make build/pluginManagement configuration support more visible
diff --git a/src/site/apt/index.apt.vm b/src/site/apt/index.apt.vm
index a291121..ce25428 100644
--- a/src/site/apt/index.apt.vm
+++ b/src/site/apt/index.apt.vm
@@ -32,7 +32,28 @@
-  Since 1.4, the request can (and should) be populated from
+  Contrary to Maven 2.x:
+  [[1]] report <<<\<version\>>>> explicit definition is optional:\
+  if no version is specified for a report plugin, version is determined by
+    [[1]] searching for the plugin in the <<<build/plugins>>> section of the pom,
+    [[2]] searching for the plugin in the <<<build/pluginManagement>>> section of the pom,
+    [[3]] asking {{{/ref/current/maven-core/apidocs/org/apache/maven/plugin/version/PluginVersionResolver.html}PluginVersionResolver}}
+    to get a fallback version and display a warning as it's not a recommended use,
+    []
+  [[2]] plugin configuration from <<<build/pluginManagement>>> is also injected into reports
+  (since Maven Reporting Executor 1.2, which is {{{/plugins/maven-site-plugin/history.html}used by Maven Site Plugin 3.4}}).
+  []
+* Notice on now obsolete reportPlugin format
+  Since 1.4 (used by Maven Site Plugin 3.7), the request can (and should) be populated from
   {{{/ref/current/maven-model/maven.html#class_reporting}pom's <<<\<reporting\>>>> section}},
   injected in Mojo parameter as <<<$\{project.reporting.plugins\}>>> default value:
@@ -41,26 +62,9 @@
     private org.apache.maven.model.ReportPlugin[] reportingPlugins;
-  Contrary to Maven 2.x, report <<<\<version\>>>> explicit definition is optional:
-  if no version is specified for a report plugin, version is determined by
-    [[1]] searching for the plugin in the <<<build/plugins>>> section of the pom,
-    [[2]] searching for the plugin in the <<<build/pluginManagement>>> section of the pom,
-    [[3]] asking {{{/ref/current/maven-core/apidocs/org/apache/maven/plugin/version/PluginVersionResolver.html}PluginVersionResolver}}
-    to get a fallback version and display a warning as it's not a recommended use.
-    []
-  Since <<<maven-reporting-exec>>> 1.2 (which is used by <<<maven-site-plugin>>> 3.4), plugin configuration in
-  <<<build/pluginManagement>>> is also injected into reports.
-* Notice on now obsolete reportPlugin format
   This section is kept to explain what happened in previous releases of the component, but this approach has been
   abandonned so far after discovering major limitations: see
-  {{{/plugins/maven-site-plugin/maven-3.html#New_Configuration_Maven_3_only_no_reports_configuration_inheritance}Maven Site Plugin documentation}}
+  {{{/plugins-archives/maven-site-plugin-3.9.0/maven-3.html#New_Configuration_Maven_3_only_no_reports_configuration_inheritance}Maven Site Plugin 3.9.0 documentation}}
   for more details.
   Report plugins can be configured in <<<\<configuration\>>>> element of <<<maven-site-plugin>>> or any other