blob: d92b3f62e949b4c7a85ea72a87ed2fec67ec8030 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.scm.provider.bazaar.repository;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProviderRepositoryWithHost;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
* @author <a href="">Torbjørn Eikli Smørgrav</a>
public class BazaarScmProviderRepository
extends ScmProviderRepositoryWithHost
//Known and tested protocols
private static final String FILE = "file://";
private static final String SFTP = "sftp://";
private static final String FTP = "ftp://";
private static final String AFTP = "aftp://";
private static final String HTTP = "http://";
private static final String HTTPS = "https://";
private static final String UNKNOWN = "";
private final String path;
private final String protocol;
private final String orgUrl;
public BazaarScmProviderRepository( String url )
orgUrl = url;
protocol = getProtocol( url );
path = parseUrl( url );
public String getURI()
if ( FILE.equals( protocol ) )
return orgUrl;
return protocol + ( needsAuthentication() ? addUser() + addPassword() + addAt() : "" ) + addHost() +
addPort() + addPath();
* @return A message if the repository as an invalid URI, null if the URI seems fine.
public String validateURI()
String msg = null;
if ( UNKNOWN.equals( protocol ) )
msg = "Unknown protocol (URL should start with something like 'sftp://' or 'file://'";
else if ( needsAuthentication() )
if ( getUser() == null )
msg = "Username is missing for protocol " + protocol;
else if ( getPassword() == null )
msg = "Password is missing for protocol " + protocol;
else if ( getHost() == null )
msg = "Host (eg. is missing for protocol " + protocol;
else if ( getPort() != 0 && getHost() == null )
msg = "Got port information without any host for protocol " + protocol;
if ( msg != null )
msg = "Something could be wrong about the repository URL: " + orgUrl + "\nReason: " + msg +
"\nCheck for usage and hints.";
return msg;
private String getProtocol( String url )
String prot = UNKNOWN;
if ( url.startsWith( FILE ) )
prot = FILE;
else if ( url.startsWith( FTP ) )
prot = FTP;
else if ( url.startsWith( SFTP ) )
prot = SFTP;
else if ( url.startsWith( AFTP ) )
prot = AFTP;
else if ( url.startsWith( HTTP ) )
prot = HTTP;
else if ( url.startsWith( HTTPS ) )
prot = HTTPS;
return prot;
private String parseUrl( String url )
if ( UNKNOWN.equals( protocol ) )
return url;
//Strip protocol
url = url.substring( protocol.length() );
url = parseUsernameAndPassword( url );
url = parseHostAndPort( url );
url = parsePath( url );
return url; //is now only the path
private String parseHostAndPort( String url )
if ( !FILE.equals( protocol ) )
String[] split = url.split( ":" );
if ( split.length == 2 )
setHost( split[0] );
url = url.substring( split[0].length() + 1 );
split = split[1].split( "/" );
if ( split.length == 2 )
url = url.substring( split[0].length() );
setPort( Integer.valueOf( split[0] ).intValue() );
catch ( NumberFormatException e )
//Ignore - error will manifest itself later.
split = url.split( "/" );
if ( split.length > 1 )
url = url.substring( split[0].length() );
setHost( split[0] );
return url;
private String parseUsernameAndPassword( String url )
if ( needsAuthentication() )
String[] split = url.split( "@" );
if ( split.length == 2 )
url = split[1]; //Strip away 'username:password@' from url
split = split[0].split( ":" );
if ( split.length == 2 )
{ //both username and password
setUser( split[0] );
setPassword( split[1] );
{ //only username
setUser( split[0] );
return url;
private String parsePath( String url )
if ( FILE.equals( protocol ) )
//Use OS dependent path separator
url = StringUtils.replace( url, "/", File.separator );
//Test first path separator (*nix systems use them to denote root)
File tmpFile = new File( url ); //most likly a *nix system
String url2 = url.substring( File.pathSeparator.length() );
File tmpFile2 = new File( url2 ); //most likly a windows system
if ( !tmpFile.exists() && !tmpFile2.exists() )
// This is trouble - Trouble is reported in validateURI()
url = tmpFile2.exists() ? url2 : url;
//Use URL path separator
url = StringUtils.replace( url, File.separator, "/" );
return url;
private String addUser()
return ( getUser() == null ) ? "" : getUser();
private String addPassword()
return ( getPassword() == null ) ? "" : ":" + getPassword();
private String addAt()
return needsAuthentication() ? "@" : "";
private String addHost()
return ( getHost() == null ) ? "" : getHost();
private String addPort()
return ( getPort() == 0 ) ? "" : ":" + getPort();
private String addPath()
return path;
private boolean needsAuthentication()
return SFTP.equals( protocol ) || FTP.equals( protocol ) || HTTPS.equals( protocol ) || AFTP.equals( protocol );
public String toString()
return "Bazaar Repository Interpreted from: " + orgUrl + ":\nProtocol: " + protocol + "\nHost: " + getHost() +
"\nPort: " + getPort() + "\nUsername: " + getUser() + "\nPassword: " + getPassword() + "\nPath: " + path;