blob: 07dbfdbd0d37f743c91dc259f94ae3bca732821c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.scm.provider.git.gitexe.command.checkin;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmFileSet;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmTestCase;
import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmVersion;
import org.apache.maven.scm.command.add.AddScmResult;
import org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkin.CheckInScmResult;
import org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkout.CheckOutScmResult;
import org.apache.maven.scm.command.remove.RemoveScmResult;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.git.GitScmTestUtils;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.git.repository.GitScmProviderRepository;
import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.git.util.GitUtil;
import org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepository;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.Commandline;
* @author <a href="">Trygve Laugst&oslash;l</a>
public class GitCheckInCommandTest
extends ScmTestCase
private File messageFile;
private String messageFileString;
public void setUp()
throws Exception
messageFile = new File( "commit-message" );
String path = messageFile.getAbsolutePath();
if ( path.indexOf( ' ' ) >= 0 )
path = "\"" + path + "\"";
messageFileString = "-F " + path;
public void testCommandLineWithoutTag()
throws Exception
if ( GitUtil.getSettings().isCommitNoVerify() )
testCommandLine( "scm:git:", "git commit --verbose " + messageFileString + " -a" + " --no-verify" );
testCommandLine( "scm:git:", "git commit --verbose " + messageFileString + " -a" );
public void testCommandLineWithUsername()
throws Exception
if ( GitUtil.getSettings().isCommitNoVerify() )
testCommandLine( "scm:git:", "git commit --verbose " + messageFileString
+ " -a" + " --no-verify" );
testCommandLine( "scm:git:", "git commit --verbose " + messageFileString
+ " -a" );
// Test reproducing SCM-694
public void testCheckinAfterRename() throws Exception {
File repo = getRepositoryRoot();
File checkedOutRepo = getWorkingCopy();
if ( !ScmTestCase.isSystemCmd( "git" ) )
ScmTestCase.printSystemCmdUnavail( "git", getName() );
GitScmTestUtils.initRepo("src/test/resources/repository/", getRepositoryRoot(), getWorkingDirectory());
ScmRepository scmRepository = getScmManager().makeScmRepository(
"scm:git:" + repo.toPath().toAbsolutePath().toUri().toASCIIString() );
checkoutRepoInto(checkedOutRepo, scmRepository);
// Add a default user to the config
GitScmTestUtils.setDefaultUser( checkedOutRepo );
// Creating foo/bar/wine.xml
File fooDir = new File( checkedOutRepo.getAbsolutePath(), "foo" );
File barDir = new File(fooDir.getAbsolutePath(), "bar");
File wineFile = new File(barDir.getAbsolutePath(), "wine.xml");
FileUtils.fileWrite( wineFile.getAbsolutePath(), "Lacoste castle" );
// Adding and commiting file
AddScmResult addResult = getScmManager().add( scmRepository, new ScmFileSet( checkedOutRepo, new File( "foo/bar/wine.xml" ) ) );
assertResultIsSuccess( addResult );
CheckInScmResult checkInScmResult = getScmManager().checkIn(scmRepository, new ScmFileSet(checkedOutRepo), "Created wine file");
assertResultIsSuccess( checkInScmResult );
// Cloning foo/bar/wine.xml to foo/newbar/wine.xml
File newBarDir = new File(fooDir.getAbsolutePath(), "newbar");
File movedWineFile = new File(newBarDir.getAbsolutePath(), "wine.xml");
FileUtils.copyFile(wineFile, movedWineFile);
// Removing old file, adding new file and commiting...
RemoveScmResult removeResult = getScmManager().remove(scmRepository, new ScmFileSet(checkedOutRepo, new File("foo/bar/")), "");
addResult = getScmManager().add(scmRepository, new ScmFileSet(checkedOutRepo, new File("foo/newbar/wine.xml")));
checkInScmResult = getScmManager().checkIn(scmRepository, new ScmFileSet(checkedOutRepo), "moved wine.xml from foo/bar/ to foo/newbar/");
assertTrue("Renamed file has not been commited!", checkInScmResult.getCheckedInFiles().size() != 0);
// Test FileSet in configuration
public void testCheckinWithFileSet() throws Exception {
File repo = getRepositoryRoot();
File checkedOutRepo = getWorkingCopy();
if ( !ScmTestCase.isSystemCmd( "git" ) )
ScmTestCase.printSystemCmdUnavail( "git", getName() );
GitScmTestUtils.initRepo( "src/test/resources/repository/", getRepositoryRoot(), getWorkingDirectory() );
ScmRepository scmRepository = getScmManager().makeScmRepository(
"scm:git:" + repo.toPath().toAbsolutePath().toUri().toASCIIString() );
checkoutRepoInto( checkedOutRepo, scmRepository );
// Add a default user to the config
GitScmTestUtils.setDefaultUser( checkedOutRepo );
// Creating beer.xml and whiskey.xml
File beerFile = new File( checkedOutRepo.getAbsolutePath(), "beer.xml" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( beerFile.getAbsolutePath(), "1/2 litre" );
File whiskeyFile = new File( checkedOutRepo.getAbsolutePath(), "whiskey.xml" );
FileUtils.fileWrite( whiskeyFile.getAbsolutePath(), "700 ml" );
// Adding and commiting beer and whiskey
AddScmResult addResult = getScmManager().add( scmRepository, new ScmFileSet( checkedOutRepo, "beer.xml,whiskey.xml" ) );
assertResultIsSuccess( addResult );
CheckInScmResult checkInScmResult = getScmManager().checkIn( scmRepository,
new ScmFileSet( checkedOutRepo, "beer.xml,whiskey.xml" ), "Created beer file" );
assertResultIsSuccess( checkInScmResult );
// Editing beer and commiting whiskey, should commit nothingi, but succeed
FileUtils.fileWrite( beerFile.getAbsolutePath(), "1 litre" );
addResult = getScmManager().add( scmRepository, new ScmFileSet( checkedOutRepo, "whiskey.xml" ) );
assertResultIsSuccess( addResult );
checkInScmResult = getScmManager().checkIn( scmRepository,
new ScmFileSet( checkedOutRepo, "whiskey.xml" ), "Checking beer file");
assertResultIsSuccess( checkInScmResult );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private CheckOutScmResult checkoutRepoInto( File workingCopy, ScmRepository scmRepository )
throws Exception {
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( workingCopy );
CheckOutScmResult result =
getScmManager().checkOut( scmRepository, new ScmFileSet( workingCopy ), (ScmVersion) null );
assertResultIsSuccess( result );
return result;
private void testCommandLine( String scmUrl, String commandLine )
throws Exception
File workingDirectory = getTestFile( "target/git-checkin-command-test" );
ScmRepository repository = getScmManager().makeScmRepository(scmUrl);
GitScmProviderRepository gitRepository = (GitScmProviderRepository) repository.getProviderRepository();
Commandline cl =
GitCheckInCommand.createCommitCommandLine( gitRepository, new ScmFileSet( workingDirectory ), messageFile );
assertCommandLine( commandLine, workingDirectory, cl );