[MPH-87] help:effective-pom/effective-settings uses platform encoding and garbles non-ASCII characters, emits invalid XML

The fix for this issue requires a series of changes:
* When writing XML content to file don't provide an encoding, let the
  writer read the prolog by itself. This avoids mismatches when encoding
  is not provided (UTF-8), but platform encoding is not UTF-8.
* Rather than feeding the model encoding unconditionally to
  PrettyPrintXMLWriter provide the encoding of the output stream written to.
* PrettyPrintFormat does not reuse the input encoding of a file, but
  always uses UTF-8 unless told otherwise. This means that the prolog did
  not match to the actual file encoding.
* PrettyPrintFormat defaults to \r\n line ending which produces
  inconsistent endings on Unix.
3 files changed
tree: ca7cadd9cfd2651317d9b614f5f6c84f3d4ad672
  1. src/
  2. .gitignore
  3. Jenkinsfile
  4. pom.xml