blob: ab40650161052156cf6762d547c78366339e3ee0 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.aether.util.graph.transformer;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.aether.collection.UnsolvableVersionConflictException;
import org.eclipse.aether.graph.DependencyNode;
import org.eclipse.aether.internal.test.util.DependencyGraphParser;
import org.junit.Test;
public class NearestVersionSelectorTest
extends AbstractDependencyGraphTransformerTest
protected ConflictResolver newTransformer()
return new ConflictResolver( new NearestVersionSelector(), new JavaScopeSelector(),
new SimpleOptionalitySelector(), new JavaScopeDeriver() );
protected DependencyGraphParser newParser()
return new DependencyGraphParser( "transformer/version-resolver/" );
public void testSelectHighestVersionFromMultipleVersionsAtSameLevel()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "sibling-versions.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
assertEquals( 1, root.getChildren().size() );
assertEquals( "3", root.getChildren().get( 0 ).getArtifact().getVersion() );
public void testSelectedVersionAtDeeperLevelThanOriginallySeen()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "nearest-underneath-loser-a.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
List<DependencyNode> trail = find( root, "j" );
assertEquals( 5, trail.size() );
public void testNearestDirtyVersionUnderneathRemovedNode()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "nearest-underneath-loser-b.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
List<DependencyNode> trail = find( root, "j" );
assertEquals( 5, trail.size() );
// This test must be assertTrue() as soon as MRESOLVER-62 is fixed
public void testCycleUnderneathRemovedNode()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource("cycle-underneath-removed-node.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
List<DependencyNode> trail = find( root, "y" );
assertEquals( 6, trail.size() );
// Node y should have children removed
assertFalse( trail.get(0).getChildren().isEmpty() );
// This test must be assertFalse() as soon as MRESOLVER-62 is fixed
public void testCycleUnderneathRemovedNode2()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource("cycle-underneath-removed-node2.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
// Node x should be present
List<DependencyNode> trail = find( root, "x" );
assertTrue( trail.isEmpty() );
public void testViolationOfHardConstraintFallsBackToNearestSeenNotFirstSeen()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "range-backtracking.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
List<DependencyNode> trail = find( root, "x" );
assertEquals( 3, trail.size() );
assertEquals( "2", trail.get( 0 ).getArtifact().getVersion() );
public void testCyclicConflictIdGraph()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "conflict-id-cycle.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
assertEquals( 2, root.getChildren().size() );
assertEquals( "a", root.getChildren().get( 0 ).getArtifact().getArtifactId() );
assertEquals( "b", root.getChildren().get( 1 ).getArtifact().getArtifactId() );
assertTrue( root.getChildren().get( 0 ).getChildren().isEmpty() );
assertTrue( root.getChildren().get( 1 ).getChildren().isEmpty() );
@Test( expected = UnsolvableVersionConflictException.class )
public void testUnsolvableRangeConflictBetweenHardConstraints()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "unsolvable.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
@Test( expected = UnsolvableVersionConflictException.class )
public void testUnsolvableRangeConflictWithUnrelatedCycle()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "unsolvable-with-cycle.txt" );
transform( root );
public void testSolvableConflictBetweenHardConstraints()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "ranges.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
public void testConflictGroupCompletelyDroppedFromResolvedTree()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "dead-conflict-group.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
assertEquals( 2, root.getChildren().size() );
assertEquals( "a", root.getChildren().get( 0 ).getArtifact().getArtifactId() );
assertEquals( "b", root.getChildren().get( 1 ).getArtifact().getArtifactId() );
assertTrue( root.getChildren().get( 0 ).getChildren().isEmpty() );
assertTrue( root.getChildren().get( 1 ).getChildren().isEmpty() );
public void testNearestSoftVersionPrunedByFartherRange()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "soft-vs-range.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
assertEquals( 2, root.getChildren().size() );
assertEquals( "a", root.getChildren().get( 0 ).getArtifact().getArtifactId() );
assertEquals( 0, root.getChildren().get( 0 ).getChildren().size() );
assertEquals( "b", root.getChildren().get( 1 ).getArtifact().getArtifactId() );
assertEquals( 1, root.getChildren().get( 1 ).getChildren().size() );
public void testCyclicGraph()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "cycle.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
assertEquals( 2, root.getChildren().size() );
assertEquals( 1, root.getChildren().get( 0 ).getChildren().size() );
assertEquals( 0, root.getChildren().get( 0 ).getChildren().get( 0 ).getChildren().size() );
assertEquals( 0, root.getChildren().get( 1 ).getChildren().size() );
public void testLoop()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "loop.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
assertEquals( 0, root.getChildren().size() );
public void testOverlappingCycles()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "overlapping-cycles.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
assertEquals( 2, root.getChildren().size() );
public void testScopeDerivationAndConflictResolutionCantHappenForAllNodesBeforeVersionSelection()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "scope-vs-version.txt" );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
DependencyNode[] nodes = find( root, "y" ).toArray( new DependencyNode[0] );
assertEquals( 3, nodes.length );
assertEquals( "test", nodes[1].getDependency().getScope() );
assertEquals( "test", nodes[0].getDependency().getScope() );
public void testVerboseMode()
throws Exception
DependencyNode root = parseResource( "verbose.txt" );
session.setConfigProperty( ConflictResolver.CONFIG_PROP_VERBOSE, Boolean.TRUE );
assertSame( root, transform( root ) );
assertEquals( 2, root.getChildren().size() );
assertEquals( 1, root.getChildren().get( 0 ).getChildren().size() );
DependencyNode winner = root.getChildren().get( 0 ).getChildren().get( 0 );
assertEquals( "test", winner.getDependency().getScope() );
assertEquals( "compile", winner.getData().get( ConflictResolver.NODE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SCOPE ) );
assertEquals( false, winner.getData().get( ConflictResolver.NODE_DATA_ORIGINAL_OPTIONALITY) );
assertEquals( 1, root.getChildren().get( 1 ).getChildren().size() );
DependencyNode loser = root.getChildren().get( 1 ).getChildren().get( 0 );
assertEquals( "test", loser.getDependency().getScope() );
assertEquals( 0, loser.getChildren().size() );
assertSame( winner, loser.getData().get( ConflictResolver.NODE_DATA_WINNER ) );
assertEquals( "compile", loser.getData().get( ConflictResolver.NODE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SCOPE ) );
assertEquals( false, loser.getData().get( ConflictResolver.NODE_DATA_ORIGINAL_OPTIONALITY ) );