blob: 2519f5a1e6a8bcb92df3a1a64a30b7dbd92a78e5 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.maven.archetype.artifact
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled
import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact
* @author raphaelpieroni
* @plexus.component
class DefaultArchetypeArtifactManager
extends AbstractLogEnabled
implements ArchetypeArtifactManager {
* @plexus.requirement
ArtifactResolver artifactResolver
* @plexus.requirement
ArtifactFactory artifactFactory
def getFilesetArchetypeDescriptor( File archetypeFile ) {
ZipFile zipFile = getArchetypeZipFile( archetypeFile )
ZipEntry entry = zipFile.getEntry( ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR.replaceAll( File.separator, "/" ) )
if( !entry ) {
logger.debug "No found ${ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR} retrying with windows path"
entry = zipFile.getEntry( ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR.replaceAll( "/", File.separator ) )
if( !entry ) throw new IOException( "The ${ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR} descriptor cannot be found." )
zipFile.getInputStream entry
def getFilesetArchetypeResources( File archetypeFile ) {
ZipFile zipFile = getArchetypeZipFile( archetypeFile )
zipFile.entries().findAll { entry ->
!entry.isDirectory() && ( 'archetype-resources/' )
}.collect { entry -> 'archetype-resources/', ''
def getArchetypeZipFile( File archetypeFile ) {
logger.debug "Loading zip file ${archetypeFile.exists()} ${archetypeFile}"
new ZipFile( archetypeFile )
def getArchetypeFile( String groupId, String artifactId, String version,
ArtifactRepository localRepository, List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories ) {
Artifact artifact = artifactFactory.createArtifact( groupId, artifactId, version,
Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME, 'jar' )
artifactResolver.resolve( artifact, remoteRepositories, localRepository )
def isLegacyArchetype( File archetypeFile ) {
ZipFile zipFile = getArchetypeZipFile( archetypeFile )
ZipEntry regularDescriptor = zipFile.getEntry( ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR.replaceAll( File.separator, "/" ) )
if( !regularDescriptor ) {
regularDescriptor = zipFile.getEntry( ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR.replaceAll( "/", File.separator ) )
if( regularDescriptor ) return false
ZipEntry legacyDescriptor = zipFile.getEntry( LEGACY_ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR.replaceAll( File.separator, "/" ) )
if( !legacyDescriptor ) {
legacyDescriptor = zipFile.getEntry( LEGACY_ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR.replaceAll( "/", File.separator ) )
if( !legacyDescriptor ) {
legacyDescriptor = zipFile.getEntry( OLD_LEGACY_ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR.replaceAll( File.separator, "/" ) )
if( !legacyDescriptor ) {
legacyDescriptor = zipFile.getEntry( OLD_LEGACY_ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR.replaceAll( "/", File.separator ) )
if( legacyDescriptor ) return true
return false
def getLegacyArchetypeDescriptor( File archetypeFile ) {
ZipFile zipFile = getArchetypeZipFile( archetypeFile )
ZipEntry entry = zipFile.getEntry( LEGACY_ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR.replaceAll( File.separator, "/" ) )
if( !entry ) {
logger.debug "No found ${LEGACY_ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR} retrying with windows path"
entry = zipFile.getEntry( LEGACY_ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR.replaceAll( "/", File.separator ) )
if( !entry ) {
entry = zipFile.getEntry( OLD_LEGACY_ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR.replaceAll( File.separator, "/" ) )
if( !entry ) {
logger.debug "No found ${OLD_LEGACY_ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR} retrying with windows path"
entry = zipFile.getEntry( OLD_LEGACY_ARCHETYPE_DESCRIPTOR.replaceAll( "/", File.separator ) )
zipFile.getInputStream entry
def getNestedArchetypeFiles( archetype, localRepository, repositories, archetypeFileMap = [:] ) {
def archetypeFile = getArchetypeFile(
archetype.groupId, archetype.artifactId, archetype.version,
localRepository, repositories )
archetypeFileMap[(archetype)] = archetypeFile
if( !isLegacyArchetype( archetypeFile ) ) {
getNestedArchetypes( archetypeFile, localRepository, repositories ).each { nestedArchetype ->
getNestedArchetypeFiles( nestedArchetype, localRepository, repositories, archetypeFileMap )
return archetypeFileMap
def getNestedArchetypes( archetypeFile, localRepository, repositories ) {
logger.debug "Searching for nested archetype of ${archetypeFile}"
def descriptor = new XmlSlurper().parse( getFilesetArchetypeDescriptor( archetypeFile ) )
def nestedArchetypes = []
descriptor.modules.module.each {
if( it.@nested.toBoolean() ) {
logger.debug "Module ${it.@artifactId.toString()} is a nested archetype"
nestedArchetypes.add toDefinition( it )
} else {
logger.debug "Module ${it.@artifactId.toString()} is a regular module"
getInnerArchetypes it, nestedArchetypes, localRepository, repositories
return nestedArchetypes
void getInnerArchetypes( module, nestedArchetypes, localRepository, repositories ) {
module.modules.module.each {
if( it.@nested.toBoolean() ) {
logger.debug "Module ${it.@artifactId.toString()} is a nested archetype"
nestedArchetypes.add toDefinition( it )
} else {
logger.debug "Module ${it.@artifactId.toString()} is a regular module"
getInnerArchetypes it, nestedArchetypes, localRepository, repositories
def toDefinition( module ) {