blob: 0b06d36ee234d2cca38ca1bfe4db95926e12d59f [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.integrationtests;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* This is a sample integration test. The IT tests typically
* operate by having a sample project in the
* /src/test/resources folder along with a junit test like
* this one. The junit test uses the itr (which uses
* the invoker) to invoke a new instance of Maven on the
* project in the resources folder. It then checks the
* results. This is a non-trivial example that shows two
* phases. See more information inline in the code.
* @author <a href="">Brian Fox</a>
public class MavenITmng3372DirectInvocationOfPlugins
extends AbstractMavenIntegrationTestCase
public void testitMNG3372()
throws Exception
// The testdir is computed from the location of this
// file.
File testBaseDir = extractTestResources( getClass(), "/mng-3372-directInvocationOfPlugins/direct-using-prefix" );
File plugin = new File( testBaseDir, "plugin" );
File project = new File( testBaseDir, "project" );
File settingsFile = new File( testBaseDir, "settings.xml" );
IntegrationTestRunner itr = new IntegrationTestRunner( plugin.getAbsolutePath() );
itr.deleteArtifact( "org.apache.maven.its.mng3372", "mng3372-maven-plugin", "1", "jar" );
itr.invoke( "clean, install" );
itr = new IntegrationTestRunner( project.getAbsolutePath() );
List cliOptions = new ArrayList();
cliOptions.add( "-s" );
cliOptions.add( "\"" + settingsFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"" );
itr.executeGoal( "mng3372:test", cliOptions );
public void testDependencyTreeInvocation()
throws Exception
// The testdir is computed from the location of this
// file.
File testBaseDir = extractTestResources( getClass(), "/mng-3372-directInvocationOfPlugins/dependency-tree" );
IntegrationTestRunner itr = new IntegrationTestRunner( testBaseDir.getAbsolutePath() );
List cliOptions = new ArrayList();
cliOptions.add( "-U" );
itr.executeGoal( "dependency:tree", cliOptions );