blob: 27f7d93c237a294595ff3a26335352a4c3d98772 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.doxia.module.xhtml;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.doxia.markup.HtmlMarkup;
import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink;
import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.impl.AbstractSinkTest;
import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.impl.SinkEventAttributeSet;
import static org.apache.maven.doxia.util.HtmlTools.escapeHTML;
* @author Jason van Zyl
* @version $Id$
* @since 1.0
public class XhtmlSinkTest
extends AbstractSinkTest
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String outputExtension()
return "xhtml";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected Sink createSink( Writer writer )
return new XhtmlSink( writer, "UTF-8" );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected boolean isXmlSink()
return true;
* Test link generation.
* @throws java.lang.Exception if any.
public void testLinks()
throws Exception
XhtmlSink sink = null;
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
sink = (XhtmlSink) createSink( writer ); "http:/" );
sink.link_(); "./index.html#anchor" );
sink.link_(); "../index.html#anchor" );
sink.link_(); "index.html" );
if ( sink != null )
String actual = writer.toString();
assertTrue( actual.contains( "<a class=\"externalLink\" href=\"http:/\"></a>" ) );
assertTrue( actual.contains( "<a href=\"./index.html#anchor\"></a>" ) );
assertTrue( actual.contains( "<a href=\"../index.html#anchor\"></a>" ) );
assertTrue( actual.contains( "<a href=\"index.html\"></a>" ) );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getTitleBlock( String title )
return "<title>" + title + "</title>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getAuthorBlock( String author )
return author;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getDateBlock( String date )
return date;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getHeadBlock()
return "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">" +
"<html xmlns=\"\">\n<head>\n<title></title>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"/></head>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getBodyBlock()
return "<body></body></html>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getArticleBlock()
return "";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getNavigationBlock()
return "";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getSidebarBlock()
return "";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getSectionTitleBlock( String title )
return title;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getSection1Block( String title )
return "<div class=\"section\">\n<h2>" + title + "</h2></div>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getSection2Block( String title )
return "<div class=\"section\">\n<h3>" + title + "</h3></div>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getSection3Block( String title )
return "<div class=\"section\">\n<h4>" + title + "</h4></div>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getSection4Block( String title )
return "<div class=\"section\">\n<h5>" + title + "</h5></div>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getSection5Block( String title )
return "<div class=\"section\">\n<h6>" + title + "</h6></div>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getHeaderBlock()
return "";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getContentBlock()
return "";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getFooterBlock()
return "";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getListBlock( String item )
return "<ul>\n<li>" + item + "</li></ul>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getNumberedListBlock( String item )
return "<ol style=\"list-style-type: lower-roman\">\n<li>" + item + "</li></ol>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getDefinitionListBlock( String definum, String definition )
return "<dl>\n<dt>" + definum + "</dt>\n<dd>" + definition + "</dd></dl>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getFigureBlock( String source, String caption )
String figureBlock = "<img src=\"" + escapeHTML( source, true ) + "\"";
if( caption != null )
figureBlock += " alt=\"" + caption + "\"";
else //@todo fix DOXIA-361
figureBlock += " alt=\"\"";
figureBlock += " />";
return figureBlock;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getTableBlock( String cell, String caption )
return "<table border=\"0\" class=\"bodyTable\">"
+ "<caption>Table caption</caption><tr class=\"a\">\n<td>cell</td></tr>"
+ "</table>";
// Disable testTable until the order of attributes issue is clarified
// TODO: remove
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void testTable()
assertEquals( "Dummy!", "", "" );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getParagraphBlock( String text )
return "<p>" + text + "</p>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getDataBlock( String value, String text )
return text;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getTimeBlock( String datetime, String text )
return text;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getAddressBlock( String text )
return "<address>" + text + "</address>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getBlockquoteBlock( String text )
return "<blockquote>" + text + "</blockquote>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getDivisionBlock( String text )
return "<div>" + text + "</div>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getVerbatimBlock( String text )
return "<div class=\"source\">\n<pre>" + text + "</pre></div>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getHorizontalRuleBlock()
return "<hr />";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getPageBreakBlock()
return "<!-- PB -->";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getAnchorBlock( String anchor )
return "<a name=\"" + anchor + "\">" + anchor + "</a>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getLinkBlock( String link, String text )
return "<a href=\"" + link + "\">" + text + "</a>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getInlineBlock( String text )
return text;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getInlineItalicBlock( String text )
return "<i>" + text + "</i>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getInlineBoldBlock( String text )
return "<b>" + text + "</b>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getInlineCodeBlock( String text )
return "<code>" + text + "</code>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getItalicBlock( String text )
return "<i>" + text + "</i>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getBoldBlock( String text )
return "<b>" + text + "</b>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getMonospacedBlock( String text )
return "<tt>" + text + "</tt>";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getLineBreakBlock()
return "<br />";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getLineBreakOpportunityBlock()
return "";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getNonBreakingSpaceBlock()
return "&#160;";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getTextBlock( String text )
// TODO: need to be able to retreive those from outside the sink
return "~,_=,_-,_+,_*,_[,_],_&lt;,_&gt;,_{,_},_\\";
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getRawTextBlock( String text )
return text;
* Test entities is section titles and paragraphs.
public void testEntities()
XhtmlSink sink = null;
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
sink = new XhtmlSink( writer );
sink.section( Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_1, null );
sink.sectionTitle( Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_1, null );
sink.text( "&", null );
sink.sectionTitle_( Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_1 );
sink.paragraph( null );
sink.text( "&", null );
sink.section_( Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_1 );
assertEquals( "<div class=\"section\">\n<h2>&amp;</h2>\n<p>&amp;</p></div>", writer.toString() );
* Test head events.
public void testHead()
XhtmlSink sink = null;
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
sink = new XhtmlSink( writer );
sink.text( "Title" );
sink.comment( "A comment" );;
// note: this is really illegal, there should be no un-resolved entities emitted into text()
sink.text( "&#x123;&" );
SinkEventAttributeSet atts = new SinkEventAttributeSet( 1 );
atts.addAttribute( "href", "" );
sink.unknown( "base", new Object[] { HtmlMarkup.TAG_TYPE_SIMPLE }, atts );
String expected =
"<head>\n<title>Title</title><!--A comment--><meta name=\"author\" content=\"&#x123;&amp;\" />"
+ "<base href=\"\" /></head>";
String actual = writer.toString();
assertTrue( actual, actual.contains( expected ) );
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getCommentBlock( String text )
return "<!--" + toXmlComment( text ) + "-->";