tree: 63c92fd4f15ae0db6777ff3b3f9b5f6dd83f807f [path history] [tgz]
  1. indexer-examples-basic/
  2. indexer-examples-spring/
  3. src/
  4. pom.xml

Maven Indexer Examples

This example covers simple use cases and is runnable as Java App or just using Maven “test” goal (as there is a Junit test simply executing the main() method, to not have to fuss with classpath etc.)

Try following steps:

$ cd indexer-examples
$ mvn clean test -Ptests
  ... first run will take few minutes to download the index, and then will run showing some output
$ mvn test -Ptests
  ... (no clean goal!) second run will finish quickly, as target folder will already contain an up-to-date index

Please, note that the tests in this module will only compile by default; the will not be executed, unless you activate the profile (-Ptests).

Have fun,