoding != null )
writer.write( " encoding=\"" );
writer.write( encoding );
writer.write( '\"' );
writer.write( "?>" );
if ( docType != null )
writer.write( "<!DOCTYPE " );
writer.write( docType );
writer.write( '>' );
private void newLine()
writer.write( lineSeparator );
for ( int i = 0; i < depth; i++ )
writer.write( lineIndent );
private void completePreviouslyOpenedElement()
if ( processingElement )
writer.write( '>' );
processingElement = false;