blob: 06fc1f0272f193d277a9076266112df79f404ad8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* eslint-env amd */
/* globals module:false */
(function (root, factory) {
'use strict';
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define([], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
// like Node.
module.exports = factory();
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.AnchorJS = factory();
root.anchors = new root.AnchorJS();
}(this, function () {
'use strict';
function AnchorJS(options) {
this.options = options || {};
this.elements = [];
* Assigns options to the internal options object, and provides defaults.
* @param {Object} opts - Options object
function _applyRemainingDefaultOptions(opts) {
opts.icon =, 'icon') ? opts.icon : '\uE9CB'; // Accepts characters (and also URLs?), like '#', '¶', '❡', or '§'.
opts.visible =, 'visible') ? opts.visible : 'hover'; // Also accepts 'always' & 'touch'
opts.placement =, 'placement') ? opts.placement : 'right'; // Also accepts 'left'
opts.ariaLabel =, 'ariaLabel') ? opts.ariaLabel : 'Anchor'; // Accepts any text.
opts.class =, 'class') ? opts.class : ''; // Accepts any class name.
opts.base =, 'base') ? opts.base : ''; // Accepts any base URI.
// Using Math.floor here will ensure the value is Number-cast and an integer.
opts.truncate =, 'truncate') ? Math.floor(opts.truncate) : 64; // Accepts any value that can be typecast to a number.
opts.titleText =, 'titleText') ? opts.titleText : ''; // Accepts any text.
* Checks to see if this device supports touch. Uses criteria pulled from Modernizr:
* @return {Boolean} - true if the current device supports touch.
this.isTouchDevice = function() {
return Boolean('ontouchstart' in window || window.TouchEvent || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch);
* Add anchor links to page elements.
* @param {String|Array|Nodelist} selector - A CSS selector for targeting the elements you wish to add anchor links
* to. Also accepts an array or nodeList containing the relavant elements.
* @return {this} - The AnchorJS object
this.add = function(selector) {
var elements,
indexesToDrop = [];
// We reapply options here because somebody may have overwritten the default options object when setting options.
// For example, this overwrites all options but visible:
// anchors.options = { visible: 'always'; }
visibleOptionToUse = this.options.visible;
if (visibleOptionToUse === 'touch') {
visibleOptionToUse = this.isTouchDevice() ? 'always' : 'hover';
// Provide a sensible default selector, if none is given.
if (!selector) {
selector = 'h2, h3, h4, h5, h6';
elements = _getElements(selector);
if (elements.length === 0) {
return this;
// We produce a list of existing IDs so we don't generate a duplicate.
elsWithIds = document.querySelectorAll('[id]');
idList = [], function(el) {
for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (this.hasAnchorJSLink(elements[i])) {
if (elements[i].hasAttribute('id')) {
elementID = elements[i].getAttribute('id');
} else if (elements[i].hasAttribute('data-anchor-id')) {
elementID = elements[i].getAttribute('data-anchor-id');
} else {
tidyText = this.urlify(elements[i].textContent);
// Compare our generated ID to existing IDs (and increment it if needed)
// before we add it to the page.
newTidyText = tidyText;
count = 0;
do {
if (index !== undefined) {
newTidyText = tidyText + '-' + count;
index = idList.indexOf(newTidyText);
count += 1;
} while (index !== -1);
index = undefined;
elements[i].setAttribute('id', newTidyText);
elementID = newTidyText;
// The following code efficiently builds this DOM structure:
// `<a class="anchorjs-link ${this.options.class}"
// aria-label="${this.options.ariaLabel}"
// data-anchorjs-icon="${this.options.icon}"
// title="${this.options.titleText}"
// href="this.options.base#${elementID}">
// </a>;`
anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.className = 'anchorjs-link ' + this.options.class;
anchor.setAttribute('aria-label', this.options.ariaLabel);
anchor.setAttribute('data-anchorjs-icon', this.options.icon);
if (this.options.titleText) {
anchor.title = this.options.titleText;
// Adjust the href if there's a <base> tag. See
hrefBase = document.querySelector('base') ? window.location.pathname + : '';
hrefBase = this.options.base || hrefBase;
anchor.href = hrefBase + '#' + elementID;
if (visibleOptionToUse === 'always') { = '1';
if (this.options.icon === '\uE9CB') { = '1em/1 anchorjs-icons';
// We set lineHeight = 1 here because the `anchorjs-icons` font family could otherwise affect the
// height of the heading. This isn't the case for icons with `placement: left`, so we restore
// line-height: inherit in that case, ensuring they remain positioned correctly. For more info,
// see
if (this.options.placement === 'left') { = 'inherit';
if (this.options.placement === 'left') { = 'absolute'; = '-1em'; = '.5em';
elements[i].insertBefore(anchor, elements[i].firstChild);
} else { // if the option provided is `right` (or anything else). = '.375em';
for (i = 0; i < indexesToDrop.length; i++) {
elements.splice(indexesToDrop[i] - i, 1);
this.elements = this.elements.concat(elements);
return this;
* Removes all anchorjs-links from elements targeted by the selector.
* @param {String|Array|Nodelist} selector - A CSS selector string targeting elements with anchor links,
* OR a nodeList / array containing the DOM elements.
* @return {this} - The AnchorJS object
this.remove = function(selector) {
var index,
elements = _getElements(selector);
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
domAnchor = elements[i].querySelector('.anchorjs-link');
if (domAnchor) {
// Drop the element from our main list, if it's in there.
index = this.elements.indexOf(elements[i]);
if (index !== -1) {
this.elements.splice(index, 1);
// Remove the anchor from the DOM.
return this;
* Removes all anchorjs links. Mostly used for tests.
this.removeAll = function() {
* Urlify - Refine text so it makes a good ID.
* To do this, we remove apostrophes, replace non-safe characters with hyphens,
* remove extra hyphens, truncate, trim hyphens, and make lowercase.
* @param {String} text - Any text. Usually pulled from the webpage element we are linking to.
* @return {String} - hyphen-delimited text for use in IDs and URLs.
this.urlify = function(text) {
// Decode HTML characters such as '&nbsp;' first.
var textareaElement = document.createElement('textarea');
textareaElement.innerHTML = text;
text = textareaElement.value;
// Regex for finding the non-safe URL characters (many need escaping):
// & +$,:;=?@"#{}|^~[`%!'<>]./()*\ (newlines, tabs, backspace, vertical tabs, and non-breaking space)
var nonsafeChars = /[& +$,:;=?@"#{}|^~[`%!'<>\]./()*\\\n\t\b\v\u00A0]/g;
// The reason we include this _applyRemainingDefaultOptions is so urlify can be called independently,
// even after setting options. This can be useful for tests or other applications.
if (!this.options.truncate) {
// Note: we trim hyphens after truncating because truncating can cause dangling hyphens.
// Example string: // " ⚡⚡ Don't forget: URL fragments should be i18n-friendly, hyphenated, short, and clean."
return text.trim() // "⚡⚡ Don't forget: URL fragments should be i18n-friendly, hyphenated, short, and clean."
.replace(/'/gi, '') // "⚡⚡ Dont forget: URL fragments should be i18n-friendly, hyphenated, short, and clean."
.replace(nonsafeChars, '-') // "⚡⚡-Dont-forget--URL-fragments-should-be-i18n-friendly--hyphenated--short--and-clean-"
.replace(/-{2,}/g, '-') // "⚡⚡-Dont-forget-URL-fragments-should-be-i18n-friendly-hyphenated-short-and-clean-"
.substring(0, this.options.truncate) // "⚡⚡-Dont-forget-URL-fragments-should-be-i18n-friendly-hyphenated-"
.replace(/^-+|-+$/gm, '') // "⚡⚡-Dont-forget-URL-fragments-should-be-i18n-friendly-hyphenated"
.toLowerCase(); // "⚡⚡-dont-forget-url-fragments-should-be-i18n-friendly-hyphenated"
* Determines if this element already has an AnchorJS link on it.
* Uses this technique:
* @param {HTMLElement} el - a DOM node
* @return {Boolean} true/false
this.hasAnchorJSLink = function(el) {
var hasLeftAnchor = el.firstChild && (' ' + el.firstChild.className + ' ').indexOf(' anchorjs-link ') > -1,
hasRightAnchor = el.lastChild && (' ' + el.lastChild.className + ' ').indexOf(' anchorjs-link ') > -1;
return hasLeftAnchor || hasRightAnchor || false;
* Turns a selector, nodeList, or array of elements into an array of elements (so we can use array methods).
* It also throws errors on any other inputs. Used to handle inputs to .add and .remove.
* @param {String|Array|Nodelist} input - A CSS selector string targeting elements with anchor links,
* OR a nodeList / array containing the DOM elements.
* @return {Array} - An array containing the elements we want.
function _getElements(input) {
var elements;
if (typeof input === 'string' || input instanceof String) {
// See for the technique transforming nodeList -> Array.
elements = [];
// I checked the 'input instanceof NodeList' test in IE9 and modern browsers and it worked for me.
} else if (Array.isArray(input) || input instanceof NodeList) {
elements = [];
} else {
throw new TypeError('The selector provided to AnchorJS was invalid.');
return elements;
* _addBaselineStyles
* Adds baseline styles to the page, used by all AnchorJS links irregardless of configuration.
function _addBaselineStyles() {
// We don't want to add global baseline styles if they've been added before.
if (document.head.querySelector('style.anchorjs') !== null) {
var style = document.createElement('style'),
linkRule =
'.anchorjs-link{' +
'opacity:0;' +
'text-decoration:none;' +
'-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;' +
'-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale' +
hoverRule =
':hover>.anchorjs-link,' +
'.anchorjs-link:focus{' +
'opacity:1' +
anchorjsLinkFontFace =
'@font-face{' +
'font-family:anchorjs-icons;' + // Icon from icomoon; 10px wide & 10px tall; 2 empty below & 4 above
pseudoElContent =
'[data-anchorjs-icon]::after{' +
'content:attr(data-anchorjs-icon)' +
style.className = 'anchorjs';
style.appendChild(document.createTextNode('')); // Necessary for Webkit.
// We place it in the head with the other style tags, if possible, so as to
// not look out of place. We insert before the others so these styles can be
// overridden if necessary.
firstStyleEl = document.head.querySelector('[rel="stylesheet"],style');
if (firstStyleEl === undefined) {
} else {
document.head.insertBefore(style, firstStyleEl);
style.sheet.insertRule(linkRule, style.sheet.cssRules.length);
style.sheet.insertRule(hoverRule, style.sheet.cssRules.length);
style.sheet.insertRule(pseudoElContent, style.sheet.cssRules.length);
style.sheet.insertRule(anchorjsLinkFontFace, style.sheet.cssRules.length);
return AnchorJS;