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Mahout-Samsara's Distributed Linear Algebra DSL Reference

Note: this page is meant only as a quick reference to Mahout-Samsara‘s R-Like DSL semantics. For more information, including information on Mahout-Samsara’s Algebraic Optimizer please see: Mahout Scala Bindings and Mahout Spark Bindings for Linear Algebra Subroutines.

The subjects of this reference are solely applicable to Mahout-Samsara's DRM (distributed row matrix).

In this reference, DRMs will be denoted as e.g. A, and in-core matrices as e.g. inCoreA.


The following imports are used to enable seamless in-core and distributed algebraic DSL operations:

import org.apache.mahout.math._
import scalabindings._
import RLikeOps._
import drm._
import RLikeDRMOps._

If working with mixed scala/java code:

import collection._
import JavaConversions._

If you are working with Mahout-Samsara's Spark-specific operations e.g. for context creation:

import org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings._

The Mahout shell does all of these imports automatically.

DRM Persistence operators

Mahout-Samsara's DRM persistance to HDFS is compatible with all Mahout-MapReduce algorithms such as seq2sparse.

Loading a DRM from (HD)FS:

drmDfsRead(path = hdfsPath)

Parallelizing from an in-core matrix:

val inCoreA = (dense(1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5))
val A = drmParallelize(inCoreA)

Creating an empty DRM:

val A = drmParallelizeEmpty(100, 50)

Collecting to driver's jvm in-core:

val inCoreA = A.collect

Warning: The collection of distributed matrices happens implicitly whenever conversion to an in-core (o.a.m.math.Matrix) type is required. E.g.:

val inCoreA: Matrix = ...
val drmB: DrmLike[Int] =...
val inCoreC: Matrix = inCoreA %*%: drmB

implies (incoreA %*%: drmB).collect

Collecting to (HD)FS as a Mahout's DRM formatted file:

A.dfsWrite(path = hdfsPath)

Logical algebraic operators on DRM matrices:

A logical set of operators are defined for distributed matrices as a subset of those defined for in-core matrices. In particular, since all distributed matrices are immutable, there are no assignment operators (e.g. A += B) Note: please see: Mahout Scala Bindings and Mahout Spark Bindings for Linear Algebra Subroutines for information on Mahout-Samsars's Algebraic Optimizer, and translation from logical operations to a physical plan for the back end.

Cache a DRM and trigger an optimized physical plan:


Other valid caching Instructions:


Note: Logical DRM operations are lazily computed. Currently the actual computations and optional caching will be triggered by dfsWrite(...), collect(...) and blockify(...).



Elementwise addition (Matrices of identical geometry and row key types):

A + B

Elementwise subtraction (Matrices of identical geometry and row key types):

A - B

Elementwise multiplication (Hadamard) (Matrices of identical geometry and row key types):

A * B

Elementwise division (Matrices of identical geometry and row key types):

A / B

Elementwise operations involving one in-core argument (int-keyed DRMs only):

A + inCoreB
A - inCoreB
A * inCoreB
A / inCoreB
A :+ inCoreB
A :- inCoreB
A :* inCoreB
A :/ inCoreB
inCoreA +: B
inCoreA -: B
inCoreA *: B
inCoreA /: B

Note the Spark associativity change (e.g. A *: inCoreB means B.leftMultiply(A), same as when both arguments are in core). Whenever operator arguments include both in-core and out-of-core arguments, the operator can only be associated with the out-of-core (DRM) argument to support the distributed implementation.

Matrix-matrix multiplication %*%:


A %*% B
A %*% inCoreB
A %*% inCoreDiagonal
A %*%: B

Note: same as above, whenever operator arguments include both in-core and out-of-core arguments, the operator can only be associated with the out-of-core (DRM) argument to support the distributed implementation.

Matrix-vector multiplication %*% Currently we support a right multiply product of a DRM and an in-core Vector(\(\mathbf{Ax}\)) resulting in a single column DRM, which then can be collected in front (usually the desired outcome):

val Ax = A %*% x
val inCoreX = Ax.collect(::, 0)

Matrix-scalar +,-,*,/ Elementwise operations of every matrix element and a scalar:

A + 5.0
A - 5.0
A :- 5.0
5.0 -: A
A * 5.0
A / 5.0
5.0 /: a

Note that 5.0 -: A means \(m_{ij} = 5 - a_{ij}\) and 5.0 /: A means \(m_{ij} = \frac{5}{a{ij}}\) for all elements of the result.


General slice:

A(100 to 200, 100 to 200)

Horizontal Block:

A(::, 100 to 200)

Vertical Block:

A(100 to 200, ::)

Note: if row range is not all-range (::) the the DRM must be Int-keyed. General case row slicing is not supported by DRMs with key types other than Int.


Stitch side by side (cbind R semantics):

val drmAnextToB = drmA cbind drmB

Stitch side by side (Scala):

val drmAnextToB = drmA.cbind(drmB)

Analogously, vertical concatenation is available via rbind

Custom pipelines on blocks

Internally, Mahout-Samsara's DRM is represented as a distributed set of vertical (Key, Block) tuples.


The DRM operator mapBlock provides transformational access to the distributed vertical blockified tuples of a matrix (Row-Keys, Vertical-Matrix-Block).

Using mapBlock to add 1.0 to a DRM:

val inCoreA = dense((1, 2, 3), (2, 3 , 4), (3, 4, 5))
val drmA = drmParallelize(inCoreA)
val B = A.mapBlock() {
    case (keys, block) => keys -> (block += 1.0)

Broadcasting Vectors and matrices to closures

Generally we can create and use one-way closure attributes to be used on the back end.

Scalar matrix multiplication:

val factor: Int = 15
val drm2 = drm1.mapBlock() {
    case (keys, block) => block *= factor
    keys -> block

Closure attributes must be java-serializable. Currently Mahout's in-core Vectors and Matrices are not java-serializable, and must be broadcast to the closure using drmBroadcast(...):

val v: Vector ...
val bcastV = drmBroadcast(v)
val drm2 = drm1.mapBlock() {
    case (keys, block) =>
        for(row <- 0 until block.nrow) block(row, ::) -= bcastV
    keys -> block    

Computations providing ad-hoc summaries

Matrix cardinality:


Note: depending on the stage of optimization, these may trigger a computational action. I.e. if one calls nrow() n times, then the back end will actually recompute nrow n times.

Means and sums:


Note: These will always trigger a computational action. I.e. if one calls colSums() n times, then the back end will actually recompute colSums n times.

Distributed Matrix Decompositions

To import the decomposition package:

import org.apache.mahout.math._
import decompositions._

Distributed thin QR:

val (drmQ, incoreR) = dqrThin(drmA)

Distributed SSVD:

val (drmU, drmV, s) = dssvd(drmA, k = 40, q = 1)

Distributed SPCA:

val (drmU, drmV, s) = dspca(drmA, k = 30, q = 1)

Distributed regularized ALS:

val (drmU, drmV, i) = dals(drmA,
                        k = 50,
                        lambda = 0.0,
                        maxIterations = 10,
                        convergenceThreshold = 0.10))

Adjusting parallelism of computations

Set the minimum parallelism to 100 for computations on drmA:

drmA.par(min = 100)

Set the exact parallelism to 100 for computations on drmA:

drmA.par(exact = 100)

Set the engine specific automatic parallelism adjustment for computations on drmA:

drmA.par(auto = true)

Retrieving the engine specific data structure backing the DRM:

A Spark RDD:

val myRDD = drmA.checkpoint().rdd

An H2O Frame and Key Vec:

val myFrame = drmA.frame
val myKeys = drmA.keys

A Flink DataSet:

val myDataSet = drmA.ds

For more information including information on Mahout-Samsara's Algebraic Optimizer and in-core Linear algebra bindings see: Mahout Scala Bindings and Mahout Spark Bindings for Linear Algebra Subroutines