blob: cc6b8456925803cb589c7ff6e590c77dcbaee839 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.virtual;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.ArtifactBasicMetadata;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.artifact.DefaultArtifact;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.builder.api.DependencyProcessor;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.event.MercuryEvent;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.event.MercuryEventListener;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.event.MercuryEvent.EventMask;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.api.ArtifactBasicResults;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.api.ArtifactResults;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.api.LocalRepository;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.api.RemoteRepository;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.api.Repository;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.local.m2.LocalRepositoryM2;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.local.m2.MetadataProcessorMock;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.repository.remote.m2.RemoteRepositoryM2;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.transport.api.Server;
import org.apache.maven.mercury.util.FileUtil;
* @author Oleg Gusakov
* @version $Id$
public class VirtualRepositoryReaderTest
extends TestCase
File _testBase;
LocalRepository _localRepo;
Server _server;
RemoteRepository _remoteRepo;
VirtualRepositoryReader _vr;
String _remoteUrl = "";
String _artifactCoordSn = "org.apache.maven.mercury:mercury-repo-virtual:1.0.0-alpha-2-SNAPSHOT";
String _artifactCoordLatest = "org.apache.maven.mercury:mercury-repo-virtual:1.0.0-alpha-2-LATEST";
String _artifactCoordRelease = "ant:ant:1.6.5";
String _localRepoId = "localRepo";
String _remoteRepoId = "remoteRepo";
protected void setUp()
throws Exception
_testBase = new File( "./target/repo" );
FileUtil.delete( _testBase );
FileUtil.copy( new File("./src/test/resources/repo"), _testBase, false );
if( !_testBase.exists() || !_testBase.isDirectory() )
throw new Exception( "cannot create clean folder " + _testBase.getAbsolutePath() );
_localRepo = new LocalRepositoryM2( _localRepoId, _testBase, new MetadataProcessorMock() );
_server = new Server( _remoteRepoId, new URL(_remoteUrl) );
_remoteRepo = new RemoteRepositoryM2( _server.getId(), _server, new MetadataProcessorMock() );
List<Repository> rl = new ArrayList<Repository>();
rl.add( _localRepo );
rl.add( _remoteRepo );
_vr = new VirtualRepositoryReader( rl );
public void testReadSnapshot()
throws Exception
ArtifactBasicMetadata bmd = new ArtifactBasicMetadata(_artifactCoordSn);
List<ArtifactBasicMetadata> q = new ArrayList<ArtifactBasicMetadata>();
q.add( bmd );
ArtifactResults res = _vr.readArtifacts( q );
assertNotNull( res );
assertFalse( res.hasExceptions() );
assertTrue( res.hasResults() );
assertTrue( res.hasResults( bmd ) );
Map<ArtifactBasicMetadata, List<Artifact>> m = res.getResults();
List<Artifact> al = m.get( bmd );
Artifact a = al.get( 0 );
assertTrue( bmd.getGroupId().equals( a.getGroupId() ) );
assertTrue( bmd.getArtifactId().equals( a.getArtifactId() ) );
assertTrue( bmd.getVersion().equals( a.getVersion() ) );
byte [] pomBytes = a.getPomBlob();
assertTrue( pomBytes != null );
assertEquals( 795, pomBytes.length );
File ab = a.getFile();
assertNotNull( ab );
assertTrue( ab.exists() );
assertEquals( 6162, ab.length() );
public void testWrite()
throws Exception
Artifact a = new DefaultArtifact( new ArtifactBasicMetadata("a:a:1.0:text:txt") );
File bin = File.createTempFile( "vr-", "-test.txt" );
FileUtil.writeRawData( bin, "test" );
a.setFile( bin );
List<Artifact> arts = new ArrayList<Artifact>();
arts.add( a );
_localRepo.getWriter().writeArtifacts( arts );
File af = new File( _testBase, "a/a/1.0/a-1.0-text.txt");
assertTrue( af.exists() );
assertEquals( 4, af.length() );
public void testReadRelease()
throws Exception
ArtifactBasicMetadata bmd = new ArtifactBasicMetadata( _artifactCoordRelease );
List<ArtifactBasicMetadata> q = new ArrayList<ArtifactBasicMetadata>();
q.add( bmd );
Listener l = new Listener();
_vr.register( l );
ArtifactBasicResults res = _vr.readVersions( q );
assertNotNull( res );
assertFalse( res.hasExceptions() );
assertTrue( res.hasResults() );
assertTrue( res.hasResults( bmd ) );
// let events propagate
Thread.sleep( 2000L );
assertTrue( l.localEventCount > 0 );
assertEquals( 0, l.remoteEventCount );
class Listener
implements MercuryEventListener
int localEventCount = 0;
int remoteEventCount = 0;
public void fire( MercuryEvent event )
String tag = event.getInfo();
if( _localRepoId.equals( tag ) )
else if( _remoteRepoId.equals( tag ) )
// System.out.println(EventManager.toString( event ));
// System.out.flush();
public EventMask getMask()
return null;